Dream x Punz - Let's be friends

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Dream x Punz 
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Dream found himself smiling as he looked over to one of his two partners- they weren't dating, no no no, unfortunately not. They were working together at the moment, Dream didn't remember what on though. They had known each other for a long time, but had never called each other friends at all.

"Dream? Hey, cut out of it. We have to finish this and then we can all go to sleep," Punz spoke, his eyes flickering down to Dream's lips for a brief second. Dream didn't miss it though. "Yeah, sorry," The dirty blonde apologized. "So what do we do next?" He questioned, looking at the other.

"Well, you're going to want to finish the coding while i paint it," Punz explained. Oh, that's right! They were making a robot for their coding course. Dream did as he was told he should do, checking over the code Punz had wrote and fixing any errors. He and George had built the robot and everything last week.

 George was mixing together some extra paint for Punz, just in case he needed it. The robot wasn't big, they just had a very small amount of paint. After Dream was done with the coding, he passed the computer they were using to George- the brunette would check over it as well, just to be safe.

Punz had finished painting as well. "Hey Punz, could I talk to you? Alone?" Dream looked at Punz, hoping he'd say yes. "Sure," Dream could tell Punz was slightly nervous just from the way he spoke. Dream stood up, starting to walk out. They were in Dream's place anyway. The dirty blonde led Punz to the bathroom, before grabbing said blonde's arms.

"Punz- Let's be.. friends," Dream spoke quietly, letting his hands go up Punz's arms to his shoulders. If Punz wanted him to stop, he would. "I thought we already were," Punz muttered, looking between Dream's eyes and lips again for a moment. "..Why did you ask now?-" Punz tried to get Dream to talk again.

"So we can.. make out," Dream pulled Punz closer, his arms aroud Punz's neck now. "We could've done that regardless," Punz rolled his eyes, pressing their lips together. One of Punz's hands rested on Dream's hip, the other on Dream's cheek. "You're a good kisser," Dream hummed when they broke the kiss.

"Thanks," Punz smiled before going in for another kiss. This one lasted longer, them maneuvering around the bathroom to settle Dream on a counter. It was really just to make it easier for Punz- Dream had long legs. "Fuck, should've done this sooner," Dream panted out, before they kissed again. Dream wrapped his legs around Punz's waist.

Punz lifted Dream back off the counter, pushing him up against a wall as they kept kissing. One of Punz's hands were still on his hip, the other had travelled down to keep him from falling."Dream," Punz breathed out, looking into Dream's eyes. "Punz.." The dirty blonde responded. "No homo," Dream took a second to register what he said before bursting into a fit of laughter.

Punz started laughing as well. "You're such an idiot," Dream wheezed, calming down a bit before kissing Punz again. They kept kissing, until they remembered George was waiting for them to come back. "Mm~ Punz, we need to go back," Dream kissed Punz once more before putting his feet down on the floor finally.

"George is waiting-" Dream continued. "Dream wait- what does this make us?.." Punz asked, he could deal with them going back to normal, he just needed to know. "Whatever you want us to be," And then he walked out. Punz looked down for a moment, seeing the paint on his hands- fuck. Punz walked out of the bathroom. 

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