Dreamnap - Requested - Tentacles, tentacles, tentacles and more tentacles

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Dreamnap (Dream x Sapnap)
Requested by: Mikotka00 (I think-)
- Tentacles
- Voodoo doll thing
- Smut
- Dream gets fucked a bit too much
- Shorter than I liked-
- Sapnap is some kind of tailor or smth
- Look I wasn't gonna pass up an opportunity to write smth like this
- Consent isn't mentioned but neither of them are against it and they could probably make it stop if they wanted-
- I'm the best at describing things, yep, mhm. No doubts.
- Uh yeah, enjoy!
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Dream was stuck on what to do. He saw a really cool looking ship wreck which he knew he could loot quickly, but he didn't know if it was worth getting his clothes wet for. Sapnap would probably kill him for getting the new clothes soaked already but Dream ended up deciding he might find something cool if he went down.

The dirty blonde took off his shoes- it'd be slightly easier to swim without the extra weight- and then jumped in. Dream swam down to the ship, grabbing everything he could fit and quickly swimming back up. He climbed onto his boat and took deep breaths, that was surprisingly far down.

He didn't find much other than some moss and really cool looking coins- he thought the coins were worth it. Dream rowed back to the shore, putting his shoes back on and then getting out of the boat. He stretched for a moment before starting to walk back home. He got back pretty quickly, calling out to his lover about him being back.

"Sap! I'm back!" He yelled, walking to where he knew Sapnap would be. Sapnap was working on an order someone had given him- they wanted him to make a whole load of clothes by next week, so he was really busy. "Hey Sap," Dream gave Sapnap a kiss on the cheek. "So, I found these really cool coins in a ship wr-" Sapnap cut him off.

"You're soaking wet! Why the hell did you go down to a ship wreck? You know those clothes aren't meant for swimming!" The ravenette wasn't mad, Dream did this a lot. "Anyways, so yeah, I found these coins and I haven't seen them before. Isn't that so cool? And they were in this really cool ship wreck! It was fully intact and it was a different color than the rest!"

Dream knew Sapnap was trying to focus- but he couldn't stop talking about the coins he found. Plus.. If Sapnap got mad there was a certain possibility.. "Baby, I'm sorry but I'm really busy right now," Sapnap hummed, leaning his head back. The dirty blonde didn't say anything as he rubbed Sapnap through his pants- he knew Sapnap would probably get hard and start getting annoyed.

"Dream, I'm busy," Sapnap repeated, biting his bottom lip to hold back groans. "Last warning, Dream.." Dream smiled and continued, feeling the spot get wetter. "Dream, go to our room. And stay there, unless I have to tie you up," Dream shuddered at the tone but didn't stop until he was pulled closer by his hair.

"Fucking whore. Don't made me take away your permission to cum as well. Go to our room. Now," Sapnap pulled on his hair again before letting go. Dream couldn't act against that, so he went to their room and started changing his clothes so he wasn't wet anymore.

He was practically naked when he felt Sapnap's finger push into him- or well, into the toy connected to him. Dream hummed and laid back on the bed, subconsciously spreading his legs. He turned onto his stomach as the voodoo doll thing was fingered, small hums and groans occasionally leaving Dream.

He ended up moving again so he was on his knees- his ass in the air with his head buried in the pillows. He couldn't stop moving around, both he and Sapnap knew what the ravenette was doing. Dream's fingers dug into the sheets under him as a second finger was pushed into the toy. "Mmn.." He moaned quietly, pushing his hips back despite knowing that wouldn't get him anything. "Sap~"

Dream felt a third finger now- when was he going to put his dick in? Dream didn't care about the slight burn that came with him adding the third finger a bit too quickly. Dream felt something moving up his legs but he didn't care about that right now- he was too focused on the feeling of the fingers inside him.

Dream gasped as he felt something around his dick- it felt slimy and weird. Dream just moaned quietly, confused but not willing to ruin the amazing feeling. Dream was flipped over by something or someone- he couldn't hear anything other than himself though, and there was nobody in the room apart from him.

He looked around, looking down to see what was in his boxers. A tentacle? What the hell? Dream moaned loudly as he could feel Sapnap's dick pushing into him- or the toy. He always felt so big when he was inside. Dream couldn't help the way he arched his back to get closer to the two tentacles that were flicking and rubbing his nipples.

He could hear Sapnap's voice in his head, calling him a slut, a whore- saying how he was only good for taking cock. And fuck his dick was getting painfully hard. "Mmn~! 'm gonna-" Dream came within seconds after he started talking. He could hear Sapnap's laugh in his head.

 Nothing stopped though, Sapnap's dick was still stuffing the toy full and the tentacles were still messing around with him. "Sstop~ Hurts.." Dream whined- he didn't want them to stop, but it did hurt at the moment. He felt himself getting hard again and he moaned quietly, going to move his hands until they were held down but another two tentacles.

Dream whimpered softly as his boxers were pulled off- why they hadn't been taken off before, Dream didn't ask. The tentacle around his dick got back to work as another two held his legs apart. Yet another tentacle- this one was thinner than all the others- teased his entrance, pushing in slightly only to go back to circling around the hole.

"Put it in~!" Dream cried, he wanted it inside already. Dream moaned loudly when his plea was met and the small tentacle was pushed in. He felt extremely full from the toy stuffed with Sapnap's cock and the tentacle in his real ass.

Dream cried out as his legs were spread further and another group of the slimy tentacles started rubbing his legs and ass- he hated it and loved it at the same time. He imagined Sapnap praising and degrading him at the same time. 'Perfect little whore, so pretty and slutty for me..' Dream leaned his head back, drooling a bit as another tentacle was pushed inside.

Another tentacle came to his mouth- it was really long and thick. Dream opened his mouth and let the tentacle start fucking his face. He nearly gagged from it going so far down his throat. He moaned around the thing in his mouth, wincing slightly at the taste of the slimy stuff on it as he licked and sucked the tentacle.

It was a little bit salty with a taste somewhat similar to wet cardboard and paper. He didn't mind too much. Dream felt himself getting close again and he let out a muffled whine. Dream felt the tentacle in his mouth twitch. Dream cried out as he came again, the tentacle letting out some kind of fluid into his mouth and down his throat.

He swallowed it all- or at least, what didn't spill from his lips. The tentacle pulled away from his mouth, wrapping around his neck instead. Dream moaned louder than he had so far when another tentacle was inside his ass. How many was that now? Three? He heard the bedroom door open but he didn't pay it any mind, not until he heard Sapnap's voice.

"Baby? Are you o- holy fuck, what the-" Sapnap cut himself off with a moan as a tentacle grabbed the toy still around his dick and started jerking him off with it. Dream practically sobbed, there was so much happening. Dream felt all the tentacles in him leave as a bigger one pushed in. He screamed as he was stretched open by it.

Sapnap looked at him with a worried look in his eyes. "Mmn~!! S'good!" Dream cried, another tentacle pushing past his lips quickly. Sapnap moaned out some mixture of words that roughly translated to 'I'm cumming' before he released in the doll. Dream felt himself being filled and his eyes rolled back.

Sapnap couldn't help the way he got hard again quickly after seeing the cum leak out of Dream's ass. He watched closely as two small tentacles pushed in next to the big one, loving the way he could feel Dream's hole clench around him as well. Sapnap saw Dream cum again, his entire body tensing before relaxing again- his dick got hard really quickly again.

He saw some kind of other liquid leak out of Dream's abused hole, it looked like some kind of fogged up clear glue. The way it leaked out so slowly didn't help the image either. Sapnap saw a second tentacle push past Dream's lips, shit he looked so full and fucked up. There were two more tentacles that fucked into Dream's hands.

Sapnap groaned as two tentacles went to him. They rubbed his balls in the best way possible, and another one went over and rubbed at one of his nipples. "Mmmngh~" Sapnap moaned, leaning against the wall to stay standing. He nearly came when he looked up from the floor and at Dream.

Fuck, the way each time the tentacles would thrust in him some cum would leak out, the way his dick was still hard after cumming so many times, how much he was drooling and crying, how stretched he was, how he looked like he was still begging for more, it was all so fucking hot. He could see Dream swallow something as both tentacles in his mouth pulled out.

As soon as the two tentacles were out he was eagerly awaiting more, keeping his mouth open and tongue sticking out. "Fucking- Ah~! whore- mm~" Sapnap got out in between his own moans, watching the way Dream tried to pull his legs further apart. They were quickly moved so they were next to his sides.

They weren't against the bed, but they were close- it still amazed Sapnap how far Dream could bend. There were instantly more tentacles fucking between his sides and legs. How were there so many?

Sapnap looked for the source of all the tentacles, he saw the coins Dream had found earlier had all the tentacles connected to them- there were so many coins, Sapnap could only guess they were the same amount. "SssaAap~!" Dream cried brokenly as he came again, nothing came out though. Sapnap hadn't played around with more than two orgasms, so this was a new sight.

And god it was hot. All of this was new and so fucking attractive. A few of the tentacles were dry- the main ones that had been fucking his mouth and hands- and they quickly went back into the coin- how the hell did they do that though? "AHgn~! Mmm~! Ssap~!" Dream moaned loudly- Sapnap wouldn't be surprised if other people could hear.

 Sapnap felt two of the tentacles that were giving him attention leave, a sticky liquid left where they were. Sapnap felt himself cum again before the tentacles left him alone- leaving him panting. The four tentacles went back to the coins as well. The ravenette didn't move- his dick had taken too much, to be blunt- he had a lower pain tolerance than Dream, much lower.

Sapnap watched with amazement as Dream managed to tough it out through one more round for the tentacles before they all went back as well- leaving Dream leaking, a lot. "Fuck... that was- was so goddamn hot," Sapnap breathed out, slowly walking over to Dream. Dream didn't move at all, just breathing.

The sheets were definitely ruined by all that liquid and cum and Dream definitely needed a shower- not only was his ass completely wrecked, his hands, legs, stomach and chin had so much on them from that. Sapnap walked out to get them both some water.

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I actually did it
I hope you guys enjoyed it! 
Also, I really am the best at describing things!
"It tasted like wet cardboard and paper,"
"It looked like fogged up clear glue"
Yes, best descriptions ever!
That's all the smut I have to write for now, so imma get started on the angst requests :) 
Love you all and goodbye! <3<3

Tentacles go brr

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