Dreambur - 'Not the gentles'

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TW: Implied sexual abuse, Implied Pedophilia, Implied r*pe, Dream as Kotoko Utsugi, i think that's it-

 Dream lifted his shirt over his head, pulling it off with ease- only struggle from it sticking to his skin due to the blood- He was grateful for having an non-biological older sibling who he could steal clothes from. Dream quietly hummed along to the song that was on- Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood- as he pulled off his pants, keeping himself from looking down whatsoever.

He looked up slightly in fact, because, well, he hated looking at his own body. His own -almost- nude body, at least. Whenever he was fully clothed, he could stare at himself for hours - admiring how different he looked compared to back then.. "No, cut that shit out me. We're Dream the man now," He told himself, scolding his mind slightly.

If he were paying attention to his surroundings, he would have heard the door creak open, but, he didn't. He was lost in his own world at the moment, currently pulling a pair of shorts up his legs - it was a relatively hot day, he didn't want to be all sweaty and gross. Just as he managed to get the bottom half of his clothing on, he was suddenly grabbed by the person behind him, their hands warm on his skin.

Dream nearly screamed, but he kept that in, just quickly turning to see who they were. "Dream, sit down, let me help you-" Sapnap told him, looking into Dream's eyes- they looked different then they should, and they definitely weren't green. They were a vivid shade of pink, which was honestly pretty.

"No, I can do it myse-" Dream started, trying to cover up his top half- why didn't Sapnap fucking knock? The dirty blonde was forcibly shut up when he was pushed down onto the bed, the hands having touched his chest- it was clear Sap didn't mean to, but, it scared him. Dream stopped arguing after that, clenching his fists.

Sapnap apologised quietly before sitting behind the dirty blonde, starting to tend to the wounds. Dream said nothing, staring at the floor- he felt bad for not saying anything, but he couldn't force himself to say anything at the same time. The warm hands went to his shoulder's, rubbing them gently to try and help Dream relax.

He had just finished cleaning them and bandaging most of them. In order to finish, he needed Dream not to be tense, otherwise it would be really annoying to do. Somewhere in Sapnap's mind, he thought of a sentence, and he let it slip out without really thinking much. "Just Relax for me, I'll be gentle," The ravenette muttered softly into Dream's ear, the man's breathing suddenly growing erratic.

Dream tore himself away from Sapnap, even if it resulted in himself on the floor. "N-no- Don't say that!! An-anything but the gentles!!" He cried loudly, shaking a lot. Sap just stared at him, getting the grand idea to ask him what was wrong. "What's wrong with the word Gen-" Dream screamed, hugging his knees to his chest. "Not the gentles!!!!" He screamed, tears rushing down his cheeks.

The dirty blonde shook his head as he slowly rocked himself back and forth, repeating 'not the gentles' and 'anything but the gentles' in between sobs. Another came running in, observing the room quickly before rushing to Dream, carefully grabbing one of his hands. "Dream, Dream, baby, it's me, it's Wilbur, can you hear me?"

The brunette tried, caressing the back of Dream's hand with his thumb. He didn't get a response, just more sobbing. "Okay.. Can you list 5 things you can see?" Wilbur tried again, smiling faintly when he saw the dirty blonde's eyes scan the room, presumably listing in his head. Once he stopped, Wil moved on.

"There you go, now, 4 things you can feel?" Dream's hand slightly twitched before he returned the grip on Wilbur's hand, the other hand of his feeling the area near him. "You're doing great, 3 things you can hear?" This time, the other use his voice. "Y-You, breathing- An-And- clothes-" He managed to get out, earning a smile from the other.

"Good, Good, 2 things you can smell?" "Y-Your cologne, Niki's cook-cookies.." Dream held Wil's hand tighter, tears still running down his cheeks - his breathing was better though. "And to finish it all, 1 thing you can taste," Wil smiled softly at the other. "Candy fr-rom before.." Dream stammered. "Good job, My love.." Dream suddenly tackled Wilbur, silently crying into his shoulder. 

"Can you tell me about it?.." Wilbur asked quietly, running a hand through the dirty blonde's hair - which wasn't put up for once- as he did so. "P-papa and his frie-friends... would always.. always tell me he'd be gen-gentle.. and-and- " Dream spoke briefly, not wanting to think anymore about it. "I'm... I'm so sorry, Dream, but.. I promise, I'll protect you and that will never happen again,"

"I c-can protect myself..." "You can but, I like the idea of protecting you, now, let's get you a shirt, yeah?" "Ye-Yeah... Than-Thanks Wil..." "Anytime, my love,"

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