Dance - Requested - No ship

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Requested by a friend on discord,
Dance based on:
TW: Slight sexual harassment if?

Dream waited for the music to start, his face going slightly red as he realized his friends planned on watching- but he had to do his best, The dirty blonde quickly put on his mask, taking in a deep breath and waiting. When he heard the music get to a certain part at the start, he legitimately crawled out, though moved a lot more than one normally would- he could tell the others loved it.

He got to one of the poles and leaned on his knees, grabbing the pole as high up as he could with one, and the other holding the pole almost in line with his hips. He pushed himself back, so that his feet only just were touching the ground, his hands still holding on. He swung himself forwards a bit, standing slowly, in a way that would allow him to put on more of a show for some.

He leaned down, not moving his legs or hands, until he had bent over to the point it looked like he could literally suck himself off if he wanted- He stood back up slowly, raising one of his hands- the one closest to the bottom- as he stood, holding it up and to the side. He rolled his body almost against the pole, listening to the calls, whistles, and shouts, all telling him that this was good.

After a few seconds of just that, he reached up on the pole again, leaning his head back for a moment. He lifted himself up with ease and almost immediately went behind the pole, his legs spread further than it looked like they should've been- but everyone watching had to admit, it was kinda hot though.

He dropped down, letting go of the pole with his lower hand as he slid, ending up with his legs bent and on either side of the pole. He decided to push himself to one side, one leg straight out a bit past the pole, the other resting on the floor to help him keep balance. He spun himself around, and then picked himself up again- holding onto the pole with two hands.

He kicked himself up, and then let go of the pole as he reached to other side, leading to him falling down again, but that was the plan. He landed on his knees, and a few milliseconds after landing he pushed himself down so he was laying down, pushing himself back up, making sure his back arched and his ass stuck up in the air- part of the appeal of all this, was the tease.

 He crawled to the other pole, standing up in the same way he had originally done with the other, except walking around the pole after he stood, When he got to the back of the pole, he picked himself back up, Spreading his legs in about 45-degree angles as he allowed himself to spin around the pole- in the air of course.

After doing a full spin, he made himself go upside down, spreading his legs further. After another full spin, he went back to being upright, spinning slightly as he brought his legs closer together, only to return to being upside down and spinning with his legs wide. He let go of the pole with one hand after he sort of kicked himself back into an upright position.

He spun around just like that until he reached low enough to touch the ground, but he used the pole to spin around to the other side of it once he was on his knees again. He pushed himself back down, his legs spread as he kept his hips up while his torso went down, and then he slowly lowered his hips, only to rise them again, lower them, and then sort of get up.

He wasn't standing, but he wasn't on his knees anymore- it was difficult to explain. He let himself drop into the splits, kicking one leg around to spin him. He ended up with both legs bent, but spread, one behind him, the other in front, while he arched his back and held a hand on his leg, slowly moving it up past his thigh, his hip, only just touching his waist before it left his body.

 He spun himself again, but only so he was on his knees, and he had to look back a bit to see the audience. He moved himself back, pleasing the audience with how he did it, before standing up using the pole he originally use. standing the same way once again. He went to take a big step around the pole but instead allowed it to swing around it, quickly picking up his other leg and waving to the audience.

As soon as he could touch the ground with his knees, he did so and stood up quickly, picking himself up and spreading his legs, bringing them together and then spreading them again, multiple times, before going to do it once more- instead wrapping a leg around the pole, the other still straight. He let his leg that wasn't around the pole rest down as he leaned back- holding the pole of course- before kicking the leg up and making himself fall down to the ground, landing perfectly as always.
He kept himself kneeling and spread his legs slightly, before using the position to push himself to the side- standing- only just holding the pole at all. He walked to either side of the pole, raising his leg and then lowering it, before walking around to the front and lifting himself again, spreading his legs as he pulled himself up further.

He wrapped a leg around the pole and moved his hand up quickly, reaching as high as he could whilst turning to one side, bending his knees, and letting himself slide down a bit, still spinning- but slowly. He reached the floor and did a small tease there, before spinning around the pole two times, then kicking his legs up, spreading them, and spinning quickly while upside down, again.

He briefly wrapped his legs around the pole, holding himself up using his hand, which was now touching the floor- while the other was in between his legs. He spread his legs again and spun carefully, making sure to keep his head up as he got closer to the floor. When he was touching the ground, he sat up, allowing his legs to just rest there, slightly bent and resting to the side.

He waved at everyone again, moving his mask up slightly to smile at them at the same time. After catching his breath, he moved his legs, leaning properly on one of them, while the other was in front of him. He ran a hand up along his bare torso, biting his bottom lip as he cupped his chest, then moved his hand up again.

He reached up as high as he could on the pole again, spinning around slightly, letting go again. He spun so he was on the other side of the pole, facing the audience. He slowly crawled forwards, a small smile plastered on his face as he did- He allowed his upper body to touch the floor, before he sat up again, leaning back slightly.

He ran his hands along his mostly exposed body, before he moved one leg to the side- turning as well- and then lifted it, and kept it straight up. He allowed his hips to move up and down, making a show, He lowered the leg again, but turned so his back was to the others. He laid down, spreading his legs a bit and just moving his lower body side to side, slowly.

He sat back up after a few seconds, only to turn around and get in a position he could stand from- then standing. He walked to the pole furthest away, grabbing it with one hand, walking around it a bit, then reaching up with the other hand and lifting himself. He spun around, spreading his legs every spin or two, and then closing them again.

He wrapped his legs around the pole, letting one hand let go and just reach out to nothing as he kept spinning. He reached up slightly higher, going into a standing like position and continuing to spin, waiting a few seconds before swinging himself up, upside down, legs spread- then quickly moving on the pole, his legs wrapped around it, then one let go and just rested to the side, and then he unwrapped the other, spreading them as much as he could while spinning.

After a few slowish spins, he lowered his legs and started waving again, panting softly. He held onto the pole tightly, spreading his legs once more, and holding them right against the pole, straight out, slowly sliding down. When he was closer to the ground, he left that position and just let his legs hang down, letting him land on them.

He finished it all off by walking around the pole, doing a small wave, sticking his tongue out and walking out. Dream, as soon as he was off stage, he grabbed a shirt, threw it on, and then took his mask off, panting still. He grabbed his bottle of water and drank it quickly, before chucking the bottle into his bag.

"Hey! Good show!" One of his coworkers shouted, smiling as they ran over. One of his other coworkers walked over and wrapped their arms around his waist. "Yeah~ Maybe you could give me a private one?~" They purred, running a hand up Dream's clothed side. The dirty blonde pushed him away, grabbing his bag and thanking the first one, and then leaving


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