2 relatively short oneshots <3<3

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Dreambur? - I didn't mean it..

-Mention of abuse

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Fundy looked at his lover, frowning at how upset she looked. "What's wrong babe?" He asked, cupping her cheek lovingly. "..I don't think this is going to work out..." She spoke softly, gently removing Fundy's hand from her cheek. "W-What do you mean? Is there something I can do better?.." The orange haired male didn't want to lose her..

"I'm sorry Fundy.. It's not you, it's me.. I've just, lost my feelings for you.." She tried to explain it in the best way she could, she didn't want to hurt Fundy but she didn't want to make Fundy believe she still loved him. "Oh..." The other looked down, stepping back from her. "I'm sorry.. I think it's best if we end this now,"

She made her point, and she felt relieved that she was just about done with this. "....I'll miss you, but.. I can respect your decision, I'm sorry if I ever did anything wrong.." Fundy looked off to the side, he heard his ex girlfriend say goodbye before she left. A couple days later Fundy got up from his bed, rubbing his eyes and sighing softly.

He got changed and then left his room, keeping his head down. Fundy ran into Dream, looking up at him. "Hey.. Are you okay?" Dream asked, looking down at him- Fundy shook his head, he wasn't in the mood to even consider lying at all. "Do you want to talk about it?.." Fundy nodded, looking up at him and explaining how the breakup went.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Dream ran his fingers through Fundy's hair carefully as an attempt to comfort him. "..W-what am I going to do..? I loved her.. so much.." Fundy looked up at Dream again, he didn't know what he was meant to do now.. "She just wasn't the right person for you.. you'll find someone meant for you, I promise you that.."

Dream tried to comfort him- he would say this every time and it was always genuine, but this time Fundy wasn't a fan of that.. "H-How would you know?! You've never even e-experienced true love! All you know is your mom's abuse and her h-" Fundy froze, realizing what he said. His hands flew up to cover his mouth.

"Dream- Dream, I'm s-so so sorry- I didn't mean it and it was stupid o-of me to say and-" Fundy tried to apologize, but he could already see the tears gathering in Dream's eyes. "...D-Dream..?" The dirty blonde didn't say anything, he didn't move- he didn't even blink. "Dream?" Fundy kept trying to get his attention. "Sorry," Dream muttered, blinking the tears away.

He couldn't get upset right now- not when Fundy needed the comfort. "N-no.. I'm sorry, I shouldn't of said that..." Dream forced a smile on his face. "It's okay, you didn't mean it.. you were caught in the moment," Dream reassured the other, no matter how much it really did hurt. After Fundy had cheered up, they both parted ways.

Dream walked as fast as he could do Wilbur's place, he didn't want to be alone. He knocked on the door. "Come in!" Wilbur yelled from inside. He pushed the door open, closing it behind him when he went inside. He saw Wilbur on the couch, Eret was there as well. He quickly hugged Wilbur, holding him tight.

"Hey hey, what's wrong Dreamie?" Wilbur rubbed his back, his other arm holding Dream. The dirty blonde didn't say anything, just sobbing into his shoulder. Eret moved closer and wrapped her arms around Dream as well. Nobody spoke, just letting Dream cry and cling on to both of them. "I love you, Dream," Wilbur hummed quietly, rubbing the others back still.

Dream shook his head. "What? You think I don't love you? Because I do. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you so much," Wilbur repeated it multiple times, knowing if he didn't, Dream would stay stubborn about it.

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It's really really short, I wasn't even planning to write this originally tbh
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No specific ship? - Fake class, fake moans?
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The dirty blonde sat down on one of the many seats around. They were in a school again, it had been years since they had to attend a class. There was only one real reason why Dream wasn't particularly excited was because of a group of classmates, they were also his friends but goddamnit, they really could be annoying sometimes.

When they attended school those years ago, they'd always do something to avoid listening to the teacher, and possibly distract the class. Speaking of which, George and Sapnap walked in, laughing with each other- Karl, Fundy and Quackity were behind them as well. "Hey Dream! Weird being in a class again, huh?" Dream chuckled softly.

"Yeah, it's definitely something," He looked at the group. "You should go find somewhere to sit, or something," They seemed to agree, because they went and sat down. Everyone else entered and sat down. Illumina, Techno, Wilbur, Fundy, George, Karl, Sapnap, Quackity, Schlatt, and himself, they were everyone in the class- or at least, the people who would be considered the students.

Puffy, Phil and Bad were going to be the teachers. Dream didn't remember why they didn't include the minors- but he was pretty sure they had a stream planned. They were doing this because everyone was struggling to figure out what to film for their fans, so they did this. Dream was sitting near the back, with George and Quackity behind him.

Karl was right in front of him, and the others were scattered around the classroom. Phil walked in, even looking the part of a teacher, and stood at the front, talking about whatever it was he was teaching them about. About half way through Phil's teaching, he heard what he had expected he'd hear.

The two behind him were fake moaning and laughing at each other as they did. They kept it quiet enough for Phil not to notice. Dream thought of how to stop them, he came up with a 'good idea'. George and Quackity got a slight bit louder, and Dream knew that was the time. After George fake moaned, Quackity did the same, and then Dream- without making any kind of eye contact- leaned his head back on the seat and let a particularly obscene fake sound out.

"Yeah~!" And that shut them up. Good. He didn't realize he was actually relatively loud. He looked back at the two and saw the blushing a lot, he turned back- proud of his accomplishment, until he saw everyone else looking at him, excluding Phil who had left. "D-Dream?-" Sapnap stammered from across the classroom. "Oh fuck-" 

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