Badwastaken? - Requested - I love you.

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Bad x Dream
- Mentions of blood
- Mentions of stealing
- Mentions of killing
It's not really explicit, and it's not angsty at all honestly

Requested by: Evelyn_lite
This was a bit rushed, and it's not exactly what you wanted but I hope you enjoy it anyways!
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Dream sighed to himself as he scrolled through targets he could take. Unfortunately, the completed missions related to the targets hadn't been removed yet- they would the next day, but he wanted to take a break tomorrow, so he was determined to find one. Dream was an assassin, he use a site to find good jobs to take up.

On the site, people could put who they wanted taken out, when they wanted them taken out by and how much they would pay- either for the public, or to specific users. Dream just so happened to be popular in that part of the world. "Amane household, two targets and a picture, two thousand if taken out today.. extra thousand if.. yeah, that'll do," Dream read out to himself, clicking on the job and accepting it.

It would show up as in progress to the one who requested it, and then marked as completed to everyone. There were reputation points as well. Every failed job took away one or two points, completing one gave one or two points. Dream was popular because of his flawless amount of points- it matched perfectly with the amount of jobs he had accepted.

The dirty blonde stood up and stretched, getting ready for the job and then making his way to the Amane's house. He grabbed a lockpick from his pocket to get in through a balcony door- the front and back doors were locked and guarded. He managed to get in and quickly finish the job- well, the murder part. He still had to find the painting.

Apparently it was in the second library- he might find a couple books to take as well. Just because he was there on a specific mission, didn't mean there was anything stopping him from taking stuff for himself. He found one of the two libraries, and he quickly looked for the painting. It was the right room, luckily. Dream took it off the wall, being careful to not get any blood on it as he took it down.

He looked through the books- of course with gloves on, he wanted to be at least a bit safe about not getting caught. "The Art of War.. I'm sure Techno would like this... what would Tommy like.. probably something about getting a girlfriend? Or... he did say he was interested in biology.." Dream whispered to himself, he had a habit of that.

"Greek mythology, Zoology, How to get a girlfriend- wow, these people really have that? Maybe something about space for Bad?" He wasn't sure about what to get for Bad, but he's pretty sure the other had taken an interest in space recently- at least, Bad spoke about it a couple times. Dream nodded and put the books in his bag- which he always brought with him on missions- and then grabbed the painting, leaving the house.

 Unfortunately, he heard someone rushing to the room he was in. "Hey! Get back here!" They yelled as they tried to chase him, Dream ran off with everything he had put in his bag, and the painting of course. He was too fast for them, that was for sure. The dirty blonde made his way back to his house- despite his earnings from the site, he kept his house very small and nice.

Dream put his bag down, before seeing where he had to give the painting to the person who wanted it. "So you're the one everyone's talking about? What are you called again.. the White Rabbit? Or was it the Black Rabbit, because of that mask? I can't seem to remember," The person went on and on, until Dream finally decided he was done.

"As much as I would love to stay, I have a life outside of this. So I would appreciate it if we could skip all the pleasantries and get to business," Dream grabbed the painting wanted out of a bag, he never held the items until he was selling them. "Right right, of course," After that was wrapped up, Dream put the money in his bag and went back to his house.

He had promised he'd be on Sneegsnag's stream. He got changed into his usual green hoodie and black pants- also grabbing his smiley face mask. As annoying it could sometimes be to wear the mask all the tme, he wasn't planning to do a face reveal anytime soon. It wasn't as bad as it used to be, when he didn't know how to enchant things or add custom enchantments.

Sure, he still wasn't the absolute best at it- but he was rather skilled in that area. Dream grabbed his phone from his desk, calling his friend to let him know he was on his way. He got to where Sneeg was planning to start the stream pretty quickly- it wasn't way too far away. After the stream ended, Dream said his goodbyes and went back to his house- he still wanted to give the books to Tommy, Bad and Techno before he forgot about them.

He wanted to give Tommy's his first, and then Techno and Bad. Dream cleaned any and all blood off of the books very carefully- sure, those three knew of his job, but he knew they wouldn't like the blood being on the book covers. After any and all blood was off the books, he cleaned his hands just in case and then put the books in another bag.

He wasn't going to use the same bag he use to rob the place- he wasn't stupid. The dirty blonde made his way to Tommy's place- He realized he could give Techno his books while he was there as well. He had honestly forgotten they were siblings. He usually only gave things he stole to the ones he was visiting today, because they were- again- the only ones who knew of his work.

It didn't take long for Dream to reach Tommy's house, and when he arrived he knocked on the door. "Coming!" Tubbo called from inside. Dream waited at the door for Tubbo to open it, smiling and greeting him when the brunette opened it. "Hey Tubs," Tubbo smiled widely. "Big D!! Hey!" Tubbo yelled happily, Dream chuckled slightly at the nickname.

"Hey, I'm just here to drop some stuff off for Techno and Tommy, I'll get you something next time," Dream smiled as he spoke, ruffling Tubbo's hair gently. Tubbo just nodded, letting Dream go through. "Thanks Tubbo," Tubbo smiled a bit more, nodding again. The dirty blonde went up to Tommy's room, knocking. "Not right now Dadza!" Tommy called from inside.

"Not Phil, Toms," Dream spoke up. "Come in Big D!" Dream opened the door, closing it behind. "Whatcha doin?" The dirty blonde asked. "Video game," Tommy stated simply. "Nice," "I got you something by the way," Dream decided to bring it up now- he still had to give books to the other two. Tommy perked up at that, looking at him. "What did you get me????" Dream put his bag down, looking for the two books he got for Tommy.

"Here you go, I'll try to get something more interesting next time," Tommy looked up at him, fighting the smile. "Yeah! You better! It's not like these are awesome or anything.." Dream chuckled softly. "I hope you like em," He hummed before walking out- with his bag of course. He went to Techno's room, knocking.

"Come in," The pinkette didn't even look up from the book he was reading at the time when Dream walked in- he didn't mind at all, he thought it was kind of funny. "Hey Tech, you know, you talk about The Art of War a lot," The dirty blonde started, putting his bag down once again and grabbing two books out. "Hey Dream, and yeah, I do,"

"Sooo~ I thought I'd get you this, and another Greek mythology book," Dream shrugged as he gave Techno the two books. "Dream- Thank you, I think? This doesn't mean anything though.." Techno mumbled, already starting to read The Art of War. "Of course not, and you're welcome~ I gotta head off now though, gonna go see Bad," Dream picked up his bag.

"Enjoy your books!" Dream smilled as he started to walk out. "Enjoy... the walk?" The dirty blonde chuckled and left. "Cya Tubbo," Dream said on the way out. He made his way to Bad's house, oddly excited to see him again. When Dream got to Bad's house, he knocked- as he had done at the others' house. "Hello?" Bad opened the door, smiling when he saw Dream.

"Dream! You muffinhead! If you told me you were coming I would've cooked something and cleaned up-" Bad started. "It's fine Bad~ I don't mind if it's a bit messy," Dream smiled, pulling Bad into a hug. Bad hugged him back, smiling as well. "The main reason I came over was to give you something, but would you mind if we hung out for a bit?" The dirty blonde asked, looking at the other.

"Of course! It's always nice hanging out with you," Bad let Dream inside. "Thank you, and aww~ that's so sweet!" Dream chuckled, grabbing his bag to give Bad the book. He grabbed it and gave it to the other. "Here yo-" Dream started. "I love you," Bad blurted out suddenly, catching Dream off guard.

"Sorry- Just, just forget I said that-" Bad was the one to be cut off that time by Dream pulling him close and putting a finger to his lips. "Did you mean that?.." The dirty blonde asked. "...I did," Dream smiled. "Good.." He moved his finger and kissed the other. 

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You can tell it was kinda rushed-
Anyways~ I hope you enjoyed this! Bye bye!

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