Dreamnotnap - He's gone now. </3 + <3?

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Dreamnotnap? (Dream x George x Sapnap)
Angst </3, slight fluff <3?
Warning: Bullying, ..Sexual assault, straight up mentions rape, cussing
Please turn back now if you don't want to read any of this.. please
Also rape is a very serious topic, and in no way am I trying to make fun of it, Please understand that! I'm sorry in regards to this chapter- If this is happening to you, please get help!
3rd Person

Dream tried to cry out, hoping that someone would hear him, and be able to help him, though his plans were cut short when someone kissed him deeply, forcibly opening his mouth and exploring it. Dream struggled as much as he could, tears running down his cheeks.

One of the other members of this group, who seemed to love tormenting him, moved their hands along the blonde's body before actually starting to take his clothes off. Dream's eyes widened and he started struggling more, until he was told by one of them, his boyfriend.. that they deserved this.

Dream shook his head, trying to say they didn't at all, though, his boyfriend had his ways to get him to give in, telling him it'd be worse if he struggled, that Dream was being selfish, that he was ready no matter what he thought, ect.

Dream did keep struggling for a while, though eventually, once he realised this was inescapable, stopped everything, now just, crying. The fact that they were, extremely impatient, didn't help at all either, making the pain unbearable. They didn't let him go though.

Keep in mind that Dream was only 15, possibly even 14, when this happened. Dream would've screamed if he wasn't currently being forced to... deep throat one of them. All he could do, was stay there, take it, and cry. He was literally unable to do anything else.

By the time they were done, the entirety of the group of 5, had done both things. Dream just.. wanted it to be over the entire time. His body was covered in purplish-red marks, along with straight up bite marks. His hips were bruised, and everything hurt like hell.

They all left after cleaning themselves and the floor, leaving the blonde boy there on the floor, in the bathroom. Yes, you could lock the door of this bathroom, but they had just unlocked it, so he was bound to be seen by someone.

As if on cue, two boys of the ages 16 and 17 walked into the bathroom, laughing and joking with each other. The dirty blonde had seen them before, as had everyone, the raven haired football player, Sapnap. And then the brunette basketball player, George.

The dirty blonde curled up, covering his mouth as he cried, hoping the other two wouldn't see him somehow. Although, his plans were cut short again when one of them, Sapnap, pointed him out.

"George! Look over there..."

Sapnap whisper shouted, pointing at the small blonde boy. George rolled his eyes before glancing over, expecting it to be some kind of joke or whatever. His mindset completely changed however when he saw the dirty blonde.

"Sap... Why is he in here?..."

George whispered to Sapnap, both keeping their gaze on the boy. Dream looked back at them, hearing their whispering. They studied his face, seeing how freckles were gently scattered on his nose and cheeks.

They saw his slightly dulled forest green and Ruby red eyes, and the dried tear trails coming from them. They then noticed his jaw was bruised, and they got slightly more concerned.

Their eyes couldn't help but wonder down, mainly out of worry he'd be bruised anywhere else. They saw his neck, which was covered in purplish-red marks, along with straight up bite marks. The males sides were also covered in the markings, stopping just above his hips.

Speaking of his hips, they were bruised, like, properly bruised. George waited a second before walking towards him, the blonde almost instantly sitting up and trying to back away. The brunette  stopped, kneeling down where he was.

"What's your name...? And...what happened?.."

George questioned, teaching his hand out to the small boy, who tensed and curled up into a ball against the wall, waiting before speaking.

"M-My names...D-Dream and...and I- These people- Um- I-... C-Can I get so-me cl-clothes first..? Pl-please?.."

Dream requested, looking down as he did. Sapnap quickly walked over to the brunette, kneeling down next to him and looking through his bag. He got out spare clothes he had originally gotten for after the football tournament which was cancelled that morning due to the weather, passing the clothes to the blonde.

Dream smiled slightly, taking the clothes and thanking him quietly. Sapnap and George turned away from him as he got dressed, alerting the other's when he was done.

George and Sapnap both turned back to him, blushing slightly at how big the clothes were on his small body. Dream looked back down, taking a deep breath before walking towards them a bit, starting to explain the situation a bit.

"Well...I-...My boyfriend and his-his friends...they um... they d-decided I was...being selfish by... not letting him.. no..them do anything to me, a-and so they-...they took m-matters into their own hands..."

Dream spoke, holding his arms. George hugged him gently, whilst Sapnap got ready to fucking beat up some bitches. George ran a hand through the small blonde's hair, holding him close and telling him it'd be ok.

"You shouldn't stay with him. He's a fucking asshole! And he should be dead!"

Sapnap yelled, only to be told to relax by George, as his yelling was scaring the poor boy. Sapnap apologised, before realising who Dream was exactly. His eyes widened, as he also realised who his boyfriend was.

"You...You're that guy who hangs around that fuckin' asshole, who also plays football, aren't you?"

Sapnap asked, looking at Dream, who only nodded slightly, closing his eyes tightly. Sapnap cracked his knuckles, saying he'd be back soon before running out of the bathroom, and to the fields. Dream, after hearing him run out, ran after him, with George.

They finally got to the fields 5 minutes later, seeing Sapnap on top of someone, punching them nonstop. Dream ran over, his eyes widening when he saw the person who was getting hit, was his boyfriend.

"Sapnap! Cut it out!!"

George yelled, running over and pushing Sapnap off of the guy. Dream just covered his mouth, seeing George holding Sapnap down, while his boyfriend walked up to him. Dream tensed as the other got closer.

"You fucking bitch! We're over!"

Dream's boyfriend- Ex boyfriend yelled, slapping Dream before running off. The blonde stared at the ground for a moment, before yelling out to him.

"That's exactly what I was going to do! Asshole!!"

Dream yelled, covering his mouth when he realised what he just said, his eyes wide. His ex stopped, turning around and walking back. George had let Sapnap go, both standing in front of the dirty blonde, looking at his ex.

"Go on. Leave. Or I won't stop Sapnap from beating you to death."

George said simply, looking the man in the eyes, to prove he wasn't lying. The little bitch, known as Dream's ex, ran off, frankly terrified. Sapnap and George turned to look at Dream, who hugged them quickly, thanking them over and over again, still in pain however for...obvious reasons.

And this, this is why they were so close now. They met Bad a year later, all 4 of them becoming the bestest of friends any of them could imagine. Heck, even Dream and Drista weren't as close as them, more specifically, not as close as Dream. George, and Sapnap, as they ended up dating.

The end.
I wanted to publish some kind of chapter- And I wrote this shit on discord- Lmao-
I hope you liked it nonetheless-
Thanks for reading!
I only published this for literally one person- But like, It works out-
Thank you for all your support people!
I'm not going to be publishing much still, but every now and then I will!
Love you all!
Take care!
Have a great day/afternoon/night!

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