Dnf - Requested - He's a demon in bed <3

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Gream/Dreamnotfound (George x Dream)
Requested by: PoplioAlltheTime (hope i got your name right)
- Incubus George
- They aren't in love, just having sex
- Dream's horny for monsters

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Dream hummed as he took another sip from his glass, looking at whatever the fuck Sapnap and Quackity were doing now. "Hey Dream! Arm wrestle me, I'm gonna win!" Sapnap proclaimed, putting his hand out. Dream huffed and put down his glass, taking Sapnap's hand. Both were even for the first half, but Dream started putting his all into it. He won.

"Yeah, that's right! 'm the strongest out of all of you!" Dream chuckled, picking his drink back up. "I'm gonna go see if I can get that guy over there, he's hot," Quackity hummed, getting up from his seat and walking over to the guy. He didn't get rejected. Dream leaned his head on the table for a moment, before he felt a hand on his back.

He jumped and looked behind him. It was just some brunette guy, whatever. "Mind if I sit with you?" Dream shrugged, leading to the man to sit down on the only remaining seat- right next to Dream. "What's a lovely little thing like you doing out here in a bar?" The guy, Dream thinks he might be British, hummed, looking at Dream with a slight smile.

"Not looking for some guy I don't know the name of to flirt with me. I know I'm hot and all, but strangers don't get to touch," Dream looked at the brunette. He guesses the guy was kind of cute, he was short, he had that accent, and his face seemed a bit too perfect. Dream didn't give a shit apart from the possibility of a quick fuck- and even then, he wasn't too interested.

"My names George, what's yours?~ Wait, let me guess.. Dream?" The dirty blonde was caught off guard, though he assumed it was because Sapnap yelled it out. "That's my name, yes," Dream confirmed- he wasn't interested, really. If the guy persisted, maybe he'd take him home, but he didn't care either way. 

"Well~ We're not strangers anymore, does that mean I get to touch you?~" George purred, though he didn't touch Dream- he wasn't an asshole. "Mmm, I guess~ If you can give me one good reason to go home with you," Dream hummed back, grabbing George's hand and putting it on his -Dream's- side.

"I've been told I'm a demon in bed, my dear~" George whispered into Dream's ear. Fuck, Dream didn't care if it was figurative, just the mention of a demon in his bed, wanting to have sex with him, turned him on an embarrassing amount. "You're driving, George," Dream stated, getting up and waiting for the brunette to get up as well.

He followed George to his car, getting in without any hesitance. He gave George his address and they set off. Dream wanted to do it at his place if they were going to be sleeping together, he felt more comfortable there. Plus it was pretty close by.

When they got to the apartment building, Dream grabbed George's hand and led him to his apartment- he had sound proofed all around the apartment, he wasn't about to let his neighbors listen to him getting fucked. Both of them started getting undressed quickly, kissing each other while doing so.

It just seemed like the right thing to do- and George seemed to have experience. Dream gasped in surprise when he saw small horns appear from George's head, along with a pair of wings from his back and a tail as well. The wings looked smooth but surprisingly sharp. They weren't giant but they weren't small either. The tail was thin and long, with a sharp tip at the end.

Dream shuddered, loving the new sight in front of him. Dream wasn't an extreme fan of humans when it came to sexual activity- monsters though. Fuck, Dream would happily die if it meant he could be fucked by one. "Shit, you're already this hard?~ You're a fucking whore for monsters, huh? I bet humans are boring to you, you wanna have sex with something not human~ Like me~?" Dream whimpered quietly, sitting back on the bed.

"I'm right, aren't I~? You're just need to be fucked by something like me," Dream nodded furiously, trying to hide how he was already close to climaxing. "My aura helps with that, love~ I know you wanna cum, but you'll have to hold on for me, got it?" Dream nodded again, his lips quivering as he stammered out two words.

"Y-Yes sir~" George smiled widely at that, pushing Dream onto his back. "You really do like monsters more, huh? I bet you get off to the thought of being fucked by one. I bet you think about how each one could do something different. How a werewolf would tear skin and fuck into you without any restraint. How a vampire would bite you everywhere until you were bleeding," George spoke.

 "How about demons? What do you think all of the different demons could do, hm?~ The demons under the pride category would probably make you worship them while they made you cry. Under the wrath category, they'd probably make you bleed and have absolutely no restraint. Under the sloth category, they'd make you ride them until you were falling asleep. Gluttony would fuck you until they were satisfied, wanting more and more every second," George stopped listing them off, looking at how it affected Dream.

He decided there was one more thing he could say. "And, the demons of lust~ What do you think they would do?~" George purred, helping Dream move back onto the bed before crawling on top of him. The brunette looked down and found it adorable and funny how Dream had already came all over himself, just from George talking.

"Dreamie~ C'mon, what do you think they could do?~ What do you think I could do~?" George spoke again, his face extremely close to Dream's. "J-Just fuck me already," Dream stammered, closing his eyes. "Mm, fine~ I'll show you what I can do than," The brunette grabbed his jacket from earlier, grabbing a bottle of lube from one of the pockets.

He put a bit on his fingers and pushed two into Dream, watching how he reacted. He had done something and use one of his multiple powers, or spells. George was an Incubus, and despite all the myths and legends about them going only for women who were sleeping, he had no interest in girls and he refused to touch anybody without their consent.

The point was, George was an incubus and he had certain spells, all to do with lust, desperation, love and pleasure. If he put more energy into it, he knew for a fact he could make Dream cum on the spot. The only real limitations of the majority of his abilities were that they didn't work on Asexuals and he had to use energy either from himself or others to use them.

Dream moaned quietly just with the finger, it wasn't a new thing by any means- he honestly had sex quite a bit, despite not having much interest in it. "Feels good, hm?~" Dream nodded quickly, closing his eyes tightly. "Good, good~ It's working then~" George purred, pushing another finger in and scissoring the younger one open.

"Mmmh~!" Dream tried to be quiet, it was so embarrassing to be actually moaning just at two fingers. Dream had this happen a lot, he was used to being stretched out, he barely felt it- except for today it seemed. Dream could feel every small movement of the fingers, no matter how slight it was.

He didn't know if it was because he was finally with someone he was interested in, or if it was something the brunette did. "Fuck~! George~!" Dream cried out when George added another finger. It made Dream wonder how big his dick was that he needed to stretch Dream out this much- he didn't seem to be stopping at three fingers either.

Dream was admittedly a bit annoyed that he was completely nude but George still had his boxers on. "Take the~m off~!" Dream cried, he didn't like feeling as though he was more exposed than the other, not unless he was feeling like he wanted that on the day. Dream whined when George pulled out the fingers- having added one more before doing so.

The brunette took his boxers off quickly, putting lube all over his dick. "Y-You're big.." Dream stammered, shocked at the size. It wasn't inhumanely big but it was still massive compared to any person's dick he's had in him. "I am a literal sex demon, my dear~ What did you expect?" Dream didn't say anything, he just looked to the side.

 Dream tensed and moaned when he felt the other's dick start pushing in. "GeoRge~! Big~!" Dream closed his eyes tightly, his hands quickly moving to the older's shoulders, needing something to hold onto. The dirty blonde couldn't feel any pain from it, which was new. He was overwhelmed by the pleasure already- George definitely had to of done something.

George waited for Dream to relax before he bottomed out- he didn't want to rush the process and possibly hurt the other. Even if they weren't planning to do this with each other again, or even see each other again, George wasn't an asshole. "George~ George please move, please~! I need more!" Dream begged, moaning loudly when George listened.

"I'm not going easy on you, love~" The brunette purred, grabbing Dream's hips tightly. "Please~ Be rough~" Dream didn't mind the idea at all, he didn't want George to be gentle. George asked Dream what his safe word would be- he wasn't doing anything more without Dream having one. George did get pretty carried away sometimes.

Dream went with the traffic light system- easy to remember for both of them. George started thrusting ruthlessly- he didn't give Dream time to adjust to his speed or roughness. Dream practically screamed, his nails digging into the older's skin. "You're gonna leave marks.." George whispered- it's not like he minded though.

He liked seeing the scratches that were left over from a fuck, it reminded him how good he fucked them. It was a major ego boost. Dream looked fucked out of his mind already- most people would be surprised it took so little time, but George knew it was his dong. "Feel good, baby~?" George got out between small grunts.

"So gooD~!!" Dream cried, tears in his eyes. The brunette was surprised he had lasted this long. "Geo-RgE~! FucK there~!!" Dream came on himself and George, pushing the brunette soon after. George stopped moving. "You alright love?" George asked, looking down at the younger. "Mmm.. just gimme a sec.." Dream muttered.

George waited for Dream to tell him what he wanted to happen- he was happy to end it there or continue, it all depended on Dream. "Keep g-going.." Dream stammered, looking to the side. "You that desperate to go again?~ I'm starting to think I should call you slut," George hummed, starting to move again. He kept it slower than before, he didn't want to overwhelm Dream.

The dirty blonde seemed to like the name. "You like that, don't you? You dirty little thing.." George whispered into his ear, listening to Dream's moans and whines. "Fuck.. 'm close, slut~" George groaned, biting down on Dream's neck. "Inside~! Please~!" George fucked into Dream a bit faster, the grip on Dream's hips tightening.

George came inside Dream, panting. "Where's your bathroom? We need to get cleaned up," The brunette spoke as he carefully pulled out of Dream, biting his bottom lip. Dream hissed slightly in pain as the other pulled out, pointing to one of the doors close by.

"You need me to stay the night or will you be alright alone?" George asked. He was asking the questions because he knew everyone was different, some people needed somebody to stay with for the night after having sex, some people didn't care, some people wanted space. And there was also the fact that they were strangers.

Dream might not want to let a stranger sleep over. "I'll be fine alone," Dream muttered, closing his eyes. George picked him up gently, bringing him to the bathroom to help clean him up. "I'll stay for an hour if you don't mind, you might have some.. reaction," George needed to stay to make sure that his powers didn't result in Dream getting really sick or anything, that would really suck.

"Mk, do what you wanna," Dream shrugged, leaning back into the incubus. "It hurt? I have some stuff in one of my pockets if you want it," Dream shook his head. "Hurts but I got my own stuff. Thanks though," He hummed. "Alright, if you change your mind the offer still stands,"

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I couldn't think of a title xd
I'm working on the other requests atm-
Thank you for requesting and reading!
I hope you enjoyed this, and I'll see you next time! Bye bye! <3<3

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