DNB - Class fight

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Dream clenched his fists as he looked across the room, biting his bottom lip as his eyes were graced with a pink haired male, with ruby red eyes, and a fucking huge body.. The dirty blonde wouldn't admit it out loud, but he may or may not of had a slight crush on the man.

He took note of how the class was just half way through, and the entire time he had been focused on the boy across the class. He noticed a certain someone purposely drop his pencil, bending over and grabbing it- purposely showing his ass to the pinkette. The teacher wasn't looking when he did it, only when he was sitting back down.

God, Dream fucking hated them.. It seemed like they had Techno wrapped around their finger, and it was fucking shit.. Dream leaned his head in his hands, sighing sadly as he thought about what he could do better with himself, to make his crush notice him- like him. If not in a romantic way, in a.. friend way.

If he couldn't date his crush, he wanted to at least be friends with him.. God, Dream was so undesirable. There's no way someone so, so godly and perfect could ever even look his way. Dream let his head lay on the desk, his nails digging into his pants. After class had ended, the teacher walked over to him, putting a few notes on Dream's desk.

"Dream, could you take these to Devon?" She asked, smiling softly. Dream nodded silently, picking up the notes and walking out of class- now searching for that... his classmate. He stood in the hallway, wide eyes staring at the scene in front of him. He felt tears building as he watched two pairs of lips connect.

Davon- He was.. kissing.. Techno... Dream gave Davon the notes before running off, he needed a bit of time to.. think. He wanted to just- be in Davon's shoes. Dream wanted to feel Techno's chapped lips on his own, he wanted to tell him how much he loved him, but.. that obviously wasn't happening..

He wouldn't lie, his mind was filled with, violent thoughts- he wouldn't listen to them, though. During the small break between classes, he sat in the bathroom, on call with his parents. "Mama.. why do I feel sad? Should I just, give him away? Or feel this bad?.." He asked quietly, trying to keep himself from crying.

"No no no, don't you choke!" He heard his mother's stern voice speak, sounding, angrier than normal. "Go for the throat!" His father yelled in the background, and Dream could practically hear the smile on his face. When the first break time came around, most people went outside, some to the fields, some to the playground.

Dream had chosen to just read on one of the benches. He certainly didn't expect his crush to walk over, and actually be interested. "What're you reading there? Ohh, The art of war? That's a good one," Techno spoke behind him, and Dream tensed, his face starting to heat up as he looked back at him.

"You alright there? You're face is all red," The pinkette smiled slightly, watching as Dream turned again, burying his face in his hands. As if on cue, as soon as Dream calmed down, a certain male had already walked over, pushing Dream to the ground. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" He yelled, looking down at the dirty blonde.

Techno backed up a bit, knowing damn well that if Dream wanted to protect himself, he would and could. He wasn't some damsel in distress. The pinkette barely noticed the shiny metal object in Devon's hand before it was put to work. Dream cried out in pain as the knife dug into his skin, bits of blood already dripping.

Dream didn't fight back much, just reaching up to grab Devon's wrist, making him keep the knife in the same spot. He dealt with the man above him punching his face repeatedly, it was fine. He didn't want to hurt the other, so he let it happen for a bit- assuming he'd stop soon. He was wrong. It had been five minutes, and now Dream's entire face hurt like fuck.

The dirty blonde gasped in pain as he went to move the other's arm, accidentally moving it so it cut more skin. He shoved Devon back, clenching his fists. Both of them stood up, one trying to fight the other again.

Dream quickly got the other male in a control hold, ignoring the major pain coming from his nose- which was probably broken, his jaw, which made a cracking sound earlier, his arm which was cut, and then everything else as well. Who knew listing what you were trying to ignore would bring your attention to it?

Whatever, the dirty blonde spotted a teacher running over. Techno walked over, leaning in to whisper into Dream's ear. "See you later, My little monster~" He hummed before walking off, Dream's entire face going red. "Mr. Wastaken! Let go of Devon this instance! What are you doing?!" The teacher yelled, both of them being grabbed by the ear.

"Restraining him, obviously,"

Based on the song 'Class Fight' by Melanie Martinez. If you haven't, go listen to her! In my opinion, she's an awesome artist u-u

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