No ship again - Ghostinnit...? </3

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No ship
Angst </3
Warning: Suicide, Dead Tommy, Big bro Dream
3rd Person

Dream's eyes widened, and he reached out to his blonde brother, watching as he fell backwards and off of the path. Dream cried out, running forwards and trying to catch him, though, their fingers brushed together for a split second, nothing more.

Sapnap and George soon came through the portal, seeing Dream leaning over the edge, reaching down whilst crying. Sapnap ran over first, helping him up, or trying to, only being pushed away by him.

"No!! Leave me alone! Don't touch me!" Dream screamed, shaking his head. Sapnap noticed Tommy's scarf on the netherrack, and his eyes widened when he realised what had happened.

"Dream- He's- He's gone.." Sapnap mumbled, only earning more cries from Dream, who refused to believe it. He had to be alive! He had to be! He couldn't of died!!

George covered his mouth, before hugging Dream, ignoring how many times the dirty blonde tried to push him away. He eventually gave in, just, sobbing and screaming, shaking his head.

Ghostbur floated through the portal, picking up Tommy's scarf as it was just laying there, before noticing Dream, George, and Sapnap. He floated over, hearing and seeing Dream crying and screaming, whilst George and Sapnap hugged him.

"Dream? Are you alright? Would you like some blue?" Ghostbur asked, handing him some blue. Dream smiled slightly at him, before he went back to crying, curling up.

Ghostbur looked around a bit for Tommy, though never found him. Well, he found him, but it wasn't human him. He found Tommy, but as a ghost! Ghostbur smiled, hugging the new ghost.

Tommy wasn't as happy however,yes, hugging him back, but not smiling. Ghostbur lead the ghost to Dream, Sap, and George, looking at them for a moment. Tommy quickly floated over to them.

".....Dream....?" Tommy spoke, Dream shooting up quickly. Dream covered his mouth, hugging Tommy tightly, or, trying to. Until Tommy figured out how to leave his ghost form, he couldn't be touched by humans.

Tommy smiled, floating around Dream a bit, and watching as the dirty blonde's mood slightly increased, though, he kept crying, because... who wouldn't, Tommy had died.

The end.
Alright, again, I wrote this on discord
Imma stop adding these end messages for now- I'm sorry-
Love you all!

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