DNB - Requested - I'm not okay without him.

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TW: Technical kidnapping, self harm, Mental health talk, Mentions of mental illnesses and disorders - such as SAD, Schizophrenia, Depression, etc.

"H-Hey!! You can't do that!! Hey! Hey! Hey hey hey!! No!! Stop! Let me go!!" Dream kept yelling, trying to escape George and Sap's hold. He wanted to get back to Techno, he wanted to run into his love's arms, but, he was being forced away. They told him it was for their own good- they both needed some time, alone. Fully alone. They never said how long their time alone would be, just that it was full isolation. And so, that's how he ended up locked in a room, a cold room.

All alone. With nothing around. After trying desperately to get out for hours and hours, he curled up in a corner, shivering and crying. He didn't care about how they could probably see him crying, he couldn't help it. "T-Tech... Techno... plea-please- co-me back..." Dream sobbed, his nails digging into the flesh on his arms. He passed out shortly after- both because of blood, and because he was exhausted- exhausted from crying, and 'acting up'.

 He dreamt of Techno that night, being held by him, them cuddling, the pinkette pressing kisses against the younger's pale skin, the warmth from his body, and, most of all, his voice. Dream loved Techno's voice, he loved everything about it- he loved everything about Techno. Who wasn't there. It had been a week- maybe 2? Dream didn't know, he didn't have anyway to tell.

He didn't care if he was killed or tortured, so long as he had Techno. He wanted Techno. He wanted the man there with him, he couldn't take it, he needed Techno there with him. On the, supposedly 23rd day, Dream kept slamming his head against the wall, over, and over, and over again, it didn't matter if he started bleeding, it didn't matter if he could barely keep himself from screaming in pain, it didn't matter if he was about to pass out, all that mattered, was that Techno wasn't there.

He needed Techno. He needed him there. But. he wasn't there, and that alone was driving the dirty blonde insane. Dream didn't know how long it had been, he didn't care. He wanted to get out, immediately. Some time later Too long in Dream's opinion they let Dream out, the dirty blonde wasn't okay, at all. But, the second he saw Techno, He felt so happy- happy, but, also really upset.

He ran to the pinkette, Techno running over as well, and then they hugged each other. The piglin hybrid held Dream protectively, growling at the others if they got too close. Dream, on the other hand, clung onto Techno's shirt, crying quietly in the taller's arms. "Sh sh sh, I've got you, I'm here. You're not alone love, it's okay.." Techno whispered, running a loving hand through Dream's hair.

"Tech... I-I- Don-on't leave me ag-gain you stupid pig!!" Dream cried, punching the taller's shoulder. "I won't Dream, I won't leave you... No matter what," Techno glared behind Dream, glaring at the other 4 who were still standing there. The males tensed up, running off quickly. A while later - a few days later, to be exact, Dream decided to stream, because he felt sort of bad.

He just streamed exploring and building and stuff, what he normally did. Techno was just in their house, on call with him, because Dream could NOT be left completely alone. The dirty blonde was doing fine, up until a donation came in. 'Hey! I just wanted to know if you had any mental illnesses! If so! What do you have?" "Uh... Yeah, I have a few, um..." Dream started, continuing to go on with the stream- visual wise.

"I have ADHD, or, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Anxiety, uhm..." It was clear that the dirty blonde was uncomfortable, and so, Techno took action. "Dream, Dream, You're absolutely stunning, and you're perfect for who you are," Techno spoke gently, and he could hear Dream's smile. "Simp. Uh- Anyway- Uh, Let's see.. I have Depression, yes, diagnosed, uhm- Slight Schizophrenia , uhh.... An-Anorexia- It's an eating disorder. I've been told I also suffer from OCD and PTSD?" Dream explained, before Techno cut in again.

"I feel like I'm looking at Aphrodite," "Shut up.. stupid pig..." Dream continued to explain what each meant- minus PTSD and OCD because he was never told what it actually entailed. And every now and then Techno would speak up, openly complimenting Dream. At one point, while he was explaining anorexia and why he had suffered from it- it was because he hated his body image and believed he was too big, and he was bullied to an extreme - Techno spoke up, not caring much if he interrupted Dream.

"Hey, don't hate yourself- at least, don't despise yourself, you're so pretty! I love you baby, okay? And, if you ever want to talk, I'm here,"

 "Thanks...Tech... Oh! Also, that reminds me- apparently i also have SAD- Separation Anxiety Disorder,"

The end,
I remembered i had other stories to post so, Be ready for notifications- lmao-

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