Dreamnoblade - You can't leave me...

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Not a request, Sorry..
3rd Person

Dream and Techno's relationship had been discovered by the others, and they were pissed. Now, certain people like Tubbo, Fundy, Eret, George, Sapnap, Niki, and a few more didn't care about their relationship, believing that, as long as it didn't interfere with their work, it wasn't a problem.

But everyone else, They hated it. They literally bombed Dream's house, after kidnapping him and, trying to make him break up with Techno. They use multiple methods, and this was the first time Wilbur, Schlatt, and Tommy all got along. Torture seemed to bring them together...

It wasn't far too bad, as Dream was able to get out quickly, though, things currently couldn't get worse. Dream had been hiding with Techno in his base, but... it didn't last long. They had to go up to the surface, and try to run.

"Get back here Dream! Techno!"

Schlatt yelled, lifting his crossbow, pulling it back, and firing. The arrow hit Dream, directly in the back of his knee. The masked man cried out in pain, nearly falling, although he kept running. Tommy threw an ender pearl, also going after Dream since, he was now weakened a bit more.

Tommy swung his sword, making Dream jump to the side. The arrow dug into the back of his knee, also cutting around it a bit as he jumped, making him cry out again. Schlatt fired again, aiming for Techno, though missed.

Sapnap and George held off as many as the other's couldn't. Bad and Skeppy protected Techno, seeing as the other two were holding off more people from getting to Dream. All the other's were either fighting somebody else, or in shock.

The enemies retreated after hearing a scream, along with Schlatt and Wilbur both yelling at them to reatreat, as they had taken down one of the main two targets, and that's all they needed.

Techno quickly ran to Dream, along with the other three. He knelt down, his eyes wide as tears ran down his cheeks. Dream moved a hand to his cheek, wiping some of the tears away and, accidentally replacing them with the blood from his hand.

Dream showed the other's his health bar, which was slowly draining. Currently, it was on half a heart. Techno shook his head, breathing heavily. Dream smiled slightly, caressing his cheek.

His hand was cut, deeply, but he still wanted to try to comfort the other. He had a sword straight through his chest, and the arrow, soon found out to of been a poison arrow, still in the back of his knee, now sticking out through the other side.

"No no no no no....No... NO! You can't leave me, you can't! Please don't...!"

Techno cried, shaking his head. Dream hushed him, putting a finger to his lips. Techno holds his hand, the one that wast injured, throwing Dream's partially broken mask to the side and caressing his cheeks. Dream closes his eyes, which Techno didn't like, at all.

Everyone who had helped them, George, Sapnap, Karl, Tubbo, Fundy, Eret, Niki, Bad, And Skeppy, gathered around the dying male. Dream's green jumper had been stained red, and was ripped. Techno cried, screaming 'No'. Dream smiled softly, opening his eyes slightly.

He put his hands on either of Techno's cheeks reassuring him that he was still alive.

"I'm...I'm alive..."

He whispered, kissing his forehead, even though it hurt. Techno cries, though wipes his tears, kissing him. Dream smiled into the kiss, gladly leaning into it. Techno felt Dream going limp, and shook his head, repeating 'No' quietly.

Dream kisses his cheek, looking at the others. He slowly but surely got paler, due to the blood loss. He smiles softly at all of them.

"T- Techno....I...I love you... And...The rest of you....Thank....thank you...."

He said, his voice breaking a lot during that one sentence. Techno felt more tears coming to his eyes, as did the others. Bad covered his mouth, crying into Skeppy's Shoulder. Sapnap hugged Karl, sobbing as his lover hugged him back. Fundy covered his mouth as well, falling to his knees and shaking his head as Eret knelt down next to him, crying as well and holding him.

George covers his face, crying out. Tubbo hugs him, crying into his back as Niki hugged both of them, crying as well. Techno embraced his lover, sobbing into his shoulder.

"I love you too Dream... but-But you're not going to die!.."

He cries out, Shaking his head, refusing to believe that he was dying. Dream combs his hands through his hair before exhaling shakily.

"But....But I am... Techno...Love... I'm sorry... but I'm...I'm dead..."

He whispered, going completely limp. The pink haired male shook his head, lifting his head. He looked at Dream, shaking him slightly. He saw the blonde wasn't moving at all, his eyes were closed, and his chest wasn't moving.

"Dream?... Dream...this isn't funny...Baby...Please... Please open your eyes...Wake up... please.. Please stop playing around!"

He yelled, tears running down his cheeks. He started laughing, still crying however.

"Hahaha! Very funny! See, I'm laughing! You-You can stop now!... you can wake up now...!"

He cried, his laughs turning to sobs. Niki ran over to him, hugging him and rubbing his back. She hushes him softly, tears forming in her eyes again. Techno kept crying, shaking his head before pushing her away. He leans his head on his lover's chest, listening for a heart beat.

He held onto him, screaming as he couldn't find one.

"No! No! No!! Come back! Please! We need you! I need you! Please Dream!"

He screamed, crying still. Bad leans his head on Skeppy's shoulder, having lifted it up. He ended up moving again, looking up.

"Dream...You muffinhead...you stupid...muffinhead...You can't be gone! Geppy! Tell me he's still here, please you muffin head!"

He cried, holding onto Skeppy. Skeppy tensed, wrapping his arms around the taller.

"I'm sorry Bad..."

He mumbled, rubbing his back. Bad cried, sobbing a lot. Skeppy picked Bad up, holding him close as he carried him to their home. Karl held Sapnap close, letting him cry it out. Sapnap cried until he fell asleep, which didn't take long due to his new found exhaustion.

Fundy and Eret cried together, holding each other. They weren't a couple, or anything it was more like a father-son thing. Tubbo kept crying into George's back, while hugging him. George kept crying as well, as one of his best friends had just died.

Everyone knew Techno was taking this the hardest, and blaming himself, for all of this. Niki tried to get him to go inside somewhere, but he refused, still sobbing.

"Come on Techno...We ne-"

She started, being cut off by Techno screaming.

"NO! I'm not leaving him!!"

He screamed, holding Dream tightly. Niki sighed, though agreed to let him stay outside, with Dream's corpse. Though, after a few days they had to bury him.

Techno stayed at his grave every day, only going home when it was really dark, or creepers were gathering around him.

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