Dreamnotnap- Why?

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Not a request, sorry!
Angst, fluff
TW: Self-harm, Suicidal thoughts
3rd Person

Dream collapsed right after closing the door to his house, crying and shaking almost violently. He had just gotten home from visiting Bad, who had been talking about George's recent post, saying he got a partner, and Sapnap had said the same thing. He was already in a bad mental state, and this just pushed him over the edge.

He was sobbing, though, covered his mouth, tears running down his cheeks rapidly. He got up, running to his room and shutting the door, locking it before collapsing again. He got his phone out, commenting on George's and Sapnap's posts, saying 'Congratulations! I'm happy for you!' on both of them.

He then put his phone to the side, standing up again. He leaned against the door, still crying as he walked over to his bed. He hated what he was about to do, but it was the only way to keep himself sane, and from straight up killing himself.

He grabbed his old friend, a blade that he had use months ago, and looked at it. He waited a few moments before pressing it against his wrist, more specifically over one of the veins. He held his breath, closing his eyes before pressing down harder, though, his hand slipped, creating a much deeper cut then he had intended.

He covered his mouth, dropping the blade and holding his wrist, covering the cut as more tears slid down his face. He got bandages quickly, wrapping it around the cut. He picked his blade up, cutting his wrist a few more times. He wrapped the bandages around his arm, covering all the cuts before putting the blade down.

He stood up, a bit shakily due to the fact he had lost quite a bit of blood, just from that first cut, walking out of the room. He rolled down his green sleeve as he walked out, going to Sapnap's house. He had his mask on, hiding most of the tears that were still rolling down his cheeks.

He ended up full on running, using a speed potion and everything. He didn't knock on the door, just running in and jumping on Sapnap. Sapnap jumped, originally yelling 'What the hell dude', because he died in a game he was playing. Although, he quickly hugged back when he realised it was Dream, seeing as George, Karl, Bad and Tubbo loved jumping into his arms, All just because of their friendship.

Sapnap had only ever had Dream start a hug when he admitted he wanted to, well, commit not living, as he called it. The raven haired male rubs Dream's back, hushing him quietly. Dream cried into his chest, his arms tightly around the other, making the blood soak into his sleeve, making a red stain.

Sapnap noticed the crimson colour, his eyes widening. He lifted his arm up, staring at the stain. Dream noticed, and his own eyes widened. Sapnap rolls his sleeve down, seeing the bloody bandages. Dream tried to tear his arm away, though failed.

He saw George walking down the stairs, and struggled again, his mask slipping off and the tears he had been crying showing themselves. George covered his mouth, running over. He looked at Sapnap, silently asking something, to which he got a nod.

George hugged the blonde, holding him close. He heard Dream's sobs, and pet his head softly.

"W-Why would you do that Dream...?"

George stuttered, about to cry himself. Dream sobbed, before crying out.


He said quickly before being cut off by George, who pet his head again.

"Dream...I can't understand what your saying.."

He stated, listening as Dream repeated himself, crying softly.

"I-I like y-y-you and... Sapnap but y-you both have partners...and D-Drista just....was s-sent to the...h-hospital..."

He stuttered, tears flowing down his cheeks still. Sapnap and George look at each other again before the raven haired male wrapped his own arms around the blonde, kissing the side of his head as George kissed his cheek. Dream blushes, his eyes widening.

"B-But what a-about your-"

Dream started, being cut off by both of them.

"We're dating. And we like you too."

They said in perfect unison, shocking Dream. He started full on crying again, though, he was happy, and his arm hurt. He kisses them both on the cheek, sort of going on his tiptoes to reach Sapnap's.

Sapnap kisses Dream deeply, licking his bottom lip, asking for entrance. Dream opens his mouth, wrapping his arms around his neck, leaning back into him. Sapnap explored his mouth with his tongue, claiming the domain as his. Sapnap pulled away, licking his lips and breaking the string that connected them.

Dream panted softly, sort of out of breath, He heard George whine.

"Mmmmm! No fair! Where's my kiss??"

He complained, crossing his arms. Dream smiled slightly, wrapping his arms around George's neck and kissing him. George wrapping his arms around his waist in return. Sapnap kept his arms around the smaller, even with the other's there.

George kisses him deeply, just as Sapnap did. Though, this time Dream just closed his eyes and opened his mouth, knowing what the other wanted. George explored his mouth as well, claiming the domain. So now both Sapnap and George owned the cavern.

George pulled away, licking his lips to break the string that had connected those two. They went to a couch, sitting down and cuddling, Dream in the middle, Sapnap on one side, and George on the other.

The end.
I honestly just wanted to publish two oneshots today-
Thanks for reading!
Thank you all for being so kind, supportive, and just, making me want to continue this for you!
I love you all! <3
Have a nice day/afternoon/night!

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