AwesamDream? - Requested - I'm so done with you.

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AwesamDream? Samwastaken? (Sam x Dream)
Requested by: Ayo_I_love_angst
- Cheating
- Pretty short
- Break up
- Sam is a bit of a bitch here tbh
- Angst
- I'll try to write something longer next-
- Hope you guys enjoy
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Dream groaned as he rubbed his eyes, walking to his soon-to-be husband's room. He had just woken up and Sam wasn't in their shared room. He reached Sam's door and could hear whispering from inside. Dream froze for a moment- Sam always told him when someone was coming over. He took a deep breath before knocking.

He got no answer so he knocked again- still nothing. The dirty blonde thought for a couple seconds before saying he was coming in and pushing open the door. He knew Sam wasn't asleep and if he wasn't he'd normally say something. "Sammy..?" Dream stopped everything when he saw Sam with another person.

If they were talking or hugging, Dream wouldn't care- but Sam was on top of them and kissing them. The greenette looked up at him, his eyes wide. "Dream! Hey wait, I-I can explain," Dream waited for the explanation. "Baby? Who's he?" Dream felt bad for them. "I'm Dream, his fiance.. He didn't say anything?" Dream kept his eyes on Sam.

"Fiance?! Sam, you told me you were single!" The person yelled, pushing Sam off and getting up. "Dream, I'm so sorry.. If I knew he was getting married, I-" Dream smiled at them. "It's fine, ...?" He didn't know their name. "Dan," They quickly said their goodbyes and Dan ran out. "Dream.. You know I'd never cheat on you-" Sam tried.

"You've been with him before, Sam. You fucking had sex while I was here, how are you gonna explain that?" Dream crossed his arms, leaning against the door frame. "Dream- I'm sorry, i-it's just.. you've been busy and tired and I needed some relief..." The dirty blonde stopped leaning aganst the door frame, walking over to Sam.

"Sam. I'm sick of this, do you understand how many people you have taken home while I've been here? Dan, Rebbeca, Adrien, Alyssa, Harry, the list goes on," Sam looked down. "I thought you were okay with it-" Dream pushed Sam back.

"Bullshit! I've called you out on this so many fucking times! I'm so done wih you constantly lying to me! If you had asked if you could sleep with other people, I would've been fine with it!" Sam wasn't expecting Dream to start yelling. "Then why aren't you n-" Dream cut Sam off again.

"Why aren't I okay with it? Well, let's fucking see! You lied to my face about it, you went behind my back, you tried to hide it from me, and you acted like you did nothing wrong. That good enough?" Dream listed off a few reasons, keeping eye contact with Sam. He wanted the greenette to realize he fucked up.

"..Dream..." Sam muttered- he knew he messed up, but he couldn't let Dream leave him. He just couldn't. "Sam. If you don't fucking explain yourself right now, we're over and I'm leaving. The wedding's off," Dream crossed his arms. "Dream- hey, come on.. I won't do it again..I'm sorry.." Sam pulled Dream into a hug, despite knowing he'd pull away quickly.

"...I'm packing my things," Dream made Sam let him go before walking to their shared room and grabbing a few bags. He put everything that was his in it and went to his own room. He finished packing everything and opened the front door. "Treat the next person right," And then Dream left. The dirty blonde went to George's house, hoping he would be able to stay there.

If not he could always stay in the community house. "Who is it?" George asked from inside. "It's Dream," Dream hummed. "Come in, what's up?" George opened the door. "...Sam cheated, again. I'm so fucking done with him.." Dream muttered, looking down. "Dream, I'm so sorry. Do you wanna stay here?" Dream nodded, hugging the brunette.

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Yeah- That's all, cya everyone! Love you all! <3<3

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