Dreambur - Requested - Sick baby!<3

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Dreambur (Not main focus tho-)
Requested by: _duckyduck
3rd Person

Wilbur wrapped his arms around Dream's waist, only to be pushed away by the blonde himself. Wilbur was, slightly shocked, though let him go. Dream ran off, a wet cloth in his hand as he did. Wilbur decided to follow him.

Dream ran into Tommy's room, carefully folding the cloth a bit and placing it on the boy's forehead and kissing his cheek. Tommy groaned, closing his eyes. Dream stood up, turning the light off before noticing Wilbur. He put a finger to his lips, telling Wilbur to be quiet.

The dirty blonde holds Wilbur's hand, leading him out of the sick male's room. He closes the door behind them, before hugging Wilbur, snuggling into his chest and smiling softly. Wilbur smiled as well, holding the dirty blonde close.

A few minutes later Dream decided to get some food and a drink for Tommy, quickly getting both and then quietly walking into the minor's room, placing them down on the bedside table. Tommy turned over to face him, smiling slightly before sniffling, looking exhausted.

"Tommy... Sweetie, You should rest.."

Dream mumbles, running a hand through his hair. Tommy hums, closing his eyes tightly again. Dream kneels down, kissing his cheek before standing up again, fixing the blankets up a bit before leaving, whispering 'Love you' as he did. Tommy smiled slightly, though didn't respond.

The dirty blonde male closed the door gently, making sure it didn't make a sound. Wilbur snuck up between him, covering his mouth as he snuck an arm around his waist. Dream yelped at first, grateful for the hand, before it was removed.

Wilbur chuckled softly, only to get elbowed in the stomach. Dream pouted, crossing his arms. Wilbur thought before placing hands on either sides of Dream's waist, picking him up. Dream's eyes widened and he blushed a lot, though stayed quiet.

The end.
I'm sorry this's bad and short!
I tried TwT
Thank you for all the support!
Love you all!
Take care!
Have a great day/afternoon/night!

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