No ship - Victoria

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TW: Abuse (more like torture) broken bones, bad relationship, Victoria is a bitch-

 Dream clenched his fist tightly as he lied through his teeth, he hated lying to his friends, but he had no real choice. "Yeah, Victoria has been helping me out. I've just been so clumsy, you know? Haha, I'll be alright, she's here with me now," Dream hung up a few seconds after, his hands shaking. "Good boy, my good boy~" Victoria purred into her boyfriend's ear, rubbing his thigh. The dirty blonde male hissed in pain, he didn't say anything though.

"This beautiful body, and it belongs to me~" Dream clenched his fists again, suddenly having the courage to stand up to her. He read a book earlier, about two people in a bad relationship, and in the end the one being hurt got out of it through standing up for themselves.. maybe it'd be the same for him?

"I belong to n-nobody but myself. I don't belong to you, Victoria, nor does my body." Dream knew by the look on her face that he shouldn't of done that.. "And here I thought you were being a good boy, now I have to remind you who you do belong to, go to basement," Victoria looked down at him as if he were nothing, as if he were worse than nothing.

"No.." The dirty blonde muttered, looking down. He was already going to be punished, so he could at least try to get out of it. "What did you say?" Dream looked up at her. "I s-said no!" ...Victoria was not happy with that. "I do so much for you, and what do you do for me? Treat me like this. I give you food, shelter, water, love, a place to sleep, a way to stay clean, and so much more! And all I ask in return is that you follow a few rules, is that so hard?" Victoria caressed the male's cheek, looking into his eyes.

 "Victoria.." Dream muttered, looking away from her. "Is it that you don't love me? You hate me, don't you? That's why you won't listen.." Victoria feigned sadness, sighing 'sadly'. "N-No! I love you Victoria, I really do.." "If you loved me, you would listen to me.. If you loved me, you'd accept the punishments as I give them.." She kept her sad act up.

 She knew how much it hurt Dream when she looked sad and talked about him not loving her, so she knew he'd listen if she kept it up long enough, even if he'd be the one screaming and crying later, during the punishment. Victoria mentally smiled as Dream slowly made his way downstairs, his hands shaking as he did.

He was terrified- it had been a couple days since he had been punished, at least, punished properly.. Sometimes she did hit him, sure, but his punishments often included full beatings, sex far beyond his limits- and without consent, starvation and so, so much more. Dream reached the bottom of the stairs, not daring to move until he had been told to.

"Let's start, eh?~" Dream said nothing, letting out a small yelp when he was pushed closer to the wall in front of him. "Each sound and each word is another hour without food, and I'm not going easy on you," Dream closed his eyes, preparing to be hit. He waited a few seconds before opening his eyes and going to speak, though he stopped when he was kicked in the stomach, making him fall back with a gasp, making the female smile.

"That's two hours~ We don't want it being any more, now do we?" Dream shook his head, clenching his fists. He felt tears build in his eyes as he was kicked in the side, directly over an already existing injury. He tried desperately to avoid letting so much as a hiss escape him, he didn't want to be starved again..

She kept kicking him, as he was already on the ground, and soon enough- due to the force- she heard a small crack from Dream's arm. The dirty blonde cried out in pain without being able to stop himself, small sobs coming after it. "It's been a while since you broke a bone, hm? Well, not that I care. 8 hours, for the scream and sobs!" Dream looked up at her with tears streaming down his cheeks, not that she cared.

Victoria started purposely targeting the now possibly broken bone, trying to make this as painful for him as she could. "Viki! Please- s-stop- I'm sorry!" He cried, curling up on the floor, his entire body shaking. "13 hours~" Dream didn't know how he was meant to not scream and cry, it hurt so much.

Victoria pressed her foot against Dream's neck, cutting off his air supply. Dream tried to push her foot off, trying desperately to get at least some air. "Having a bit of trouble there, dear?~" Just when Dream was about to fall unconscious from lack of air, she moved the foot. Dream gasped for air instantly, coughing a bit.

Dream's eyes widened and a scream rang through the room as Victoria slammed her foot into Dream's chest, her shoe's heel digging through the skin. "Oh?~ That hurt, didn't it?" Dream sobbed in pain. "I think you've earned over a day of no food now," Victoria smiled, stroking his cheek.

"How about, I'll break the majority of your bones, and we'll consider the punishment over, yeah? No starvation. That sounds fair, right?" Dream knew he didn't have a choice, it was either both starving and having a lot of bones broken, or just the bones. He nodded, crying out in pain as his other arm was snapped suddenly. Dream ended up blacking out. 

When he regained consciousness, he was overwhelmed with pain, he could barely move it hurt so much. The dirty blonde noticed his phone laying a bit away, he also noticed the blood surrounding him. Oh, she probably went and had extra fun while he was out of it.. He grabbed his phone, trembling as he put in his password. Dream tapped on the phone app, clicking the first number he could read.

"Please- Please.. it hurts.. I can't.." He sobbed, not caring who it was.

!!This wasn't at all based on actual events, and it was simply an idea that came to mind!!
!!I know the actual content creator Dream does have a female ex who he has spoken about, however this is in no way related to that!!

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