DNB?? - You fucking idiot..

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TW: Implied Self Harm, Attempted Suicide? Mentions of throwing up

Techno slowly made his way through the trees, taking the route he had followed Dream down many, many times. He held his axe tightly in his hand, planning to use the sharp blade very, very soon. The pinkette felt something was wrong, and yet, he didn't pay it any attention- not yet at least. He pushed the wooden door open carefully- walking in and closing the door, climbing down the ladder.

Dream's base was underground, but he kept a door up at the top just in case- it was quite far away from spawn, and anywhere on the SMP, so, it wasn't likely that it'd be found by accident. When Techno reached the bottom of the ladder, he froze, staring at the dirty blonde with wide eyes. He had blood dripping from his arms and to the floor, tears rolling down his cheeks and dripping to the floor, and pills.

There were quite a few pills- most were white, but, there were one or two that were green. He had about 10? There was a discarded bottle on the floor, and Techno could only just read the label. 'Zolpidem'. The pinkette quickly ran to Dream, who had just swallowed all of them. As disgusting as it was to do, Techno wrapped an arm tightly around the boy- pushing two fingers into his mouth as much as he could, triggering Dream's gag reflex.

"You... fucking idiot.." The pinkette whispered, clenching his teeth and pulling out his fingers just before Dream threw up, the pills showing up in the small puddle. He had more tears rolling down his cheeks now. Partly because being forced to throw up was slightly painful, and humiliating, partly because he had just tried to commit, and partly because somebody saw him.

Techno had seen him. "What the actually fuck were you thinking?!" Techno yelled, making Dream look at him. The pinkette felt a pain in his chest when he heard broken sobs escape the other male's lips, and he didn't know why but, he hugged the man tightly. Dream held onto the back of his shirt tightly, continuing to just sob- it was humiliating, and weak, in Dream's opinion, but.. he couldn't stop himself.

"W-why're You h-...here?... how did you find m-me?.." Dream stammered, getting a nervous chuckle from the other. "Well, uh... I've been watching you for the past few days- "


"And.. to be honest, I was planning to kill you..." Techno mumbled, running a hand through the smaller's hair. Dream didn't say anything about that, holding the pinkette tighter- and trying to ignore the smell and taste caused by before- he didn't want to start throwing up again- not on Techno.

The end,

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