Cream - Requested - In for a ride (Part 3 of "He's a demon in bed <3")

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Cream/Corpsewastaken (Corpse x Dream)
Requested by: MHA_bigfan1
- Kinda gay ngl
- They aren't in love either
- Dream is a monster fucker
- Smut
- Really short and quick like all of them
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Dream ran a hand through his hair, leaning back in his seat. They were back in the bar again- Dream seemed to be taking someone home every day, so he thought he'd try his luck again. He wanted to see if he could find another hybrid or demon or something again, he had been pretty good at that. Dream picked up his glass, smiling as Karl spoke about his day.

Apparently the brunette had gone to visit his family for a couple hours, went to a shop and found some chips that were half priced and met someone who he thought was cute. Dream was definitely going to tease him about that later. He would've done it right then if it weren't for a guy walking up to him.

"Hey uh, my friend thinks you're cute. He didn't know if you liked guys or not though and he was too scared to ask so.." The guy trailed off. "Oh right! My name's Sykkuno, that's Rae, Toast, and Corpse," He listed them off, pointing to each of them. "Mm, who's the one who sent you over here?" Dream hummed, looking at Sykkuno. He really liked the look of the last guy, Corpse? He silently hoped that was who.

"That would be Corpse, he might look scary but-" Dream cut him off, smiling softly. "Thank you," He got up from his seat, walking over to the table- more specifically, to Corpse. "Corpse?" Dream needed to make sure he knew for sure which one was Corpse. "Yeah.." Fuck his voice was hot. "Wanna go to my place?" Dream smiled, reaching down to grab the other's hand.

Corpse nodded, getting up and saying quick goodbyes to his friends. Dream just smiled at his own friends- they all knew exactly what was going to happen at this point. Dream called for a taxi and they went off to Dream's apartment. The dirty blonde wrapped his arms around Corpse's neck, pulling him into a kiss.

Dream removed his arms from Corpse's neck when they parted. Dream started undoing the other's pants, Corpse pushing him against a wall and kissing him as he did so. "Talk, please," Dream breathed out- he wanted to hear the other's voice, it was so attractive. "Mm, like this? You like my voice?" Corpse hummed out, smiling at Dream's reaction.

Corpse decided to see if Dream would listen to him. "Dream, get on your knees," He was happy to say Dream did listen immediately, dropping down to his knees. "Good boy.. You like being told what to do, baby? You look like you do.." Dream nodded, looking up at Corpse. "You want my dick? You'll have to do all the work," Corpse knew Dream understood what he meant.

"Get on the bed," Corpse liked being able to tell Dream what to do, he liked how Dream listened and seemed to enjoy it. Dream started getting up, Corpse pushed him back down. "I never said to stand up," Dream felt a blush form on his cheeks. He hesitated before crawling to the bed- he was used to being fucked right away, he didn't exactly mind the build up though.

"You're so pretty," Corpse commented, waiting for Dream to get onto the bed before walking over. "I could say the same to you.." Dream muttered- Corpse was attractive, that was far from a lie. "Fuck.. you're so perfect.." Corpse whispered, climbing onto the bed. "..Before we go further, I should tell you something," Corpse suddenly spoke up, making Dream look at him.

"I'm uh, not exactly human.. I won't hurt you but some people don't like-" Dream cut Corpse off by kissing him deeply. Fuck this guy was perfect. Corpse kissed him back, leaning against the head of the bed. Dream quickly stripped both of them- Corpse was sticking to his earlier statement. Dream left Corpse's boxers on for now, he'd remove them when it was time.

He grabbed some lube from one of his drawers. Dream knelt in front of Corpse on the bed, lubing a couple of his fingers up before pushing one in. He whined at how cold it was. Corpse watched closely as Dream fingered himself, having added a second finger pretty quickly. Dream moaned quietly as he scissored himself, breathing shakily.

Dream added a third before he decided it was done. He pulled the fingers out of himself, pulling Corpse's boxers down and shuddering at the size in front of him. He lubed Corpse's dick up before positioning himself over it. Dream put his hands on the shorter's shoulders and slowly lowered himself, moaning lewdly as he was stretched more. "Fuck.. nearly there.." Corpse breathed out, his hands gripping onto Dream's hips.

Dream bottomed out, staying there for a few moments. "Corpse.. oh gods~ So big~" He moaned, raising himself slowly and then lowering himself quickly. "Dream~ So tight around me.." Corpse groaned. Dream grew into a quick rhythm, fucking himself on Corpse's dick. Corpse held onto Dream's hips tightly, helping keep the dirty blonde steady.

Dream didn't know what made this feel so good. Dream rested his head on the other's shoulder, moaning and whining. Corpse whispered words of praise into his ear, looking down. He nearly came at the sight of Dream bouncing on his cock- that matched with his face just before. Dream rode him as if it were life or death.

"God Dream~ Fuck~" Corpse moaned softly, pulling Dream's hair so he could see the man's face. Dream had drool running down his chin and tears down his red cheeks. "Holy fuck.. you're already- hn~ this fucked up?" Dream didn't say anything, focusing on the pace. His legs were getting tired and he was struggling a bit- but he could do it. Corpse holding him- even if just by one hand now- definitely helped. "Close~!" Dream cried.

Corpse let go of Dream's hair, grabbing his hip with his now free hand and fucking up into Dream while helping him keep bouncing. Dream let out a loud moan as he came, Corpse climaxing soon after. They sat there for a minute or so, just breathing. "We gotta clean up, I'll take care of you until tomorrow," Corpse slowly pulled the other off of his dick, admiring the way cum dripped out.

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I hope you enjoyed this despite how short and quick it is! 
I tried to get them out as soon as I could because I didn't wanna keep anybody waiting.
I hope it was still decent though!
I might take a small break from writing smut- or at least, oneshots that are purely smut. I have one more request atm and I'm just waiting on a reply from the person, then I'll be writing my normal stuff!

Bye bye! Love you all! <3<3

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