DNB - Morning (Part 2 of 'Nobody needs to know, but he wants to')

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Dream buried his face into the thing in front of him, ignoring the pain flaring up all over his face. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty~" A monotone voice purred, and he tensed, moving back quickly. When he did, he realised he had buried his face into Techno's chest and- his face went completely red. He remembered the events from the night before, and then he remembered the actual day.

"I t-told you... I told some-someone.. they're going-going to be s-so mad- I-I'm sorry-" Dream started rambling, being cut off by a pair of arms around him, pulling him close- along with a hand running through his hair and small kisses being pressed to the side of his head. "You can cry, it's okay.." And with that, the dirty blonde let himself just sob and cry into Techno's shoulder, his hands desperately clutching at the back of the pinkette's shirt.

There was a gentle knock at the door, but both males ignored it for the most part. "We'll be out in a bit," Techno called, before going straight back to comforting the boy in his arms. A few minutes after Dream stopped sobbing, Techno spoke up. "Feel better?" Dream nodded, slowly looking up with him. "I'm glad, now, as much as I'd love to stay here, we need to get dressed and go down for breakfast, okay?" Dream nodded again, and Techno smiled softly, kissing the other's cheek.

"I'll grab you a spare uniform," After Techno and Dream got changed, they walked downstairs- Techno holding the dirty blonde's hand. Dream was looking around as they walked, his eyes wide- he didn't know how big Techno's house was. "Oh yeah, uhm.. if you don't mind, you'll be staying with us," Dream froze.

"W-What? B-But what about T-Tubbo- Dr-rista- They-They'll still be-" Techno hushed him softly. "They already agreed to staying here, one of the guards is with them while they pack their things, they're okay, Dream.. Now come on, we're getting you breakfast," Techno hummed, taking Dream's hand again and leading down the stairs, and to the dining room.

The dirty blonde froze up for the second time today as they walked into the dining room- He couldn't help but stare at the fucking King when he saw him- "Y-Your majesty- I-" Dream stammered, before looking at Techno, who just chuckled and lead him to the table. They both sat down Techno didn't want Dream far, and Dream wanted to cuddle Techno anyway, so Dream sat on Techno's lap.

"So, Tech, How did you convince such a beauty to be with you?" Wilbur spoke up, smiling as he got up and walked over. The brunette held one of Dream's hands gently. "What do you say, Leave him and come be with me." Wil went to put a hand on his cheek, before Techno growled. "Boys. Wilbur, sit down, leave Dream alone, Techno, don't growl at your brother," They both sighed.

"Yes dad.."

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