Dreambur - Requested - I'm..so..so sorry.. </3 - <3

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Dreambur (Dream x Wilbur)
Requested by: @BaileyWells7
Angst </3, Fluff <3
Warnings (Should i start adding these every chapter?): Mentions of Abuse, Cussing, Mentions of Rape.. (I'm sorry)
(Set when Wilbur was president of L'manburg)
3rd Person

Wilbur and Dream were currently arguing, Why? Because Wilbur wanted more land for L'manburg, And Dream didn't want to give it to him. It wasn't a full on argument, at least, it wasn't. They were more trying to reason with the other about why they should/shouldn't get more land.

"Dream! I swear to fucking god!! Give us more land or I swear- I won't fucking hesitate to kill you all!!"

Wibur screamed, watching as Dream flinched. Dream wasn't scared because of the threat, as he knew he was way stronger than anybody else on the SMP, but, it was the yelling... and the fact Wilbur rose his hand, making Dream think he was going to get hit.

Dream backed up slightly, his eyes tearing up a bit, not that you could see them.

"I'll...th-think about it.."

Dream mumbled, before running off, not bothering to stop and close the door. Wilbur scoffed, not giving a shit, atleast, not until he realised what he had done, and that he almost hit Dream, along with yelling at him. Normally, with anyone else, it would be fine, but he had recently found out about Dream's... fears, and part of his past.

Dream ran to a clearing that was, over 2000 blocks away, purely so nobody would see him crying. He threw his mask to the side, falling to his knees and shaking as he cried. His past, His childhood, flashed through his mind, though, he couldn't help but focus on certain parts.

Drista was being yelled at by their mother for getting anything lower than an A, and she was about to hit her when Dream ran infront, raising his arms to the side. She took a look at his report, and she saw that 'he dared to get a C+' Needless to say she was furious.

She rose her hand, slapping him. Dream stumbled slightly to the side due to the pure force of the hit, whispering to Drista to go upstairs. His mother got closer to him, pushing him to the ground.

"Wait until your father hears about this!"

She shouted, making Dream's eyes widen in fear. He once got a normal B on his report, and that didn't end well, at all. It was why he didn't talk to many people during school. But... He got a C+ This time, and his father most certainly wouldn't be happy.

Dream covered his mouth, sobbing quietly as he remembered the third punishment he ever got, which was because of a detention he recieved for defending 2 new students, by the names Tommy and Tubbo, who were getting picked on by a senior.

Dream ran home from school, having stayed for an extra hour due to a fight that started by him standing up for two new kids, Tommy and Tubbo. He finally got home, panting heavily. He calmed his breathing before going inside, only to immediately get pushed to the floor, hitting his head.


Dream's father screamed at him, grabbing a fist full of his hair. Dream teared up, being about 14 at the time. His father slapped him, before pulling him up and dragging him to his, Dream's, room, which he shared with Drista and forcing him onto the bed. (I think you know what happened...)

Dream held himself, hyperventilating as the, feeling, from that situation came back to him, as if it had just happened. It felt so wrong... it hurt, it made him want to cry more, It made him... realise Drista had...watched the whole thing...

Dream started full on sobbing, curling up on the floor. He took his jumper off, using it as a temporary thing to lay on, crying into it as well. He hated crying so much, but he couldn't stop himself... His mind kept replaying that one 'punishment' over, and over, eventually moving onto other's like it.

Wilbur was looking everywhere for Dream, eventually coming to the conclusion he was far away. He realised where he went, as he always went there when something like this happened. He got on his horse, riding it to the clearing. When he got there, he quickly got off the horse, running to Dream and hugging him.

He rubbed his back, combing his fingers through his hair as well. He hushed him, planting multiple kisses on his forehead. He repeated the words, 'It's ok', 'I'm sorry', 'You're ok', 'They aren't here anymore', ect. To him, hoping it would calm him down.

Wilbur held the blonde's head to his chest, listening to his sobs as they got quieter, and quieter, and then they just, stopped. Wilbur heard soft snores from the other, and smiled slightly. He picked him up carefully, putting his jumper and mask in his enderchest for now.

He carried Dream to the horse, carefully placing him on, then getting on himself, behind Dream so he wouldn't fall off. He rode the horse back to his house with Dream, getting off as soon as they were there and taking Dream inside. He speed walked to his room, laying him down on the bed before laying next to him.

The end.
I'm sorry for the amount of angst in this- and the bad quality- TwT
Thank you for all your support! It really means a lot! <3<3<3
Also thank you for the request!
I hope you all know, I'll always be here to listen to you guys if you need to vent, or just wanna chat!
You can either message me on here, or on Discord, (@Hi i'm a cosplayer#1223)
Take care of yourselves!
Have a great day/afternoon/night!

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