Quackity x Dream - Requested - I promise.

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Quackity x Dream (Dreamity? Quackdream? no idea)
Very short
Requested by Elewastaken69
In this Quackity was never in a relationship with Karl and Sapnap, and Sam was the one hurting Dream.
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Quackity walked into the prison with a small smile- he finally decided to give Dream a visit. He knew for a fact that Dream would probably be able to get out eventually, and he wanted to do his best to provide support. He had recently visited Karl and Sapnap, the married couple giving him the motivation to help his own lover.

He was hoping they could get married someday- now's not the time for that though, he reminded himself. Quackity looked at Sam when he got in. "Hello Quackity. What is your business here?" Sam questioned, staring Quackity in the eyes. "I came to visit Dream?" Quackity tilted his head a bit- why else would he be there?

"Have you visited the prisoner before?" Quackity shook his head, he felt a bit of guilt when answering. "Nope," They went through the entire process- it felt like it took hours, in reality it probably took 15 minutes. "Step on the platform, make sure to move with it," Sam instructed. Quackity quickly got on the platform which Sam had told him to.

 "Ready?" Quackity nodded, the lava had already been drained. Quackity wouldn't admit he flinched when the platform began moving. He moved with it- as he was told to. Soon enough, he was at the cell. The lava had to flow back down before he could go in though. The lava flowed down- finally, it took so long- and Quackity was let into the cell.

"Dream? Love?" Quackity looked around the cell, searching for his lover. Soon enough, he saw his beloved dirty blonde. "Dream! There you are, I've missed you," Quackity hugged Dream, noticing how thin he had gotten. "Has he been feeding you?.." Quackity questioned quickly, looking down at Dream- who just nodded.

"..Did he hurt you?" The ravenette asked, seemingly unprompted. "..." Dream didn't say anything, that was enough information for Quackity. "I'm sorry I hadn't visited sooner, I promise I wanted to, I was just.. scared? I hadn't been the best to you.." Quackity changed the subject. "It's okay Quackity, I missed you.." The dirty blonde finally spoke, making the ravenette smile.

"I love you, my dear little blob," Dream found himself smiling at the name. "I love you too, Q-t..?" Quackity hugged Dream slightly tighter, Dream hugging him back this time. "I missed you so much, I missed your hugs, your terrible nicknames, your smile," Quackity spoke without thinking about it. Dream's grip got tighter around Quackity.

"I missed you too.. So, so much.. please promise you'll visit me more- please, i don't want to be alone again.." Dream muttered, Quackity could tell Dream was crying because of the growing wet spot on his shoulder. "I will, I promise. I'll visit every day that I can,"

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Working on pt 2 of "Destiny" 

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