No ship, technically? - Requested - Mama Dream <3

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No ship! Just mama Dream <3 (Although, Some ships are included in a way-)
Requested by: @UnknownUser_ QwQ
Fluff <3
Warning/s: Cussing
3rd Person

"Guys! Get your asses down here!"

Dream shouted, crossing his arms as he waited for everyone to get down from their rooms, which they did. Bad and Philza were the first ones down, mainly because of the fact they had been awake for a few minutes, chilling out. Straight after Bad and Philza, were Skeppy and Wilbur.

Dream smiled, greeting them all before looking at the hallway, and then the stairs.

"Don't make me go get you all up myself!!"

He ahouted again, making others, Tubbo, Tommy, Drista, George, Purpled, and Karl, get up quickly, running down the stairs. Dream asked Philza to set the table whilst he went to wake the other's up, to which Philza nodded, smiling.

Tubbo tripped and fell down the last step, making Dream panic and run over. He helped him up before asking if he was hurt, if somebody tripped him, and if he needed help. Tubbo smiled, shaking his head.

"I'm fine Dream! I just tripped!"

Tubbo giggled slightly, Dream smiling and nodding, telling him to go take a seat. Tubbo listened, running over to the table and sitting down next to Tommy, who pet his head gently.

Dream went up the stairs, deciding to go to Fundy's room first. He walked into the fox's room, walking iver to the bed and sitting on the edge. Dream whispered 'Wake up Fundy' into his ear, but he didn't get up. Dream sighed before putting his hands on either side of his face, kissing him.

Fundy almost instantly kissed back, going to wrap an arm around the other before he was slapped by Dream, who shook his head. Fundy chuckled, standing up after Dream had left, and going down stairs. Dream went to the next room, Sapnap's room.

Dream sighed before walking in, shaking him lightly. Sapnap didn't get up, just groaned and turned to his side. Dream thought before standing up, giggling quietly before speaking.

"Sap- Don't look, I'm getting changed~"

He hummed, even though he wasn't. Sapnap instantly sat up, blushing. Dream stuck his tongue out at him, mouthing 'Go downstairs' before leaving, Making Sapnap huff, but listen, going downstairs and sitting next to Fundy.

Dream kept going, walking to Techno's room. Dream knew Techno wasn't gonna get up straight away, nor would the previous stuff work. So he had a plan, a proper plan. Dream walked over to Techno's bed, sitting next to him. He watched as Techno turned to face him, despite being, supposedly asleep.

Dream waited a moment before lifting his head up, then lightly slapping him, mumbling 'I know you're awake' quietly. Techno huffed, though chuckled.

"Whaatt, You're not gonna do the same as last tim-"

Techno started, before being cut off with a kiss. Dream then slapped him again, standing up and leaving after whispering 'Pervert'. Techno laughed, waiting a little before getting up, sighing. He went downstairs, sitting in between Wilbur and Philza.

"Alright everyone! It's Breakfast time, so i expect you all to eat."

Dream stated, looking directly at Tommy, who had been eating less then normal. Tommy huffed, though nodded, along with everyone else. Dream passed out the plates that had food on them, each altered based on what the reciever liked, and how much they could eat.

Dream sat down afterwards, crossing his legs and eating, smiling as everyone else did as well. After everyone finished, Phil and Wilbur collected the plates, putting them by the sink to be washed later. Tommy, Tubbo and Purpled started complaining about school, and how they didn't want to go.

"Boys, You three are going. But, if you feel unwell you can call me, you all do have phones."

Dream stated, gaining a huff and three nods. He smiles softly.

"Alright, Come on then, I'm driving you to school."

Dream says, making the three boys excited because, well, He was normally too busy to drive them, so one of the other's always did. Now, they were grateful for that and all, but they were just, extremely happy Dream could be the one to take them.

They all quickly get ready for school, before hopping into the car. Dream got into the car, putting the keys in and turning it on, then starting to drive. He found a park rather quickly at the school, so he parked there.

"Now go on, Have a good day at school you three!"

Dream smiles, the other three hoping out of the car, yelling 'We will', before running into the school, bags on their backs. The blonde chuckles softly, driving back to the house and getting out of the car, going back into the house.

After school, Techno picked the three boys up, while Dream was resting in his room. Once they got home, they saw that everything was cleaned, washed, ect. It was all as if nothing had ever been touched before, and like it had been that way forever.

Everyone walked up to Dream's room, gathering around his bed and turning the light on, all singing 'happy birthday', even Tommy. Dream smiled, giggling softly. He lifted his arms, silently telling them all to hurry up and hug him. After they were all in a hug, somehow managing it, Dream thanked them all, smiling brightly.

The end.

Sorry for this not- well- being great, but like normal, i tried!
Thanks for reading this!
And thank you so much for your support!
It really means a lot!
I love you all!
Have a great day/afternoon/night!

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