DNB - Human? No, cat boy?

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He kissed the dirty blonde's forehead, smiling down at what he assumed to be human. "Goodnight, my love," Techno whispered into the dirty blonde's ear, wrapping his arms around his lover. Dream tucked his head under the other's chin, closing his eyes and listening to the pinkette's heartbeat. He fell asleep soon after getting comfortable, he was pretty sure Techno did as well.

He woke up the next morning feeling, off, but he shrugged it off at first. Dream frowned when he realized Techno wasn't in bed anymore. The dirty blonde got up from the bed, rubbing his eyes and making his way out of the room. Dream looked around for Techno, finding him in the living room, sitting on the couch with a book in his hands.

Dream climbed onto the couch with Techno, leaning his head on the other's shoulder and reading with him. "Hey aphrodite, you feeling alright?" Techno put the back of his hand on Dream's forehead, sighing at how hot it was. Dream said nothing, closing his eyes and whining quietly. He wanted more touch, he felt too cold but too hot, he felt like shit.

"Piglet, I'll read to you, and you relax and tell me if you want something, okay? Let's go back to bed," Techno ruffled his lover's hair, waiting for him to sit up properly before standing. Techno lifted Dream up, carrying him to the bedroom. He had multiple copies of the same book, one to keep in the bedroom, one in the lounge and one in the study room- he also had one more copy which he highlighted parts that stood out to him, along with quotes he wanted to use in the future.

The pinkette put Dream down on the bed, climbing onto the soft piece of furniture and getting comfortable. He grabbed the copy of the same book from before and found the page he got up to, opening his arms so Dream could get comfortable as well. Dream instantly got into the other's lap. Oddly enough, Dream rubbed his cheek against Techno's chest a bit.

The pinkette didn't comment on it, it's not like he minded. Techno started reading the book out loud, keeping a calm and soft voice- hoping Dream would be able to sleep more. He read for about an hour before he noticed the dirty blonde had, indeed, fallen asleep again. "I love you, sweetheart.." Techno whispered softly, running a hand through the other's hair before allowing himself to drift off.

When he woke up, he saw Dream curled up on the other side of the bed, mewling quietly in, seemingly, pain. "Dream? Baby, hey hey, what's wrong?" Techno moved over to him, not touching him until he knew it wouldn't hurt him more. "Techno- It hurts!" Dream cried, looking at him with tears in his eyes. "What hurts dear?" The dirty blonde pulled at his hair, so he assumed it was his head.

"Alright baby, I'll get you some pain killers and some water, you'll be okay," Techno whispered, getting up and quickly grabbing some water and the pain medication. He brought both back to the bedroom, helping Dream sit up and have the tablets. After a while, Dream hugged the other tightly, sniffling a bit.

"Feel better?" Dream nodded slightly, pain medication did fucking wonders. "You should try to sleep more dear, I hope you feel better soon.." Techno kissed Dream's cheek, smiling lightly. "I love you, Techno.." Dream muttered, closing his eyes and leaning into his lover. "I love you too, Dream.."

It had been a week since Dream got sick, he hadn't gotten up for much, only for the bathroom, food, water and a shower at one point. Techno briefly noticed small actions the dirty blonde began doing, as well as how he hid himself under blankets whenever he could. Techno read through the last chapter of his book, closing it as he finished reading the final word.

"I'll have to see what else Phil has.." He mumbled to himself, setting the book down on the table. Techno stood up and walked to the bedroom, he hadn't checked on Dream since he went to sleep again. When he opened the door to the bedroom he froze, staring at the figure in front of him. Dream had, cat ears and a tail?

He had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, though his tail poked out from underneath. "Dream?" He could see Dream flinch. Techno slowly walked over, Dream quickly looking at him and smiling. "Hey baby, hey.. are you feeling better?" The dirty blonde nodded. "Yeah! I still don't know why I actually got sick though.." Dream huffed, looking down.

His head instantly perked up when the pinkette gently scratched behind one of his cat ears. "Holy shit- that feels nice," Dream hummed. Dream looked up at Techno, glancing between him and the bed. Techno seemed to get the message and sat down, letting Dream crawl into his lap with a smile. He pressed his forehead against Techno's, closing his eyes.

Techno returned the gesture, gently pressing his forehead to Dream's, closing his eyes as well. He wasn't sure if it was right for him to, it might be something extremely special to the other, but he'd take the chance. He opened his eyes and saw Dream staring at him with a smile, wrapping his arms around the pinkette's neck. "I love you," Dream hummed. "I love you too, Kitten," Techno tested out the nickname, wanting to see if it was good or not. He preferred Piglet.

So, I know I haven't been uploading or writing as much as I would like to, but I promise I've been trying- I have 3-4 assignments to finish in school and I've been losing motivation constantly, but, I've finally got you guys some more content!
It's not great quality, but I hope you guys like it nonetheless! 

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