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No ship
Warning: Bullying, Very bad Sapnap and George, Dadza, Dad Sam
Btw, they're like, 12-13 in this- Lmao
3rd Person

Sapnap and George pointed at Dream, laughing as he tried to run away for the third time. The blonde had tears running down his cheeks, not that you could see them due to his mask. They had also hit him multiple times, most definitely leaving bruises.

Dream tried to stand properly, only to be pushed down by the colourblind boy, who was now towering over him. The dirty blonde tried to back away, though was held in place by the raven haired male, who had snuck behind him.

Dream struggled, trying to get out of his hold, not knowing what they were about to do. George put his hands on either side of the mask, ripping it off of him and throwing it to the side. Dream cried out, desperately trying to reach out to it. George laughed before walking over to the mask, tearing it in half.

Dream screamed, like, full on screamed, trying even harder to get away from Sapnap and out of his grip, though the other was too strong. George walked back over, slapping him.

"Y-you're only doing this because you're a sad person! You-You're pushing your insecurities onto me! I know...I know it!"

Dream cried, still struggling. George quickly shut him up, punching him in the face without even trying to hold back in the slightest. Dream cried out again, trying again to get out of Sapnap's grip. Eventually, he managed to escape, instantly running to his father figure, Sam.

Sam felt small arms wrap around him and he turned, smiling lightly. Dream was clinging onto him, face buried just below his chest. Sam tilted his head, waiting a moment before kneeling down.

"Hey Buddy, What's up?"

Sam asked, putting a hand on his cheek. He felt a slight lump, though didn't think to much of it until Dream hissed in pain, and his tears dropped to the floor. Sam instantly lifted the blonde's head, his eyes widening as he saw the bruise over the boy's eye, and the red mark on his cheek.

He was also taken aback by the fact his mask wasn't with him... He'd take it with him everywhere, as it was his last gift from his mother before she passed away due to some kind of poisoning. Sam called Philza to come over before asking Dream what happened.

"G-George and S-Sapn-nap th-they- They h-hit me and-and they-they t-tore the mask!"

Dream sobbed, the father figure hugging him gently, patting his head. Dream cried into his shoulder, holding onto Sam's shirt tightly. When Philza got there, Sam asked him to take care of Dream for a little while, whilst he went to sort things out.

Philza, of course, accepted, happy to accept the job of taking care of the blonde. Dream, seeing as his main father figure was gone, went to the other, hugging him whilst he cried. Normally, whenever this happened before, he didn't get this emotional, but they had torn the mask, the only. Only thing he had from his mother.

Sam walked over to the two other boys, who were playing around with the two halves of Dream's smiley mask, not noticing Sam until he spoke, scaring both children.

"We do not. NOT, hurt Dream. Or anyone in that matter! Time out, both of you."

Sam yelled, pissed off and upset. Though he could never hurt his kids, nor could he stand by as one of them hurt another, or vice versa.


George started, being cut off by Sam. Sapnap stayed quiet, looking at the mask and wondering... if they had done the right thing? Or.. if they shouldn't have..

"No buts mister. Time out, right this second."

Sam spoke, looking him in the eyes. George and Sapnap both gulped, nodding and getting up, going to time out. Before they went, however, Sam got the two halves of the mask back, taping them together. It was temporary, yes, but it was better than nothing.

Sam walked back to Dream, thanking Philza before asking him for another favour, to watch the other two in time out. Bad had joined Dream, hugging him tightly. Sam passed the blonde his mask back, rubbing the back of his neck. Dream smiled, looking up at him and thanking him.

And this, this is why he always wears the obviously cracked mask everywhere, even though it would break a lot. And this was also one of the many reasons Dream and Bad managed to get so close.

The end.

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