No ship? - Shock collar stream 2.0

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Dream gulped as he hooked himself up to the shock collar, slightly scared. Sure, he did this before, but not the same way. Every half a heart of damage he took at once would up how intense the shock was, though, it'd reset every time the shock finished. He started the stream, also joining a call with George, Sapnap, Wilbur and even Techno. They were there because, well, first of all, they were his friends, second, support, and third, in case something went wrong.

Sapnap was still living with Dream, and the others lived nearby, (As in they lived within 3 hours drive). "Hi guys! Today we'll be trying to beat Minecraft! But, each time I take damage, I get shocked!" Dream explained, reading the chat and seeing how everyone was saying 'Didn't you already do that?' "Ah, but, the thing is, the shocks get worse each half a heart of damage I take," Dream added, making everyone get excited.

He made a world, joining in it quickly. The dirty blonde played the game, yelling each time he took half a heart. Every time he took more damage, it was different. When he fell from a small mountain, half of his health was gone, and he screamed. "Holy SHIT- FUCK!!!" He screamed, grabbing the collar around his neck, panting softly.

Dream recovered quickly however, apologising. "Dream, hey, check-in. What colour?" Wilbur spoke up, Dream taking a deep breath before responding. "Mmm... Purple, Slightly stings, but, not too bad, I can keep going," Dream shrugged, the brunette nodding. "Alright," And so, he continued. He kept losing hearts, he kept crying out in pain, but, he was still fine.

And then, in the end, he got down to half a heart, and he was screaming, louder and more pain filled then before. He repeated 3 colours, Red, Black, and pink. "Sapnap, get over to him, get the collar off, I'm coming now," Techno stated, before leaving the call, Sapnap running to Dream instantly. He ended the stream before getting the collar off, looking at the marks around his neck. "

It hurts-it hurts- I can't- oh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, help help help me, please, help, help, I cant, it hurts!!!" He kept screaming, thrashing around on the floor. "Dream, sh, sh, sh, it's okay, it's okay. Wilbur, he has really fucking red marks around his neck, it's burning hot as well- I don't know what to do-"

Sapnap was rocking himself and Dream back and forth gently, running a hand through the smaller's hair. A few hours later, Techno, George, and Wilbur arrived, all running to where Dream would be. The boy was passed out on the floor, tears still running down his cheeks. "Oh fuck.. George, check the code, I think something happened,"

The end,

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