No ship - I wasn't planning to (Part 2 of 'Shock Stream 2.0')

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TW: Hospitals, 'Code Blue', Doctors, Mention of burns

 Techno, Wilbur, George and Sapnap all sat in the white room, waiting for their friend to wake up. They were all worried to death. George had to remind Sapnap what the nurse said over, and over again. That Dream was going to wake up, that he was still alive. Sap was on the verge of breaking down and crying again when they heard a groan from the bed- all of them looking at the male quickly.

Dream was slowly opening his eyes- oh god, he was okay. Wilbur hugged him tightly. "Dream! You're awake! Thank god- You're awake!" He cried, letting go quickly when he heard a small hiss of pain come from the dirty blonde. He takes a moment to realise what it was probably from- the burn around his neck (it looked really painful to touch). "Dream..?" He hadn't even noticed the very faint breathing until now- he was too happy the other had woken up, "I'm getting a doctor," George said quickly, before running out and getting a doctor.

A few seconds later, he and the doctor were rushing back to Dream's room. When they got there, Dream was desperately gasping for breathe whilst unconscious, though, he wasn't moving much. "Everyone, out," The doctor said quickly, before going straight to checking what exactly was wrong. The others left the room immediately, despite not wanting to. And, about 10 minutes later, they heard a call/announcement, a 'code call'.

They didn't know what it meant. "Code Blue! Room 69, Floor 3!" Dream's room. A group of people rushed into his room with all kinds of equipment, it scared them. Some amount of time later, they left the room, one walking over to their small group. "We'll have to keep him here for a few days, but, he's alright for now, and he's awake. Again," They spoke, smiling slightly. "Thank you," Techno nodded slightly, before walking into the dirty blonde's room and going straight to him. The others followed him, Wilbur and Sapnap in tears. "Dream, hey... we were worried for you.." 

"Awh~ You we-" He started coughing, sitting up slowly. "-were worried for me?~" Dream laughed, smiling widely. Techno sighed before smiling slightly, walking over and holding his hand. Sap and Wil wiped their tears, George rubbing their backs gently. "Wil, Sap, are you two okay?" "We should b-be the ones asking.. y-you..." Wil mumbled, watching Dream spread his arms. They all- Techno, Sapnap, Wilbur, and George - hugged him, all nearly breaking down into tears. "You're never doing a shock stream again..." "I wasn't planning to.."

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