Technodream - Requested - Toxic teacher

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TW: Toxic teachers, possible eating disorder

Dream ran around the oval, as their teacher wanted them all to. They were all told to run 5 laps, as one of them had started yelling and misbehaving around their gym teacher, and she didn't take too kindly to that, what so ever. After yelling about it for 5 minutes straight, she made everyone run around the oval, as punishment.

It had only been a few minutes since they started, but the dirty blonde had to stop as he was dry heaving at this point. His gym teacher walked over, asking why he had stopped, but then, halfway through trying to explain, saying he was feeling nauseous, she began yelling at him, about how he was 'lying', and how he just wanted to get out of P.E.- despite him being one of the best two students in the subject, tied with a pinkette classmate of his, Techno.

 Dream winced at her yelling, before asking if he could go rest in the nurse's office, or go to the bathroom, like he normally did when 'it' started affecting his performance again, but he was told he wasn't allowed to, and that he had to keep running. Dream went along with it, despite knowing he shouldn't, because he didn't want his parents to be told about how he 'misbehaved' during class.

 He managed to finish the second lap, still dry heaving, which lead to his throat feeling like it was burning. This happened for a few more days, before other students began to pick up on how he wasn't joking. He would lean against the wall, in the corner, leaning over a trash can and trying desperately not to throw up then and there, his stomach twisting and turning every time he gagged. 

The students may have noticed this, and realized how he wasn't making it up, but their teacher most certainly did not. She grabbed him by the back of his shirt, pulling him away from the trash can, despite his attempts to stay. "Stop faking! I know you're not sick! Get back to running before I call your parents!" She yelled at him, pushing him back onto the track again.

Dream just gulped and continued running. About 5 minutes into running, he doubled over and started actually throwing up, unable to push himself any further. He requested to leave again, but, again, he wasn't allowed to, and had to go back to running- after he cleaned up his 'mess'. Around 2 minutes after everything was clean and they were running again, he grew extremely lightheaded, and he swore he nearly passed out.

 He walked over to the teacher, looking up at her and saying how he couldn't run anymore. She still didn't believe him, and he had to go back to running yet again. Not even a minute later, Dream couldn't keep his eyes open anymore, he couldn't keep himself upright or conscious any longer either.

He reached forwards to a certain pinkette, grabbing onto the back of his shirt before falling limp. Techno's eyes widened and he quickly turned around when his shirt was grabbed, surprised by the sudden grip, then he saw Dream falling forward. He caught the boy, wrapping his arms around the smaller, confused and surprised. 

Techno picked him up, not even bothering to go to the teacher. He carried the boy to the nurse's office, explaining what had happened. He laid the boy on the bed, and he was about to leave when Dream suddenly grabbed his hand. "T-Tech... please st-ay..." He choked out, choking slightly on his own saliva, causing him to be sat up.

The end.

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