Abusive DNF - "Destiny"

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- Abuse
- Sexual punishment (no consent)
- Practical torture

- George is a fucking bitch in this
- Transphobia (?)
- Misgendering
- Deadnaming
- Sexual harassment/assault

 "George.." Dream muttered, his entire body tense as he could see how annoyed his lover was getting. They had been streaming for a few hours, without face cam of course- and people were talking about how manly Dream probably was, how they wanted to see him, so on and so forth.

Now, others may think it's sweet that George disliked people talking about wanting to see Dream, when he's not comfortable, however, it wasn't that part that was annoying the brunette. Dream knew for a fact it was because of them calling Dream a guy. The dirty blonde was trans, he recently came out to George and, it had not gone well whatsoever..

"Alright guys! I think I'm going to end stream here, thank you all for showing up, and I'll see you next time!" George said with his normal tone, though as soon as the stream was closed, he looked pissed off again. "Y-You're not mad.. at me... right?" George didn't say anything, instead deciding to grope the other's breasts.

"G-George- Please d-don't.. I'm still s-sore-" Dream tried to convince the other not to do anything more, but he was stopped by a hand squeezing around his throat. "You'll take what I fucking give, dumb fucking whore. I don't care if you're still sore, baby girl, you know you fucking like it," The brunette growled, looking at the sight now in front of him.

Dream had tears in his eyes already and he was desperately trying to loosen the grip around his neck. He was shaking a lot, and his lips were quivering as well. "Stupid bitch," George let go of the younger's throat, listening to him gasp for air before apologizing repeatedly. "I'm sorry- I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry- Please- I'm sorry-" He started crying.

"Shut up, stupid girl, you tricked us all and made us think you were a man. They still think you are," George huffed, leaning down to lick his partner's neck. "You hid that you were a girl, a beautiful, slutty girl," George started undoing Dream's dress, pulling on the laces at the back. "N-No- I'm not a-a girl- G-Gogy- Please-" Dream stammered, shaking his head.

He didn't want George calling him that, he hated it. George knew that. "You know you are a girl, Destiny," George looked Dream in the eyes as he use his dead name, George finished untying the dress he forced Dream to wear, pulling it off of him. Dream couldn't fight the tears spilling from his eyes as his partner sucked on and groped his breasts again.

"I d-don't want this! George! S-Stop!" Dream sobbed, trying to push the brunette away from him. George didn't like that. "You fucking bitch, you'll take what I give you, and you'll be grateful," Dream's eyes widened as he heard the familiar sound of the other's bag, the one filled with different... 'punishments'.

"N-No- no no no! Please! I did-didn't break any rules! George please!" Dream was terrified. It had been a while since he had been punished with anything from that bag, "You know you did, Destiny," George grabbed a rope out, one with small spikes around it, loving the way Dream shook at the sight.

"The real question now is, do I keep you in the bedroom or the basement.. mm, Sapnap wants to come over, so basement it is," George thought out loud, grabbing the bag he had opened before, and then grabbing Dream's wrist. "George please- Please no- Please!" Dream begged as he was pulled out of the room, all the way down to the basement.

Dream kept trying to convince his lover to not do this, however, he was shut up when his wrists were tied above him. The rope was around some sort of ring in the roof, which would keep him hanging and keep him from moving too much. As if that wasn't enough, his legs were tied to the floor, so he couldn't move them.

George got a few more things out of the bag, one being a blindfold which he quickly wrapped around the dirty blonde's head, covering his eyes. The brunette then grabbed a camera, setting it up on a table, facing the topless male. "George- Please! Please let me go-" Dream tried again, tears running down his cheeks.

The dirty blonde's mouth gaped open as he felt something pushed into him almost immediately after his panties- again he was forced to wear it- were pulled down, a cry escaping him. George pulled the panties back up, keeping whatever was pushed into him from falling out. "I'll come back when Sapnap leaves, if you make too much of a mess I'm posting the video,"

George explained before walking back to the bag. He grabbed a remote from it, clicking 2 buttons on it before putting it back into the bag. Dream couldn't help but scream, whether it was pain, pleasure, fear, or anything like that, he didn't know. "George! PlEaSE!! DonT DO ThIS!" Dream screamed, small sobs escaping him still.

George walked upstairs, closing the door and smiling when he couldn't hear Dream. He knew the dirty blonde would still be screaming, but soundproofing did fucking wonders. The brunette went to the lounge, sitting down and waiting for Sapnap to arrive. About half an hour later, he stood up, hearing knocking. He opened the door, greeting Sapnap.

"Hey George!" The ravenette smiled, looking at him. "Dream still in his room or?" George mentally cursed, he knew he shouldn't of said how he and Dream lived together.. "Oh, yeah, He said he was going to go out shopping. I told Dest- er, Dream he should go out and hang with his old highschool friends," George spoke, forcing himself to smile.

He made a mistake, but Sapnap didn't seem to notice. "Alright man, anyways! What do you wanna do?" Sap smiled, wrapping an arm around George's shoulders. For a few hours, 5-6 hours maybe, George and Sapnap just hung out, playing some Minecraft at one point. Sapnap accidentally hit one of the zombified pigmen, and they had ran for their lives.

It was generally fun. "Well, I gotta get going man! I'll see you another time, it was fun hanging out with you!" Sapnap smiled, waving as he walked off. "Bye Sapnap!" George yelled back, sighing when he couldn't see the ravenette anymore.

"I guess I should probably check on Destiny, but I could leave her tied there for a day.. No, no, I should stop it for now. Maybe tonight," George thought out loud. The brunette walked to the basement door, opening it and walking down the stairs. He walked to the camera he had set up, not bothering to look up at Dream just yet.

He turned the camera off, putting it back in his bag before looking up to the dirty blonde he had tied up before. George couldn't fight the smile that came to his face when he saw Dream seemed to be unconscious, but still making small noises of discomfort. The brunette grabbed the remote and turned the device off.

George looked at the blood running down Dream's arms, dripping to the floor, his ankles too. He untied Dream, pulling the panties on him down and pulling out the vibrator he had put in him before. He took the blindfold off as well, before he looked at the puddle of bodily fluids on the floor. Cum, slick, drool, tears, and blood.

"You made a fucking mess, I warned you, you whore," George huffed, getting up and walking out of the basement. He decided to leave Dream in the basement, on the floor, in the small puddle. Dream would eventually get up and get out, he'd probably have a shower or a bath and clean himself up while he's at it. It wasn't that unlikely.

George decided to go to bed. When he woke up the next morning, he saw Dream curled up on a chair near the bed, covering his mouth to avoid letting out any sounds to wake his lover. "Good morning, Destiny. Now, I'm not sure if you heard last night, but, you did make quite the mess. Do you remember my warning?" George looked down at Dream, crossing his arms.

"G-George.. I'm sorry- P-Please don't post it, please-" Dream started begging, tears building in his eyes. "You should've listened then, should've tried not to make such a mess," George hummed, pushing down on Dream's crotch slightly, making the dirty blonde try to back away. Even getting dressed was painful, this was agonizing.

"I'm sure people will love to see a girl with such a body writhing in pain and pleasure," George grabbed his phone. He had already downloaded the video onto his phone, so there wasn't an issue with that. "I wonder if people will recognize your voice, that would be so embarrassing for you, wouldn't it?~ Oh, what if I posted it and mentioned you!" George laughed at the dirty blonde, a sick smile on his face.

"P-Please don't.." Dream whimpered, shaking his head slightly. "A slut like you doesn't get to decide what I do," Dream flinched at the words, and the tone. George looked at his phone, opening twitter and logging into a separate account, smiling widely. He posted the video, adding TWs just because otherwise it'd be taken down, and he decided to say 'Hmm, the voice sounds familiar <3' as the caption.

Dream begged him to delete it, tears running down his cheeks. Dream was left alone in the room, sobbing on the floor. After a while, he stopped crying and grabbed his phone. Maybe nobody had noticed.. The second he got onto twitter he wanted to scream. #isthisdream? was trending, #dreamisagirl? and #dreamisnotokay were trending as well.

The description of each was something related to the video. He could tell people were panicking, he was being spammed by so many people, on twitter, instagram, emails, and messages. He chose to make a tweet, to make everyone calm down. 'It's not me, but I am worried for that person' that was what he sent out.

His friends knew something was up, he could tell- they didn't stop messaging him. He finally gave in- he needed someone's help.. He chose to talk to Sapnap, pressing on his name quickly and starting to type out a sentence. 'Sap, please help, get me out of his house, please please please' He sent that to the ravenette, bringing his knees to his chest.

He flinched when he heard ringing from his phone. He answered quickly. "Sapnap please, oh god, If he finds out he'll- he'll probably kill me.. Sapnap please, I can't stay with George anymore, please.." Dream sobbed, his hands shaking.

"Destiny. I'm right here, Sapnap went to the bathroom," A familiar voice spoke from the other line, making Dream's eyes widen. Oh god he messed up.

I'm in no way saying George acts like this, I simply needed a bad guy and I was slightly annoyed at all the dnf I see everywhere--

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