Dundy - Requested - Will you..

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Dundy (Dream x Fundy)
Requested by: PinxyPlayzYT
- Well it's fluff
- It's a date
- It's all over the place
- Dream is basically a Disney princess
- And I think you can tell what happens at the end <3<3
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Dream smiled widely as he grabbed his date's hand, pointing at something he saw. They went to a city which Dream apparently hadn't seen before, from his reactions it seemed as though he had never been to any cities. "How is that building so tall!? That's up to the build height!" Dream yelled, pointing at a skyscraper.

"That's a skyscraper dear, they're meant to be really tall. I heard some people managed to get one even taller!" Fundy smiled, he loved how easily Dream was impressed by things. "WhAT!? Really?! That's- huh?!" Dream seemed very surprised, shocked and confused by that. "We'll go visit there next time, how about that?" Fundy use it as a way to indirectly ask for another date.

"Yes! I'd love that, Fundy! I love you!" Dream wrapped his arms around the shorter, before backing away and grabbing Fundy's hand again. "Where are we going, babe?" Fundy questioned- he didn't mind where they went though. "I saw a zoo over there! Also a cinema the other way! I can pay!" Dream left out the part that he just really wanted to spend more time with Fundy, no matter where it was.

"Let's go then, Dream," Fundy followed Dream to the zoo, but he stopped Dream from paying to be let in. He grabbed his own money out, paying the person before going in with Dream. "I could've paid, Fundy!" Dream pouted, making Fundy laughed. "I know dear, but I wanted to. Besides~ I need to spend money some how," The shorter shrugged. "You idiot! I make more than you, if anything I need to be able to spend it!" Dream crossed his arms.

"I know, but you're planning that giant meet up with the others, and you're not letting anybody help with that," Fundy reasoned. Dream couldn't think of an argument, so he just crossed his arms and looked away. "Aww, baby.. Don't be mad," Fundy put a hand on his lover's cheek. Dream huffed but wrapped his arms around Fundy, giving him a quick kiss before walking away.

"Dear, c'monn.. I'll make it up to you, we can go to that ice cream shop across the road," Dream seemed happy with that. Thank god. Fundy didn't like Dream being mad at him- even if it was funny a lot of the time. He never liked it when it stayed that way for longer than a day. Dream turned around and nodded, looking at Fundy with that fond look in his eyes.

"You're so beautiful," Fundy whispered, walking towards Dream. "I know babe, you say it all the time," Dream grinned. Even if sometimes Dream didn't feel like it was true, like it was all a lie, like Fundy never actually loved him, the man always managed to convince him otherwise.

"I know. I just need to make sure you remember," Fundy pressed a kiss against the dirty blonde's cheek. Dream went to speak when he heard shouts from behind him. Dream turned around quickly, ready to grab his axe from his inventory if it came to it. There were just a bunch of people running towards him.

"Dream! Is it really you?! The guy who went up against Technoblade?! The one who-who does the manhunts?!" One of them yelled, looking at him. "Yeah, that's uh.. that's me," Dream rubbed the back of his neck. He wasn't a fan of them yelling, but he understood why. He remembered when he first met Technoblade- he was a complete mess when he saw the pinkette!

He had been such a fan. It was nice though, because later in life Techno admitted he was nervous and excited to meet the one who did the manhunts, who did the speedruns, who did challenges. The Dream who was just about even with Technoblade.

"Dream, there's an up close event with the lions in.. five minutes. Apparently they're good enough that they won't kill you- they might bite though. You can pat them," Dream looked back at Fundy, smiling. "Let's go then!" Dream grabbed Fundy's hand, apologizing to the people around them and saying they had to go, otherwise they'd miss something.

They then quickly went to the lion enclosure. "You two are here to see the lions? Watching happens up there if you're not," The worker pointed to a small area connected to a bridge. "If we can, we are here to see them. We accept any and all risks and we'll take responsibility if either of us gets hurt," Dream knew exactly what they wanted to hear, at this point.

It made their job easier, and all they had to do was sign a quick sheet saying exactly what Dream had just said. "All done. When will it start?" Dream asked. He had been to one of these before, the animal got really aggressive at some point due to people crowding it, and he had somehow managed to calm it down.

He's never been able to get Fundy to stop calling him a princess since. "A minute, you're welcome to wait here. You seem to be the only one who wants to do it," Dream chuckled softly, nodding. "I mean, it is a scary thing to do until you realize they're just big, adorable cats," The worker seemed to agree. Shion, that was her name.

She waited until she was told it was time, and then she opened one of the two gates for the cage. "Come in," Dream walked in, Fundy hesitantly followed him. "You'll be fine, my love," Dream reassured him. Shion closed and locked the gate behind them before slowly opening the next one. Shion walked in first and got the other two to follow before she closed that gate as well. A lion walked over from one of the sides, looking at all three of them.

Dream knelt down, smiling at the lion. It wagged it's tail and walked over to him, laying on him immediately. "Are you really sure you aren't a princess?" Fundy joked as he looked down at the dirty blonde. Dream rolled his eyes, patting the big cat gently. "Hey big guy, you're so cute," Dream purred. "I should go soon though, beautiful. I'm on a date,"

Dream continued to pat the lion, chuckling when one walked up behind him and laid on it's side. "You're beautiful as well, so fluffy," Dream pet both of them at the same time, before looking up at Fundy. "We should go see a movie now, huh? It'll probably be closed in a couple hours," Fundy nodded.

"Yeah. We can always go another time though," Fundy wanted Dream to have fun, that's all that mattered to him. "Yeah, but I want excuses to cuddle you. I'm sorry darlings, I'll be off now," Dream got up carefully, smiling down at the two animals before they left. They quickly went to the cinema- they could come back to the zoo whenever.

Besides, it wasn't like Dream didn't have a ton of animals of his own. "What movie do you want to watch?" Dream asked Fundy, smiling at him. "Hmm, I was thinking maybe we could watch..." Dream agreed with the movie he decided on, buying the tickets. They went to the cinema room on their tickets and found their seats quickly.

After the movie was over, they went out and walked back to the skyscraper, as Fundy wanted. "Hey uh. I know today has been a bit eventful, and.. I really enjoyed the date today.. but I have a question.." Fundy seemed nervous, really nervous. "Yes, my love?" Dream smiled at him, hoping that it wasn't something bad.

"I uh.." Fundy got down on one knee, a blush present on his face. "Fundy?" Dream was confused- there was no way he was going to.. "Dream, you have made me the happiest person alive.. and.. I want t-to ask you a question. Will you m-marry me?" Fundy got a box with a ring inside from his inventory.

 "F-fundy- I-"

 "...Your answer?.."

 "Yes! Yes! A million times yes! Of course Fundy!"

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Yeah I don't know what happened either, but ya know.
I hope that despite how short this is and how all over the place it is, you still enjoyed it.
Thank you for all your support! I can't express how grateful I am!

On another note, I have to ask. Does anybody know any good anime to watch? I've been watching more recently and I just finished two series I was watching and am currently struggling to find a new one. 


Love you all! Bye bye! I hope you all have a good day/night!

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