Dreamnotnap - Requested? - Our pet.

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Dreamnotnap (Dream x George x Sapnap)
Idek if they wanted this to be considered a request or not- So imma just leave their name unknown—
Top/s: Sapnap, George
Bottom: Dream
Angst, fluff, smuttyish, cussing, (I'm not writing full on smut rn- I hope you understand, I just don't feel like it for the moment—)
TW: Abuse, Blood, Kidnapping, Techno as a bad guy (Please understand I had to do this for the Plot of this-)
3rd Person

Dream and Techno had a bad relationship. Techno was extremely abusive towards the blonde, yet the blonde thought that's how it was meant to be, what real love was. Though, one day Techno went way too far, causing Dream to need to go to the Hospital.

One bad thing led to another, and he managed to get himself kidnapped just as he got out of the hospital, as if planned. He had been knocked out, and taken away by two people he barely got to look at. When he woke up he saw he was in a dark, broken down looking room.

He looked down as he heard the door open, closing his eyes tightly. The person who had walked in lifted him up, tying his hands together tightly. Dream winced, though didn't fight back. The person slapped him before speaking.

"I know you're fucking awake. Come on and work with us and maybe we'll let you off with a fuckin' warning."

They state, pulling on Dream's hair. The blonde tensed, though listened to the person. They both walked out of the room, Dream only just noticing his current clothing. There was an extremely small crop top, as well as a pair of shorts. And that was legitimately it.

The ran into another person, who put a blindfold over Dream's eyes. He tensed again, though continued walking as he was told. He was pushed forwards suddenly, and he heard people talking. After a while he was forced to start walking again, though, he could hear two different people's voices.

The blindfold was taken off of him in a swift motion, and he opened his eyes. He was staring into a raven haired male's eyes, though there was a brunette next to him. He felt an arm wrap around his waist and tried to struggle, though they brought him closer, and he felt something stab into his neck.

His vision went black, and the last thing he saw was the brunette picking him up, and that's all. When he woke up again, he was in a new room, on a bed, sitting up however. He panicked when he saw the two males from before in front of him, staring at him.

"Hello. I'm going to make this quick as I have a meeting soon, but my name's George. You're going to be our pet from here on out. Sapnap, the guy next to me, will explain what that means, and the rules. As again, I need to leave."

The brunette, George, stated, standing up and walking out the room. Dream looked at Sapnap, before looking down. Sapnap lifted his chin up, looking him in the eyes. Dream tried to look away, but he couldn't.

"So. As George said, I'm Sapnap. And you being our pet means that you have to listen to us, and let us do what we want to that...pretty little body of yours."

He started, trailing a hand up his side. Dream shivered, leaning away from the touch.

"The rules are simple. No disobeying orders, Address us as Sir or Master when you speak to us, absolutely no complaining. No talking without permission, unless it's absolutely urgent. No going outside these walls. And no harming us, or anybody else inside this place, including yourself, unless we've told you to. If you break any of these, you will be punished."

Sapnap explained, staring into the blonde's eyes. He waited for a moment before untying his hands and letting him up.

"I'll introduce you to the other pet, well, I guess he's an...actual member now...who's...more like a parent to us all. He's not the same kind of thing as you, though. He actually helps us. You're just here for George and I alone."

He spoke, leading Dream to a room where a male with sunglasses was sitting, sorting bandages, needles, and other things like that into a box neatly.

"Eret. This is Dream. Dream, this is Eret."

He introduced the two, Eret standing up and smiling slightly. He towered over the blonde, though pet his head.

"Hello Dream. Also sorry Sapnap, but I need to finish this."

He stated, going back to his seat. Sapnap nodded, grabbing Dream's hand and leading him back out, and to the original room.

It had now been a month since he was taken, and he had gotten used to everyone. And frankly, he had...fallen in love with George and Sapnap. He started willingly sitting on their laps, gladly wrapping his arms around their necks, and occasionally, starting their kisses.

He was currently sitting on Sapnap's lap, facing him, although kissing George. The two older male's, Sapnap and George, had been really sweet, correcting Dream's old sense of true love being based on pain. It was late, or well, technically really early, and they were planning on going to bed.

George broke the kiss between him and the male ,who had the mask they had given to him n the side of his head, moving so he was laying down. Sapnap lifted Dream up, getting in the bed as well. Afterwards Dream got in bed as well, in the middle of the other two.

They fell asleep quickly, due to how tired they all were. Sapnap cuddling Dream, as George did the same. Dream, on the other hand, had his arms around both of them. Although, they woke up quickly with the sound of a gun being fired.

The end,
I hope you enjoyed reading this!
Thanks for reading it!
I love you guys so much!
Thank you all for all the support!! <3<3
Have an awesome day/afternoon/night!!

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