Mxmtoon/Maia x Dream -Requested?- Fighting

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Mxmtoon/Maia x Dream
I's technically a request? Even though I asked them for an idea?
Top: Maia (Probably gonna keep switching between Mxmtoon and Maia for her name-)
Bottom: Dream
3rd person

Dream and Mxmtoon, Maia, kept fighting over who loved George the most, while both slowly discovering their feelings for each other. Maia was the first to realise, and to do something about it. She texted Dream, asking where he lived, as well as if she could come over.

Dream had left her on read for an hour at max, contemplating whether to let her come over or not. He eventually texted back his address, along with a message telling her she could come over, despite the fact he sort of didn't want to let her.

Maia didn't say anything else, quickly just getting ready to leave her house, packing a bag or two, and then getting in her car. She drove to an airport, getting a ticket before getting on a plane, having scanned her bags and everything before getting the ticket.

The plane coincidentally had only 10 minutes until it left, so she got on the plane as soon as possible, sitting in a window seat and staring out it whilst waiting for the plane to take off.

Hours later

The plane had landed, causing her to wake up. She ran off the airplane, getting her bags and finding the closest taxi. She gave the driver an address, and they drove there. Once there, Maia paid them, as well as thanking them.

"Thank you sir, have a nice day!"

She said, smiling softly before getting her bags. She waved at the driver as they drove away, going up to the brownish front door of the building. The owner, a short, thin, blonde male with a white smiley mask covering most of his face, as well as an oversized green hoodie.

"Ah- Hello! I presume you're Dream?"

She asked, still smiling softly. The young male looked up slightly, so he could see her face, and nodded. Clearing his throat before speaking.

"Mhm... Mxmtoon? Sorry, Maia? Would you like to come inside?"

He asked, stepping inside and holding the door open for her. She smiled again, nodding and walking in.

"Thank you Dream, This is a lovely place."

She stated, looking around the house. He smiled, thanking her for the compliment. He stayed quiet afterwards, remaining like that until he suddenly brought up their earlier fight, not really meaning to.

"I..still believe I love George more.."

Dream stated, shrugging before covering his mouth, surprised he brought it up.

"Oh? Well I still believe that I do."

She responded, looking at him with a slight anger. She wasn't angry the other said that he loved George more, she was angry that it was him, and not her.

"Mm.. believe what you want but-"

Dream started, being cut off when Maia, without thinking, pinned him to a wall.

"Look. I can't do this anymore. I like you, ok? Not him! And I want you to like me back!"

She yelled, ripping Dream's mask off and throwing it to the side. Dream looked at her, his eyes wide in surprise. His cheeks were covered with a soft blush, as Maia got kind of close to him. Maia studied his face, before kissing him.

He quickly melted into it, kissing her back as he closed his eyes. Maia kept his hands pinned besides his head, intertwining their fingers fingers as they kept kissing. Eventually they broke it, not for long however as she quickly leans back into the kiss.

She licked his bottom lip, silently asking for entrance. Dream granted it to her, and she quickly slipped her tongue inside his mouth, moving his hands so they were pinned above his head with one hand. She literally ripped his shirt off of him, breaking the kiss again. There was a string of saliva still connecting the two, and it was quickly broken by her licking her lips.

She, without giving him a second to catch his breath, started attacking his neck with kisses and bites, pulling his hair so he'd lift his head up. The blonde male gasped, moaning quietly as the taller continued her attack.

Maia stopped after multiple marks were left behind on his neck, though only stopped so she could flip him around, not really caring about how rough she was. She pulled his hair again, making him look up slightly. She put two fingers in his mouth, waiting a moment before, leaning down slightly, to his ear.


She demanded, leading Dream to listen, blushing a bit more at her demanding tone. She wasn't normally like this, not at all, but... he didn't...dislike it... in all honestly. He preferred it like this, though he wasn't going to voice it unless the other asked.

Maia, while the other was working on coating her fingers in saliva, pulled down his pants, grabbing something from the side and putting it on after stripping. Eventually, once seeming covered enough, took her fingers out of the male's mouth, pushing one into him almost immediately.

Dream whimpered quietly in pain, closing his eyes tightly. Maia stopped for a moment, reassuring him that he'll be ok, before adding another finger and performing a scissoring motion with them, listening as Dream's whimpers in pain turned into soft moans.

Maia smiles, continuing to add fingers. She eventually pulled her fingers out, making a Dream whine at the loss of feeling.

"Don't worry, you'll be filled with something else soon."

She stated, before pushing the strap on inside of him, pushing in completely before stopping, kissing Dream as he cried out in pain. She waited until he relaxed before moving out, and going back in again. Dream started moaning softly , eventually asking her to go faster.

She chuckled, gladly speeding up and kissing his neck, listening as he practically screamed out in pleasure. He screamed louder at one point, making her chuckle. She shifted, so she kept hitting the one spot. She continued this until he came, still practically screaming out in pleasure.

Maia kept going for a minute or so before she pulled out, taking the strap on off. Before picking him up, carrying him to the bathroom and running the bath.

The end
I don't know if this was what you were thinking, but I tried!
Also, remember, I don't ship the real people!!
Anyway, goodbye everyone!

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