Minx x Dream - Request - Love or Host

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Minx x Dream (I don't know the ship name)
Requested by: @Here_we_go_again-

Top: Minx
Bottom: Dream
3rd Person

George had just finished his love or host and during that, he had accidentally made a new potential couple. Dream and Minx. Minx had said, on the stream, that she was going to visit him as soon as possible, and Dream just freaked out. Not upset freak out but, more like he freaked out due to embarrassment.

He had to admit. He was excited to meet her. But what if she didn't like how he looked? What if she thought he was a waste of time? What if she didn't like the fact she was taller? What if she hated everything about him??

He thought about all of these questions, leading himself into a breakdown. Due to Minx not being way too far away, she was able to get there in, maybe around a day. If not probably less time. Dream knew where Minx was living, as did Minx know with Dream.

Dream had passed out from exhaustion, due to crying so much. His favourite jumper, his biggest green one, was soaked in his tears, as was his pillow. He slept the entire night for once, normally getting about 2-3 hours of rest. Just as Dream got up and made breakfast, he heard a knock on the door and he panicked again.

He knew it was Minx, as she had already started texting him, saying she was outside. Though, knowing who it was didn't help. All his insecurities were building up again and he got his mask, making sure his jumper covered his entire body before finally opening the door.

Minx hugged him almost immediately, admiring how small he was while smiling widely.

"Look at you! You're so short and cute!"

She stated, still smiling. Dream smiled, even though you could barely see if due to the mask, it was there. Dream looked up at her, waving slightly before welcoming her.

"H-Hey! Thanks for coming.. come inside..!"

He said, stepping to the side to let her inside. She smiled, gladly walking in and looking around the place.

"Sorry it's not mu-"

Dream started, only to be cut off by Minx.

"It's so wonderful here! It's so nicely decorated and everything!"

She said, admiring the place. Dream blushes lightly, thanking her quietly. Truth be told, the two knew each other, they had for quite some time, they just never really talked about meeting up, not until George's Love Or Host that is.

They had talked about how interesting pegging sounded. The conversation had started by Dream asking her what pegging was, because of her tweet, and she explained it with a passion. Dream had gotten oddly interested, which, he didn't understand all that much.

Dream and Minx, as a joke, 'promised' each other that they would try it if they ever meet in person. Though now that they were in person, Dream wasn't so sure, purely out of worry the other disliked his looks, but Minx wanted to try it even more.

"Y'know... I'd love to see your face Dream.."

She said, imagining how pretty and/or how cute it'd be. He blushed a bit more, hesitating before taking his mask off, looking down.

"I'm sorry, I know I don't look good..."

Dream muttered, almost starting to cry again. That was until Minx pulled him into a hug, stroking his head lovingly.

"No no, Dream, Darling, you're stunning! Honestly. I don't understand how you don't see that!"

She stated, continuing to hold the small male close, still stroking his head. Dream stayed close, closing his eyes for a little while. He loved the comforting feeling he got from her hug, it was just so...warm. It made him feel safe, and loved.

Bottom Dream OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now