Dreambur - Traumatic Hydraulic Experience

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TW: Near death by crushing, severely broken bones, hospitals 

 "Hey hey hey- Come on! Please! I-I'll do anything, you can kill me any other way! Just please- not like this!" Dream pleaded, looking between the person controlling the thing that was going to kill him and the thing itself. He was in a fucking hydraulic press, he couldn't get out no matter how hard he tried. Dream looked up at what was going to kill him, though he regretted that choice.

He watched the top of the press slowly lowering, he was already struggling to breathe and the press hadn't even touched him yet. The dirty blonde closed his eyes, not caring about the tears that spilled from his eyes. Dream froze up when he first felt the top of the press touch him, oh god he was going to die. He was going to be crushed to death..

The person who was trying to kill him had it going really slow and tied Dream up in a way where his arms and legs would be completely crushed before he died. Dream screamed as the press kept going down, twisting his legs and arms in ways they shouldn't be twisted, and applying so much fucking pressure- oh god it hurt.

He kept screaming, unable to hold it back. His legs were pushed all the way down to meet the bottom again, but the restraints forced them back up, even after his ankles fucking broke from the bending. He could feel each bone in his legs slowly break and actually shatter. His arms weren't any different..

Once his legs and arms were completely broken, he felt the press against his head, causing him to look away quickly. The thoughts he had just before he thought he would be dead were of his partners, his friends, and how much he missed them all.. It stopped, the hydraulic press suddenly stopped. No, it didn't stop, it started going up.

"Holy shit- Dream!" Someone yelled, running over. Wilbur? "Baby, oh gods, I'm here now, I'm here, we need to get you to the hospital right fucking now-" Wilbur carefully lifted Dream, wincing at the pained cry that escaped Dream. "Your arms and legs- holy fuck- I'm here now-" Dream just sobbed as Wilbur carried him out quickly, going to the closest hospital.

As soon as he was noticed people were rushing over, getting Dream and taking him to a room. "Sir, can I get the patients name, and yours?" A nurse walked over, looking at him. "Dream Wastaken, I'm Wilbur Soot.." The nurse nodded, writing that down on a piece of paper. "Normally we'd have others to do this but, could you tell me how he got hurt, that much?" Wilbur nodded, clenching his fists.

"Someone really.. wanted to kill him, and, they put him in this hydraulic press and- oh gods, i was almost too late.." The nurse nodded again, holding one of his hands reassuringly. "The doctors will do the best they can, I promise," Wilbur nodded, wiping some tears from his face he hadn't even noticed. The next day, Wilbur came back to the hospital.

He went up to one of the people at the front desk. "Hi, am I able to visit Dream Wastaken? Or at least, can I know if he's okay?" The brunette asked, worried for his boyfriend. "Yes, He's in room 302. I need your name first," One of the people spoke, looking up at him. "Right, Wilbur Soot," The person nodded.

"Alright, you can go to him," Wilbur nodded, thanking the person before rushing to Dream's room. He covered his mouth as he stared at the condition Dream was in. His arms and legs were all wrapped up and forced into being straight, his shirt was cut a bit, both sleeves and a bit around the neck. It was for easier access to what they need.

He could see Dream was awake, he was extremely weak and tired though, he could tell. "Dream, baby, you should get some sleep.." Dream whined quietly. "But.. wanna.. wanna be.. awake- w-with you.." Dream whispered, struggling to even stay awake. "Sweetheart, I'll be here every day, you get some rest," Wilbur gently ran a hand through Dream's hair.

"I'm going to tell Techno, Phil, George and Sapnap about this, alright? They'll visit every now and then as well, we're all here for you," Dream leaned into his hand, closing his eyes and nodding slightly. "Sleep well baby, I'll be here for as long as I can," Dream was out like a light. "I love you, Dream.." He whispered, keeping his hand where it was and resting his head against the wall.

He swore to himself, no matter what ended up happening, he would visit Dream each and every day. Wilbur loved the dirty blonde, a lot. A few hours later, he was told he had to go as visiting times were over. The next day he, Techno and Sapnap visited, and the day after that he, Phil and George went.

I didn't know how to explain the way he was tied up, just like ankles to thighs is a way to tie someone's legs up, keeping their knees up and the arms is somehow like, wrists to upper arms or some shit like that-
This is not at all because of Kokichi, nope, not at all ':)

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