Dreamnap - Requested - It doesn't mean you're weak..

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Requested by: Anonymous (They don't want to be named)
Fluff, Angst
Sad Dream
TW: Self harm, 
3rd Person

After the Dream vs Technoblade duel, Dream had, honestly been really depressed about it. He felt like he was weak, an idiot, and, other harmful names (That I'd personally not say right now). He, after a few days, went to his closest friend, Sapnap, and told him, briefly.

"Hey, Sapnap?"

He started, looking at Sapnap. Sapnap looked over, waving.

"Yo! What's up?"

He asked, smiling widely. He laughed softly when Dream hugged him, patting his back. He laughed because, normally he would start the hugs, not the blonde.

"You know how I lost against Techno, yeah?"

Dream asked in reply, looking up at the slightly taller male. Sapnap nodded and laughed again.

"Yeah! You were super confident you'd win and everything too! You were all like, 'Oh yeah! I'll totally win!' And just so cocky! I can't believe you lost after all that! It's just, hilarious!"

He teased, laughing once again. Dream let go of him, backing off and sniffling lightly. He shook his head and smiled slightly, though it was, definitely fake.

"Y-...Yeah... Heh, That was... Stupid of me..."

He mumbled, his voice kind of breaking. Sapnap looked at him again, raising an eyebrow.

"You alright dude? You sick or something?"

Sapnap asked, though, mostly as a joke, because he knew the other wasn't sick. Dream sniffled again, still having his forced smile which, Sapnap was starting to catch onto.

"Y-Yeah...I'm just...sick...but other than that, I'm fine..."

He mumbled, lifting his mask up slightly and visibly wiping his face. Sapnap grew worried, stepping towards Dream and, pausing when he saw the other flinch. Sapnap puts a hand on his shoulder, watching the blonde flinch again.

"Dude, what's up?... something's wrong..."

Sapnap asked, keeping a hand on his shoulder. Dream shook his head, smiling slightly again.

"Nothing... I'm....I'm F-fine.."

He stuttered out, tears starting to roll down his cheeks. He wipes them away, going to run away before Sapnap hugged him, pulling the blonde into his chest. Dream collapsed into him, full on crying now.

Sapnap run his fingers through his hair, rubbing his back gently. Technoblade walked in just as Dream started crying properly, and instantly left. He mumbled 'I didn't farm enough potatoes for this' quietly as he left.

Dream started apologising for crying, shaking his head as he did. Sapnap kept rubbing his back, hushing his back. He reassured him that it was alright, and that he didn't have to apologise. Dream kept sobbing, holding onto his shirt as he cried.

It broke Sapnap's heart seeing the blonde like this. He knew Dream could be triggered easily, and that he had multiple periods in his life that led him to self harm, and even attempted suicide a few times. The raven haired male knew why he wore his hoodie all the time, and that he was still extremely insecure about, everything relating to himself.

Sapnap stayed holding Dream for a while, eventually moving both of them to a seat. He sat Dream on his lap, holding his head, to his chest. Dream kept crying for a little while, before looking back up at Sapnap, taking his mask off. In all honesty, Sapnap had seen his face but... it hurt to see how much he had cried..

"You...you didn't.....You didn't do anything like, that, right?..."

Sapnap asked, gesturing to his wrist. Dream seemed to panic, shaking his head. Sapnap sighed, cupping Dream's cheek.

"First off...Where is it?..."

He asked, patting his head softly. Dream gestured to his stomach, chest, wrist, legs, and then his neck. Sapnap tensed, his eyes widening. He had, slightly expected the blonde to cut himself at least somewhat, though... he didn't expect it to be that much.

"I'-m sorry..."

Dream cried, starting to tear up again. Sapnap shook his head, wiping his eyes and hushing him.

"Sh sh sh...it's ok... it's ok... just...I have two more things to ask...ok?"

He said, caressing his cheek comfortingly, smiling as Dream leaned into the touch. Dream nodded slightly, closing his eyes for a moment.

"When...When did you, you hurt yourself?..."

Sapnap asked, putting his other hand on his other cheek. Dream looks down slightly, his breath shaking a bit.

"E-Everyday...since...the battle...including t-today...."

He stuttered, shaking as he did. Sapnap hugs him again, combing his fingers through his hair, kissing his forehead.

"Last one... Can...can I see?..."

The raven haired male asked, looking at the blonde. Dream nodded slightly, though asked if they could go somewhere private, just in case. Sapnap nodded, helping Dream up. They walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind them.

Dream took a deep breath before taking his pants off, followed by his jumper, and shirt. His body was littered with cuts. His chest had a few, possibly 5-6 cuts. His stomach, around 9-10. His legs, covered from his ankles to his knees. His arms, from his wrists to, almost his shoulders... and the his neck... the back was covered.

Sapnap covered his mouth, tearing up at seeing the boy covered in the fresh cuts. The door opened and Dream turned around, so the cuts couldn't be seen completely. Sapnap, thinking to hide it as well, pinned him to the wall, kissing the back of his neck to, make it look more convincing.

"Ah- What the muffin?! I'm sorry you muffinheads! B-But l-lock the door!"

Bad yelled, closing the door quickly. Dream felt his face heat up to a bright red, same with Sapnap's. Dream turned around, so he was facing Sapnap, and kissed him quickly before ducking down, getting his clothes back on and looking back at the raven haired male.

Sapnap turned, and leans against the wall. He watched as the blonde boy dressed again, smiling slightly. After Dream had finished getting dressed, Sapnap snuck up behind him and hugged him.

"Hey... if you ever feel like doing that again, please come talk to me...ok Dream?"

He told him, wrapping his arms around his waist. Dream nodded, smiling slightly. He leans his head back, on to the raven haired male's shoulder.

The end.
Sorry for the angsty fluff chapter!
The person who requested wanted to stay anonymous, so please don't try to find out who it was!
Anyways, to that person, I hope you enjoyed this!
And I hope the rest of you did too!
I decided to make this one first, since the other one shot is going to take a lot longer!
I love you all, thank you so much for reading all of these! <3
Anyway, Have a nice day/afternoon/night!

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