No real ship - Probably won't be drinking wine for a while.

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- R * pe
- !!!!Bad Schlatt!!!!
- Drugging
- Kidnapping
- Forced feminisation?
- Abuse and/or Torture

Dream raised his hand to his mask, adjusting it slightly so it rested more comfortably on his face. The dirty blonde walked along the path, letting his eyes scan over each building- flickering back to the numbers on his communicator every now and then. Until he reached the numbers he had to get to. 123, 45, 6.

"Really? He chose to build it at cords like these? Whatever," Dream sighed quietly, letting out a small chuckle. He began walking to the door, not bothering to tell the man he had gotten there, instead opting to knock. As if on cue, the door opened, light spilling out through open doors. "It's been a while since we've seen each other, Dream," The man in front of him spoke, straightening his tie.

"It has, Schlatt. Now, I have things to do- So I'd appreciate if we could get straight to business," Dream looked at the other blankly. "Of course, Of course, It's getting rather late though. What do you say we talk over some wine?" Schlatt smiled, stepping to the side and motioning for Dream to come in.

The dirty blonde stayed still for a second before walking inside, looking around the area briefly. They walked to the dining room, Schlatt telling the other to take a seat, which Dream hesitantly listened to. The other, older man walked out of the room, disappearing around a corner and returning a minute later.

He carried two glasses in his hands, both filled about half way with wine. Schlatt placed one of them in front of Dream before walking to his own seat and placing his down- then taking a seat. Dream waited until Schlatt sipped on his drink before pushing up his mask slightly, taking a drink of his own. "So, what did you call me here for?"

"Well, I want to discuss future plans, such as the development of Elixier," Schlatt smiled slightly as Dream downed the rest of the drink before standing and slamming his hands on the table. "There is NO way in hell you, or anyone else, is starting another fucking coun-try..." Dream's movements grew slower, and his eyelids grew noticeably heavier.

"What..the fuck did you... do..." Schlatt stood up as soon as Dream started talking, catching him when the dirty blonde's legs gave out under him. The older man smiled widely, pulling off Dream's mask and staring at the beautiful features of it. And then his eyes closed, and everything went black.

When he regained consciousness, he felt something around his wrists, and his ankles. His neck too, what the fuck? He tried pulling his arm free, though, it was futile. He managed to get a slight glimpse of what was around his wrists- it was rope. It hurt to try and get out of it. "So you're finally awake," A voice hummed from where he assumed the door was. He heard footsteps coming his direction and he tensed up.

"Where the fuck am I?! Let me go!" The dirty blonde growled up at Schlatt who now stood above him, stroking his cheek. "You know, it's such a shame you were born a guy, you would've been a wonderful wife," Dream tried to move away from him and hide his face- now realizing his mask was off.

The older man smirked at the and climbed onto the bed, kneeling over Dream and making the man look him in the eyes. "I guess I was too hopeful when I hoped you would be obedient and we could have a nice time, oh well~" Now that, that terrified Dream. "What t-the fuck are you going to do?!" The diry blonde yelled, pulling on the restraints again.

Schlatt leaned down and bit his neck harshly, bits of blood spilling. "What the fuck?!" Dream cried, thrashing around in a desperate attempt to get out. "Struggling won't change anything, if you gave into me, however.." He licked his lips, letting one hand slide under the other's shirt. "Hey- Stop it!" The dirty blonde tried to lift his arms- wanting to get Schlatt away and off of him.

The goat man chuckled at this, licking up a bit of the blood from his neck before moving his hands to literally tear his shirt open- his pants had been taken off while he was unconscious. "Schlatt.. stop.." Dream whispered, not confident in being able to speak any louder without his voice breaking.

"You have to learn your place, baby girl~" Schlatt purred. The man let his hand grope the younger's ass, loving how Dream shook his head, trying to kick him away. "C'mon baby, stop resisting~" Schlatt pushed a finger into Dream, making him whimper in pain- before yelling- telling him to cut it out, threatening him with death, so on and so forth.

"As much as I love hearing you struggling, I'm getting a headache.." Dream bit his bottom lip harshly for a moment, before yelling. "Fuck you! Let me go!!" Dream screamed, thrashing around again- it only resulted in a hand around his neck blocking his air flow, along with three more fingers shoved into his hole at once, making him cry out in pain.

"Not so bitchy now are we?" Dream couldn't even try to get words out, tears running down his cheeks. "What happened to all that attitude baby girl?~ Already got it all out?" Schlatt purred, stretching Dream out with his fingers. "St-OP!" He cried, shaking his head violently. "You seem ready to take the main course baby~ Daddy's so nice to you," The man smiled as he pulled his fingers out, pushing them into Dream's mouth for him to clean off.

The dirty blonde bit his fingers, making Schlatt growl and pull them out immediately, slapping him harshly. "You fucking bitch! You just bit me!" Schlatt exclaimed, slapping him again. "I was going to go easy on you since it's the first day, but I don't think you deserve it!" Dream's eyes widened, and he started thrashing around again.

He just ruined the chances of his situation being better.. Oh god he was terrified. Schlatt grabbed the other's thighs, lifting him up a bit and lining himself up, before pushing in. He pushed in slowly, making sure he didn't hurt himself. "God you're so tight baby girl~ So warm as well, you really would be perfect~" The man purred.

Dream felt him move, causing him to throw his head back, sobbing in pain, humiliation, fear, and so much more. This upset the other, who made Dream look at him again. "I want to see your beautiful face, don't look away~" Schlatt hummed out, causing Dream to look away instantly. "Fucking brat, I'll have to get you listening to me.."

Dream kept trying to get away, but every attempt was useless. Eventually he just.. gave up. It hurt too much, he was exhausted, and he knew he couldn't get out. So he just laid there. Schlatt smiled widely at this, leaning down and whispering both praise for how feminine he looked and how well he felt around his dick, and degrading words, telling him how much of a slut he looked like, how he would never get out, how he was so useless he couldn't even bother to fight back.

Dream didn't say anything back, moans of both pain and slight pleasure escaping his lips, tears flowing down his cheeks. Schlatt bit down on Dream's neck, not slowing in his thrusts. After what probably was hours, Schlatt stopped, Dream had passed out a little while ago. He pulled out slowly, watching the cum and smaller amounts of blood spill out.

His neck was covered in bites and hickeys as well. His cheeks had dry tear tracks on them. The next morning, Dream woke up with a lot of pain, tears building in his eyes quickly because of it. He looked around for a moment, trying to remember what happened. The dirty blonde heard footsteps and fear suddenly began coursing through his veins.

"You're finally awake, are you baby girl?" Dream didn't realise Schlatt was talking to him until he was suddenly in the air, a hand squeezing his neck. "I wanted you to answer me," The man growled quietly, throwing him into the wall. "W-What the fu-fuck-" Dream gasped out, the mark around his neck really hurt, and it was slightly harder to breathe- even after the hand was gone.

"I guess it has only been one day.. I'm willing to spend so, so much time to make you the perfect wife," Schlatt smiled as he grabbed the other's chin roughly, admiring his face. A few days-maybe weeks?- later, Dream was on the floor, curled up in a ball as he was hit over, and over. He had tried to escape the house. Schlatt didn't like that.

He wasn't being hit like normal either, he was being whipped. "Schlatt! Please- I di-didn't mean i-t!" He sobbed. His body was already sore from previous beatings and... other activities.. He wasn't ready for the whip. "That's not my name," Schlatt growled out in between each whip, not holding back any strength.

"Sir! Please! I can't- it hurts!" Dream couldn't take the pain at the moment. He hadn't been allowed to eat much, he had slept way too little, and there was probably so many more factors to it. "This is part of your punishment, shut up and take it!" Somehow, he seemed to use more force with the whip as he brought it down to meet red skin.

Dream screamed in pain, sobbing and shaking his head. "Tell me why you're being punished, Dream," Schlatt softened up slightly with the whipping, though he still made sure it hurt. "I t-tried to run away- I'm sorry sir!" Dream's nails dug into the floor as he was forced to look at the other. "That's right. Will you do that again?"

The dirty blonde shook his head immediately, pleading and saying he would never try to escape again. "Good girl, now, get to the bedroom and get prepped. Unless you want it dry," Dream got up shakily, rushing to the bedroom. He knew how much more it hurt when he didn't prep himself- Schlatt refused to do it himself.

It had been maybe 2 months since then, Dream was currently sitting on Schlatt's lap- he had been asked to- while the man dealt with a call. "Dream? No, I haven't seen him. You saw me with him last? I just gave him a drink. Maybe he's just a light weight and he passed out in the forest?" The dirty blonde didn't listen to the conversation, what did it even matter?

He's not going to even think about running away ever again.. not alone at least. "Hey, no, you can't just come over and look around! It's my house. I expect my privacy," Schlatt then hung up. Dream tensed as he felt the other's tongue run up his neck. "Get on the bed," The dirty blonde listened quickly- he learnt not to disobey many times.

"Good girl," He crawled on top of him, starting his normal activities.. Another while later, maybe another month. The dirty blonde sat on a chair next to Schlatt, extremely uncomfortable due to both the pain all around his body, and the tight dress he had to wear. The door suddenly slammed open, making them both tense.

"Go to the basement and stay there," Schlatt demanded, Dream instantly getting up and going as he was told to. He walked down the steps, curling up on the floor. The dirty blonde buried his face in his knees, letting himself start crying quietly. He looked up quickly when he heard the door to the basement open, a pair of eyes staring down into his.

"Dream? Oh my god is that you?!" The brunette talking to him rushed down the steps, taking the other male's face into his hands as soon as he could. "What happened- Did he do this to you?"

- - - 

That is the end of this chapter!
Can I ask what you all think of the new way I set out the page? (More specifically the TWs)
Does it make the chapters easier to read, or did you prefer the old way?
Also wowww, only two updates this time-- Sorry for that

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