Dreamnoblade - Requested - Do you mean Angry..?

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Dreamnoblade again- I warned you,
And again, Requested by: Dreamentine
Angy person. Hamster.
3rd person

"Wilbur, please help-"

Techno spoke into the phone, glancing between the device and his dirty blonde boyfriend, Dream. Wilbur rose an eyebrow before asking with what.

"Dream keeps saying-"

He started, though was cut off by said male, who huffed.

"Don't talk me i'm angy."

He said seriously, making Wilbur chuckle, and Yell.


He laughed out, making Dream huff again. He crossed his arms as he saw another person walk into the room, as confused as the others. Wilbur told Techno something before hanging up, to which Techno nodded.

"Dream.. Do you want me to get your hamster and a cookie...?"

Techno asked, tilting his head. Dream looked at him, nodding after huffing again. Techno nodded in return, running to get the small animal and the food item. He came back, hamster in hand, cookie in the other. He hands Dream the hamster carefully, followed by the cookie, which he ate quickly.

"Hamster God!"

He said, hugging the small animal gently. The hamster seemed to hug him back, To which Techno's eyes widened slightly, the Hamster having looked at him, practically glaring. Dream giggled softly, walking over to Techno and quietly thanking him.

"Does this mean you're not, 'Angy', anymore?

The pinkette questioned, receiving a nod.

"I don't think papa forgives you though."

Dream stated, shrugging lightly as the hamster glared at him again, picking up a tiny knife and pointing it at him. Techno tensed, looking at Dream.

"Can you tell 'Papa' not to point a knife at me?"

Techno questioned, to which Dream nodded.

"Hamster god, no. Don't point your knife at Techy."

He said, looking at The hamster. It put the knife down and crossed its tiny arms.

The end.
Lmao, Did you enjoy this chapter?
To the other's who requested, I'm sorry for not finishing yours first-
I wanted a quick thing to write so I could still get a chapter out today for sure-
Please forgive me-
Also my updates may get slower leading up to Christmas, So I apologise for that.
Also also
Have a great day/afternoon/night!

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