Dream as Chiaki Nanami

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TW: Torture? Death??? P A I N. Danganronpa 2- The end of hope peak highschool - despair arc spoilers. A bit isn't completely accurate, but, ya know.

Dream sighed as he walked along the path, looking for someone- anyone. He wanted to hang out with whoever he could. "Dream!! Hi! Um, so... I wanted to, test something. Everyone else is there, hoping to watch but, you don't have to do anything! Uhm.. I made a machine, which can show us some of the memories of the one who use it," Fundy tried to explain quickly, not wanting to spend too long trying.

"Can you, uh.. be the one to test it?" Dream tensed, running over all possible situations in his head. They would be able to see a collection of memories, but, what lot of them? He was afraid they'd see.... a certain set of them, which would be really fucking bad- and scary. To him, and whoever sees it.

 He decided that, it was fine. What were the chances they'd see the most recent one, instead of the happy one? Very fucking low. There was no way. His meant-to-be death was extremely fucking painful, and he still got pains from it sometimes. He remembers being unable to even move without screaming some nights.

Adding onto that, he still couldn't cope with... certain words and actions. "Sure?.." Dream hesitantly mumbled, looking at the fox hybrid with a small smile. "Thank you! Come on now, we can't keep them waiting!" Fundy smiled widely, grabbing the other's hand and pulling Dream along with him.

"So, it may feel a bit weird, and, you'll be back in the body of your old self, during the memories," The fox hybrid started, planning to explain it as best he could. "You'll be watching through your past self's eyes, but you won't be able to change anything. Just like none of us can touch you, or anything around you," Fundy continued, leading Dream to the table, which was set up like a bed- where Dream would be laying during the experience.

"Could you just lay down for me right there- Yeah, just like that," Fundy spoke quickly, Dream laying on the table. He went back to explaining. "So, there's a chance you will still feel pain inflicted on your past body, but it's very unlikely. You'll be able to see us and hear us, just like we will be able to with you. Uh, Someone will be on standby, in case something goes wrong, alright? I've explained to them how it works and how to safely shut it off if needed," Fundy continued to explain.

"I'm pretty sure that's all.. Oh, one more thing actually. There's a very slight possibility that the pain stays even after it's all shut down, that's just a warning," The fox hybrid finished, nodding to himself with a smile. "You still sure you wanna go through with this?" Dream nodded, returning the smile. "Alright, just close your eyes and relax," Fundy instructed, connecting Dream to something.

The dirty blonde closed his eyes, taking deep breaths. He felt a strange feeling wash over his body, before he found himself walking along a path again, it was a different path. His eyes were glued on his gaming device, the Nantendo Game Girl Advance. He recognised the game as well. Gala Omega, a really good game. his favourite, even.

He felt himself run into someone, someone who he- again- recognised. Just like in the past, he looked up at him after beating the level in his game, observing the brunette hair for a moment, along with his green eyes. Dream stared up at him for a few seconds, waiting for the other to say something.

"Are you..okay?" The brunette questioned, Dream not saying anything as he started walking away, playing his game. Well, i guess right now he's a she, and not 'Dream'. The shorter had gotten a few steps away from the other, before he spoke up. "Gala Omega, right?" He questioned, obviously talking about the game Dream was playing.

Dream looked up from the game immediately, speaking himself- or, herself. "So you know it?" She turned, walking quickly over to the brunette. "You're the first like, ever!" She exclaimed, going on her tiptoes to be at least somewhat closer to his height. "Uhm.. yeah?" The brunette chuckled nervously, putting a hand on the back of his neck.

Dream smiled widely for a moment before her expression morphed into a serious one, leaning in closer. "It's a classic, don't you agree? There's nothing else like it in the whole genre!!" Dream used to be- and admittedly still is- obsessed with the game. The brunette had his hands up and in front of him. "Y-Yeah, classic, I once played through it five times in a row," He spoke. "Really?!" Dream smiled even wider.

"Yes! Cross my heart!" The brunette smiled. "I know how tough that is, i did it ten in a row once.." Dream hummed softly. "That blows mine out of the water," He chuckled slightly, still smiling a bit. "It's just- I've never met anyone who could play games as much as me before!" Dream looked up at him again, her smile wide but soft.

"Someday, I want to see your very best run, alright?" "Sure, you got it," They both smiled at each other. "Oh there you are! You must be Nanami! Pleasure to meet ya!" A woman with orange hair called out, smiling widely as she waved to Dream. "You can call me Chisa Yukizome," The woman smiled softly, "As of today, I'm your new homeroom teacher," They talked a bit, Chisa pointing out how the brunette was in the Reserve Course- judging on his uniform.

Ms. Chisa had to run after a student who she had been dragging. After the woman- Ms. Chisa- walked back, she told Dream how they had to go to the classroom. She ended up needing to carry Dream, because she wasn't planning to put down her game anytime soon. Despite that, Dream still waved to the brunette- who she never actually got the name of.

Once in the class, in her seat, Dream saw everyone- they all had their distinct features. One of them was literally just a model student- the super highschool level princess, one had multicoloured hair, especially the fringe- along side the horn like things coming from her head. There was a white haired kid who honestly seemed like he didn't give one shit about anything- just smiling and hope.

There was a blonde girl with one really big pigtail. There was a short haired girl, she looked to be a brunette- she also had a camera around her neck. There was a guy up front with pink hair. A guy with a sort of weird hair style. A girl who had long, black hair, who seemed shy and timid- also really fuckin clumsy.

There was a blonde boy with a line through the side of his hair, he looked like some bad ass. A girl behind him with her hair braided into two braids. A really big man with hair that could literally be mistaken for an owl. A man with a scar through his eye, constantly holding an animal. A long haired brunette who was really active. And another blonde boy with red cheeks.

That was about all of them, unless she missed someone. She quickly returned her gaze to her game. Everyone else wasn't too shocked, just, confused- if Dream was trans, why didn't they know sooner? It was whatever though. Oh- and why would he need to hide his face? As this girl she looked perfectly fine.

Oh, they also learnt their names. Sonia Nevermind, Ibuki Mioda, Nagito Komeada, Hiyoko Saionji, Mahiru Koizumi, Kazuichi Soda, Teruteru Hanamura, Mikan Tsumiki, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Peko Pekoyama, Nekomaru Nidai, Gundham Tanaka, Akane Owari, and Ryota Mitarai. Oh, but, the brunette from earlier was called Hajime Hinata, and Dream was called Chiaka Nanami.

Nobody decided to question the names- who really cares. There was a small part where it was so fucking sexual, but ended in Dream- or, Chiaki, punching one of them to protect one of her other classmates. And then fainting. Then it cut to another part, where they were selecting a class president. But not the normal way.

"I should probably ask for volunteers or something, but i think my way's gonna be a lot more fun!" Ms. Chisa smiled, her hands on her hips. "Our class needs an official representative! And who better to represent this homeroom than Chiaki Nanami!" The girl in question lifted her head for a second, muttering a 'i dont wanna'.

"You'll never know if you don't try!" Ms. Chisa pointed out. "You'd be perfect for it, Nanami!" Sonia smiled, turning to look at her. "I second that 'cause she said it!" Kazuichi exclaimed. "I got nothin against it," Akane smiled. "Yeah, she'll rock that shit!" Nekomaru yelled. "Not that I care, but sure," Fuyuhiko. "It meets with my approval," They couldn't recognise that one.

"This Chick's on board!" Ibuki. "Ditto for me then!" Mahiru. "Okay, why not," Hiyoko. A few others agreed as well, before Ms. Chisa walked over to her. "So, Nanami, what's the verdict? Your classmates are all on board. What you say, player one?" She smiled, leaning forward. Chiaki looked up at her for a moment, before sighing and looking down again.

"Yeah, okay, I'll do it," "Alright! No take backs!" Nagito started clapping, a smile plastered on his face as he spoke about how beautiful the moment was. They weren't ready for the next part. Nor was Dream. "Awhh, that's so sweet!" Dream heard from a bit away, quickly looking over- without actually moving the body he was in again.

He saw everyone smiling a lot at what had gone on so far- minus a few of them, who were just rolling their eyes and- quite obviously forcing themselves not to smile. The next scene was them watching Ms. Chisa and Chiaki walking down a hall, now standing in front of an elevator. "Where are we?" Chiaki questioned, looking around the small room a bit.

Ms. Chisa wrapped her arms around the smaller girl, smiling softly at her. "We've been through a lot, huh? You and me, side by side, soldiering on," The orange haired female spoke. "This is so fucking sketchy," Tommy stated, huffing. "Language, you muffinhead! But.. I agree," Bad mumbled, watching the whole thing intently.

"Doing our best to keep the classroom unified, holding them together.. At first the only common ground anyone had was their ultimate talent. But now, thanks to you, they've become a team," The teacher continued, closing her eyes for a moment.

"You're an extraordinary young woman, I just want you to know how grateful I am for all your hard work.. When I was transferred, I thought for sure the class would fall apart. But no. You kept it going, Thank you.. Nanami. You have done more for your friends than you'll ever know," She presumably finished, letting go. Chiaki found a small smile on her own face.

"...This teacher is way too sketchy. If this were an anime, I bet you she'd push her in and-" One of them started, stumbling over their words when Ms. Chisa pushed Chiaki into the elevator, smiling down at her. "..Ms. Yukizome?.." The girl looked up at her, not standing up yet. "So of course.. You were the obvious choice," Ms Chisa looked up from the ground, smiling widely.

Her eyes showed she was definitely brainwashed in some way. She pressed the button next to the elevator, making the doors to it close. As soon as they were closed, the elevator started going down- Chiaki still on the floor, tears building in her eyes. "I fucking called it!!!" Sapnap screamed, pointing at the scene. "Language!" When the elevator stopped moving, Chiaki slowly stood up.

"Now, you may ask yourself- Why would my favourite teacher do this to me?" A new voice echoed, Chiaki tensing up at it. The doors of the elevator opened again, revealing a screen with a strawberry blonde girl on it. "It's not as complicated as you may think," The girl smiled. "I made her watch a video! Still working on the title, but for now we call it the video of despair!" The strawberry blonde smiled widely.

"I..I don't know what you're talking about.." Chiaki stammered, slowly walking forwards. "Oh come on! Don't tell me you haven't heard! Ugh, Okay, Look. It's a brainwashing film I made with techniques Mitarai showed me. Using that video, I tweaked your teacher's brain a little."

"How could you do that?.." Chiaki stared at the screen, still moving forward. "We're still rising through the prototype phase, but the final product is right around the corner! Just needs a little more.. the technical term is despair. Tough to find. But I heard of you, and a light bulb came on!" The female continued, her smile growing more. "Ding!" The sound made Chiaki flinch a bit.

"So yes, you're just what my video's been missing! You're gonna raise it to the level above!" She laughed, making Chiaki tense again. Really bright lights suddenly flicked on, making her cover her eyes with her arms, removing them shortly after. "This is so fucked up!!" "I know!" "Language! But.. Yeah.."

"F-Fundy.. Could we- we please stop this here?" Dream called out. "I'm sorry Dream, but.. ending a memory half way through could damage your brain in some way.." The fox hybrid mumbled, holding his arms. All Chiaki could hear after the conversation was "It's punishment time!!" which was fucking terrifying.

She stared at the doors in front of her with wide eyes as they opened, slowly stepping through them. Almost instantly, the door shut behind her and an arrow was fired- piercing through his arm and into the wall behind her. She cried out in pain, holding her arm and slowly making her way forwards.

She barely managed to dodge past a set of saws- one managing to slice her shoulder. Chiaki didn't manage to dodge one of the blades that sliced along her back, making her cry out again- stumbling forward. She was sure one of her ankles was at least somewhat cracked- if not completely broken. She could barely use it.

The girl sobbed silently as she made her way forwards, refusing to stop. She had to get to her classmates- they were waiting.. With that, she kept on going. Distantly, she dreamt about returning to her past life- praying that if she did die, she'd go back to a place just as sweet. "Okay! She's already reached the mid-point of my death dungeon! How many more traps can the super highschool level gamer avoid? 'Cause so far Nanami's doing aces!"

Chiaki was stuck in a sort of slow running pace, wanting to get out, but in so much pain already. "But uh oh! Here's where things get hairy! Give it hell, girlfriend!" Chiaki kept going, stepping on a part of the floor that went down, making her stumble forwards. Spikes came up from the tile one of her feet landed on, making her scream in pain as she fell back.

They went right fucking through.. She writhed in pain and held herself, screaming more when she pulled her foot off. "I've heard stories, you know.. They say you're what holds the ship together!" The strawberry blonde kept talking in the background, but they all ignored her in favour for screaming and praying Chiaki would be okay.

A large stone ball started slowly rolling after her, going a bit slower than her- who was now limping, because FUCK did it hurt. They distantly heard the actual Dream whimpering and sobbing in pain. "I can do this- I have to get out.." She told herself, tears rolling down her cheeks. Something else went off, two shot put balls coming flying at her.

One hit her directly in the eye, the other on her already injured shoulder- making her cry out in pain again. "Not like this..!" She sobbed, continuing to limp forwards- now keeping a hand over the eye that got hit- which was bleeding. She dodged past more blades, just barely- one cutting her neck slightly.

She barely managed to get around a corner in time to avoid being hit by the ball behind her. "Nice try.. But you're not gonna beat me.." Chiaki panted out, taking a moment to catch her breath. "Me.. Ms Yukizome and my classmates are gonna kick your butt! This game is stupid!!" She cried, holding her arm tightly.

"Oh yeah! There's some hope I wanna crush! More of that please. When it's gone, you'll have absolutely nothing! Despair is a threshold, and the arms of death seem to be the natural choice!" The female on screen laughed again. Chiaki started to go again, removing the hand from her eye.

She barely managed to spot a boomerang coming at her before she was pinned to the wall- the boomerang going through her shoulder. She screamed again, tearing her own shoulder in order to get down. It was a miracle she hadn't died yet.. "I d-don't care what you do to me.. I'm not giving up!" Chiaki exclaimed, falling to the ground but forcing herself up.

"As a reward for that unthinkable spirit it's take your chance time! Chin up baby doll, I've been told the power of friendship can work miracles! I'll give you a ten second head start!" Chiaki froze up for a moment. "Ten!" Her eyes widened. "GO!! NANAMI! COME ON!!" Sapnap screamed. "Nine!" She started to go. "Eight!" She made herself go faster. "Seven!" She got further.

She waited to hear the 'six' but it never came, instead the sound of a button. She screamed in pain once more. "Crap! My timing's off! Safe to say, the lesson here is that despair can lie a little Biatch," Chiaki pulled the arrow out of her upper leg, not caring if it would be bad for her. She made herself keep going, whimpers wracking her body as she did.

She kept repeating encouragement to herself, spotting a door distantly. She kept going until she reached it. "YES!!! SHE DID IT!!" Tommy yelled, all of them cheering. Minus Techno, Phil. Puffy, Tubbo and Ranboo.. They all had a bad feeling.. Chiaki slowly pushed it open, seeing her friends. "Told you.." She whispered brokenly, smiling slightly as she walked forwards, reaching for one of their hands.

A spear pierced through her, making her choke on her own blood for a moment. She fell back, spikes coming up from all over the floor as she did. She met the ground, all the spikes piercing through her- she looked like a fucking pin cushion.. She screamed in pain- until she 'died'. When she stopped screaming, all they could hear was Dream's screams and begs- 'it hurts so much make it stop' and 'god no'.

They shut off the machine, all quickly waking up back where they should- Dream still screaming. He was thrashing around as well, holding himself tightly. "FUCK IT HURTS!!!" He screamed, his nails digging into his arms- spilling bits of blood. They all worked on pinning him down and comforting him, needing him to calm down, in order to see if he was actually hurt.


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