No ship - Fuck off already

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Highschool au, principal = Dream's father 
No ships
!!!Bullying, Abuse!!!

The dirty blonde made his way out of the cafeteria, his group of friends going the other way. They had different classes. Dream had english, some of his friends had math class, and the rest had history. Dream honestly hadn't paid any attention to what his friends were saying before- he was thinking about what he had said to some kid earlier.

In his defense, they were threatening to beat him up again but bring one of his brothers into it this time, and he knew it wasn't an empty threat. He was worried they were going to go to his father to report him for it. He didn't remember exactly what he said, but he knew it had something to do with hurting them if they so much as touched any of his siblings.

He knew they would leave out everything that would make it sound better for Dream though- they weren't that stupid. They were still stupid though. The dirty blonde continued down the hall, occasionally looking to see if he could spot any of his other friends, maybe Hannah or Skeppy, or even one of his siblings.

He knew he wouldn't end up seeing his younger siblings, they were in the other half of the building. But maybe Punz or Sam. No, Sam was sick and Punz had to stay home to take care of him, as their mother was away. Puffy-his step sister- was on a date with Niki, and Drista was also in the other half of the building. Dream sighed to himself.

He wouldn't be able to see his siblings. The dirty blonde still looked around him for his friends, though he didn't end up seeing any. He did notice a specific group of people which he would rather of avoided, though. Dream looked down, holding his bag of books closer to him. There were other people around, so he hoped that he'd blend in.

Dream kept his head down and eyes on the ground, hoping he could pass the upcoming group without them noticing him. He was the principals' kid, and because of that he was bullied- a lot. Even his rival sometimes made joking accusations that he only had good grades because he was the principals' kid.

The dirty blonde got a bit away from the group, but they definitely noticed him. "Hey guys! Look! It's mr-my-dad-is-the-principal! Are you gonna tell on us for standing here? Are you gonna get us expelled for looking at you?" Dream didn't bother to look at them, just continuing to walk. "What? You think you're better than us?! When school ends, you better be ready because your dad can't stop us when we're outside!" Dream continued to walk.

Interacting with them in any way wouldn't help- if anything it would make it worse. The dirty blonde decided to speed up, his class wasn't too far away now. He got to the classroom, opening the door and walking in. He briefly nodded to the english teacher before sitting down. There was still a minute until they had to be in class- but Dream preferred to get there earlier than he was meant to.

He heard the bell ring and put his head on the desk, mentally preparing himself for all the shit he was going to get. As well as people bullying him for being the prinicpals' son, they seemed to enjoy making up lies about him sleeping with his teachers for the grades, or hooking up with random people for the money. Dream heard someone sit next to him. "You took my spot," The monotone voice pointed out. Dream rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," He mumbled, not really in the mood to do with Techno. Dream didn't look at the teacher throughout the entire class, which ended up getting him in trouble. "Dream, just because your dad is my boss doesn't mean you don't have to pay attention," Dream looked up at her.

"Sorry Mrs Locker, won't happen again," He apologized half-heartedly, just wanting people to stop looking at him. It worked, for the most part. The lesson was just about a new project they had to complete, it didn't really affect their grades much. They could work alone or in groups of two. Dream already decided he was working alone.

He knew he had to sit there for another 30 minutes, doing just about nothing- or well, he thought he had to. Instead, he got called to his father's office. He quickly got up- his father would get mad if he took too long. He walked as fast as he could to the principals office, knowing he shouldn't run.

He got to the office and took a deep breath, straightening up and holding his head up. He knocked. "Come in." Dream went inside, closing the door behind him. "Do you know why I called you here today?" Dream shook his head. "Like hell you don't. You threatened a group of students!" Dream tensed slightly.

"Well?!" His father yelled again, looking at him. "They were threatening me and the others- I couldn't just-!" Dream started, being cut off when he was slapped. "I didn't ask for your excuses! I don't care!" Dream let one of his hands go to his cheek, which stung like all hell. "Sorry, sir.." Dream muttered, looking down.

He ended up regretting it when his father grabbed his chin harshly, forcing his head up. "Look at me and speak clearly when you're talking, brat," His father let go, Dream not daring to look down again. "Yes sir, sorry sir," He spoke clearly, forcing himself not to stutter. "Good. Keep it like that. If I get one more report about you, well.. you know what'll happen. Get back to class," Dream nodded, quickly leaving.

He let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, quickly walking back to the english class. He stopped at a bathroom to check on his cheek. It was very obvious and red. Dream grabbed his concealer from his pocket, covering the mark before just about running to his class. He walked in quietly, closing the door behind him and keeping his head down.

He could feel everyone's eyes on him. Dream went to his seat and sat down. He wanted to go home and be comforted by Sam and Punz while they hid in their room from their parents. He wanted to give his younger siblings a hug and tell them that he'd keep them safe. He wanted to cuddle with Puffy. Dream was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt someone nudge his arm.

"Come on, the bell went. Or do you want to be late, nerd?" Dream looked up at Techno, thanking him quietly before standing up and walking away. He knew his next class was Math, and he also knew Sapnap and Karl had the same class. Dream picked up his pace, wanting to see his friends as soon as he could.

When he got to the classroom, he saw his friends waiting outside for him. Dream smiled and waved, though his smile faltered when he saw their concerned and confused faces. "What's up guys?" Dream asked. "You were called to the principals office, why?" Sapnap asked quickly. "It was nothing, come on. We have to go inside-" The dirty blonde went to walk into the class.

"We have 2 minutes left until we have to be in there. Dream, stop avoiding the question," Sapnap insisted, making Dream sigh. "I threatened someone because they threatened me, that's all. Can we go now?" Sapnap seemed satisfied with that answer, so he nodded. The three walked into the class and sat in their chosen seats.

Dream called the seat next to the window, as he usually did. This class went by pretty quickly, no assignments, no getting in trouble, nothing eventful. They just went through revision from last week. Dream heard the bell again, one more class. As they had after their break time, the three split off to go their separate ways.

Karl had to go to his english class, Sapnap had to go to chemistry, and Dream had Geography. He'd see Wilbur shortly, as they shared that class- at least Dream thinks his name is Wilbur, they hadn't spoken much. Geography went by quickly as well, nothing special happened. And with that, it was officially the end of the day.

He could go home, finally. He wasn't sure if he would've lasted much longer at school, with all the looks, the notes that were put in his bag or in his locker, the whispering. Dream could finally, finally go home- or so he thought. He walked outside, but his arm was quickly grabbed by someone, and he was pulled around to the side of the school.

"Mr I'm-too-good-for-you, you didn't forget, now did you?" A familiar voice spoke. Dream knew he could easily out run them if he wanted to, he could probably beat most of them in a fight too. He didn't want to fight though, he was tired. "Just leave me alone.." He muttered, wincing when the tallest out of the group- excluding Dream- grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him off the ground.

"Shut up for once in your miserable life! Or we'll make it worse for you," They warned him, before one of the others punched him in the face, Dream didn't fight back, he stayed quiet as well. He wanted it over with as quickly as possible, though they seemed to keep pointing out things that made them keep going.

Dream decided he wanted to go home, and didn't want to wait anymore. He quickly pushed the one going in for a punch away, while ducking the punch, and then he ran. He ran as fast as he could to his house. The dirty blonde pushed the door to the house open, walking in and going upstairs.

"Punz?" Dream called out, staying somewhat quiet in case their mother was home now. "Mother isn't home Dream! I'm in my room!" Dream quickly went to Punz's room, wanting the comfort he had been craving all day. "Dream.. Let's get you cleaned up," Punz ran a hand through his younger brother's hair.

"Puffy said she's staying at Niki's for the night, and the others are going to Tommy's house, so don't worry about them. And Sam's just sleeping," Dream nodded, leaning into his brother a bit. They walked to the bathroom, Dream sitting on the side of the bathtub while Punz got a flannel from the cupboard and wet it under the sink.

Dream winced as his brother pressed it against one of the marks on his face without warning. "Sorry, just stay still for me.." Punz had to make sure that, if there were any cuts, they were clean. He sighed when he saw some concealer coming off. "He got mad?" Dream nodded slightly.

"Alright.. I hate the way he always targets you.. Why can't he go for me or Sam instead, we're older than you.." Punz mumbled. "Punz.. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I promise," Dream smiled, as much as it hurt, he could take it if it meant the others didn't get as much shit as him. He's pretty sure the reason their father dislikes him more than the rest is because their biological mother left only a year or so after he was born.

"All done, now, do you have any homework or anything?" Dream shook his head. "Alright then, I'll go back to m-" Punz started, though he was cut off when Dream grabbed his hand. "You want big brother cuddles?" Dream nodded, he was embarrassed because, by now, he was.. what? 15? He felt like he shouldn't need cuddles from his siblings anymore, but he couldn't help it.

"Aww, is Dreamie embarrassed?" Punz chuckled. "Shut up.." The dirty blonde mumbled, standing up and following his older brother to his room. Punz sat down on his bed, getting comfortable before calling Dream over. Dream crawled onto the bed, laying down with his arms around his brother.

Punz looked down at him with a small smile, running his hands through Dream's hair. Dream was laying so his head was just about on Punz's belly. Despite the fact they only had a couple years of an age difference, Punz always saw Dream as his baby brother. "Go to sleep, Dreamie.. I'll be here when you wake up.." Dream closed his eyes and allowed himself to fall asleep after hearing that.

When Dream woke up, Punz had stayed true to his promise of him being there. Dream knew he had to get ready for another day of school, but he wanted to stay with Punz for as long as possible. "Dream.. I know you're awake, c'mon, we gotta get up," Dream whined quietly, not wanting to get up- but he did anyway.

Mainly because Punz had said that they both had to, maybe Punz could come this time? The dirty blonde went to his own room- Punz shared with Tubbo and Sam, Dream shared his room with Drista and Ranboo. Puffy rarely stayed over, so she just slept where ever she wanted. He started getting undressed, though he paused while lifting up his shirt.

He winced slightly at his still slightly bruised torso. He shook his head, continuing to get changed. He swapped his shirt for a clean one, same with the rest of his clothing. Then he grabbed his bag, deciding to put the concealer in there- of course after covering the marks all over his face.

Dream put the bag over his shoulder, walking out of his room. He smiled widely when he saw Punz was dressed for school as well! He couldn't express his happiness verbally, because their parents were awake. Punz smiled back at him, not as wide but he still smiled. Dream didn't ask about Sam, he was probably already at school.

Punz and Dream quietly made their way downstairs, carefully leaving the house without their parents noticing. They walked to school as they normally did- their father could drive them but always refused to, claiming they should be grateful for what they have. They got to school pretty quickly. "I'll see you later?" Punz looked at Dream, who nodded.

"Yeah! I'll see you at lunch!" Dream spoke, before walking into the school and looking for his group of friends. Punz and Dream weren't extremely affectionate in public- nobody really even knew they were siblings. In private, it was a completely different story. That wasn't important though. Dream saw his friends just a bit away.

Sapnap and George were the first to notice him- they normally were, they just knew when each other were near. Dream waved to them, smiling. "Hey Dream!" The two spoke in unison, causing them to look at each other. Dream was about to speak when the bell rung, making him groan. "See you guys later I guess," Dream sighed, starting to walk away.

Someone grabbed his arm though. "Dream, wait. Where did you get that bruise?" Dream tensed when Sapnap asked that, he didn't cover all the marks? "I just tripped on a stick- it's nothing," Dream shrugged it off, chuckling a bit. They all seemed somewhat satisfied with his answer, though he could tell a couple didn't believe him.

Dream walked away again, not being stopped. He could feel his heart racing, he fucked up. Dream's breathing started to grow faster along with his heart, until he couldn't breathe. He rushed to the nearest bathroom, locking himself in a stall. He couldn't go to class like this, he couldn't be seen like this- he was never sad, he was always seen as happy.

Dream hadn't messed up like that before, he always managed to hide everything. Dream didn't know why or how he messed up like that, first he forgot to cover a bruise, then he lied to them but he didn't remember exactly what he said, he knew he claimed he had fallen, but how and why did he fall? If someone else asked, he knew he'd fuck up again.

Dream heard the bathroom door open and he covered his mouth, trying to stop or quiet his breathing, he couldn't let anyone see him like that. Though, the feeling of his hands over his mouth reminded him of times where his father would try to shut him up however possible. He decided being caught would be worse than having the reminder of his father's abuse.

He stayed like that until he heard the bathroom door open and close again, letting out a shaky breath. Dream cursed quietly to himself, letting his tears fall. "I knew someone was in here. The second bell's about to go." He heard a voice call. He didn't say anything back- maybe they didn't know it was him. He heard footsteps leading up to the stall he was in.

"Did you hear me? Come on. You've been in there too long to be doing any 'business'. As much as I don't give a fuck, I've started talking to you and I'm not gonna leave until you hurry up and get to class," Dream stayed quiet and didn't move either. Dream wiped the tears from his face, combing his fingers through his hair and then unlocking the stall door.

He opened it and kept his head down, hoping the other wouldn't be able to see the bruise or his red, puffy eyes. "Dream? Why aren't you in class? I didn't expect it to be you, of all people," Dream looked up a bit more. "Sorry, I got... distracted," Dream lied. "Try not to let it happen again- were you crying?" They cut themselves off, looking at his eyes.

"Of course not- I just had something in my eye," He lied again, he hated how much he had to lie today. "Mhm.. Where did you get th-" Dream cut them off. "I fell over, don't worry about it," Dream was silently hoping they'd leave or the bell would ring really soon, "Whatever. Now, get to class before I have to be late too," Dream quickly walked out.

He didn't want to deal with anymore questions, so he was glad the other had told him to leave. He managed to get to class just before the bell rung, going inside and picking a random seat quickly. "Mr Wastaken, I expect you not to come in sooner. Otherwise, I will have to mark you as late," Dream nodded, looking at the teacher as he finished taking attendance.

He listened to whatever their teacher, Mr. Anderson, was saying- french was the only subject he didn't always get an A in. It was also his least favorite class- he wasn't planning to take a trip to France anytime soon, why should he have to learn it? That was his view on it anyway. He still had to try to get the best grades he could when it came to it though, if he got anything lower than a B+, his father would be upset.

 After the class was over- how long was it? It felt like so long to Dream- he got up and left, relieved to be able to relax and just not give a shit about that class anymore. The rest of the day would be pretty simple. And he was right. He swore he saw people whispering around him and looking at him more than normal, but other than that, it was just any other day.

There was nothing really special about it, other than the rocky start. With school out of the way, all he had to do was cook dinner- Sam and Punz couldn't cook to save their lives- and, well, sleep. He had to wait a bit before starting dinner, otherwise it would be cold by the time people were hungry.

After he cooked- he made spaghetti- and ate, he went to his room. Fuck he was tired. He didn't bother having a shower- he'd have one tomorrow. Right now he just wanted to go to sleep. Dream didn't even talk to the others before going to bed. Dream woke up to 3 of his siblings in his bed.

Tubbo, who seemed to of been the first. Ranboo, who was laying behind Dream, and Drista, who was on top of all of them. He smiled to himself. In Ranboo's bed, Sam and Punz were sharing the bed. It seemed as though they all wanted to be in the same room. Sam and Punz probably couldn't fit on Dream's bed though, it made sense, honestly.

Three thirteen year olds and one fifteen year old surely wouldn't leave enough space for two eighteen year olds. "Good morning guys, you all need to get up though.." Dream gently shook the three awake, asking one of them to wake up Sam and Punz. "Can you all get ready for school?" Dream asked them, he knew they had to anyway, but giving them the ability to say no seemed to work better than telling them to do stuff.

The younger ones quickly got their clothes and ran to another room, getting changed- Drista got changed first with the others outside. Dream, Sam and Punz got changed into their school uniform as well. Dream quickly brushed his hair and got more concealer to cover up the bruises again. He had to redo it every day until they were gone.

And with that, they were all ready- so they all made their way to the school. Dream stopped at the school gates, letting the others go first. He then walked into the school and almost immediately, people were looking at him. Why did they all seem to fucking love staring at him? So what if he was someone's kid, he wasn't some exhibit for people to look at!

Dream started walking quicker. He got to where his friends were and smiled, though it fell quickly when he heard about something going around. "Dream! Are you okay? There's a rumor going around that you were crying in the bathroom!" Dream shrugged. "It's just a rumor, nothing more. You know how people are,"

"...Are you sure? If you look at the walls, there are pictures-" Dream wanted to commit first degree murder. They fucking took a picture of him?! How didn't he notice! "Dream?" The dirty blonde took a deep breath. "They're probably photoshopped pictures," Dream managed to force out, he couldn't let them know what happened- he couldn't be seen as a crybaby to his friends as well.

Dream grabbed his phone and checked the time, deciding to use that as an excuse to leave. "I'm gonna go to class, cya," He said before walking away as quickly as he could. They still had five minutes before class but he didn't care. "Hey! Principals' kid! We heard you'd been crying like the little bitch you are," Dream wanted to punch him- but he knew that he'd get in trouble with his father if he did.

That's one of the only reason he never defended himself, the other being he didn't want them to go after one of his siblings. "What? Got nothing to say, Crybaby? You're a fuckin wimp, you can't even fucking protect yourself from us! We could hurt you in anyway, and you wouldn't do jack shit," As if to prove their point, they grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off the ground- keeping him there until they could see he was about to pass out.

They dropped him, leaving him to fall to his knees and gasp for breath. "You gonna cry about it?" Another one from their group spoke up, pushing Dream to the floor with their foot. Dream didn't do anything, hoping that if he didn't react, they'd stop. He briefly saw another set of feet pass him before he was being helped up.

"Why did you let them push you around like that?! You dumbass. I've seen you fight, you could easily take those nerds down," Techno spoke, Dream looking at him. Fuck. His rival saw him being beaten up, of course! The one person who didn't see him as weak yet. "...You didn't have to help me," Dream mumbled, straightening his shirt.

"Yeah, I didn't have to, but I did so just be happy about it," Techno huffed, shaking one of his hands a bit- his knuckles were red, probably from hitting the others. "Sorry. Thank you, Techno.." Dream started walking away. "Dream- Wait. I'm here if you need to, y'know.. talk or anything. You're.. always welcome.."

Dream had to force himself not to laugh at how awkward Techno looked trying to offer his support. "Thanks, Bacon," Dream smiled slightly. "Cringee," Dream hesitated for a moment before hugging Techno- quickly letting go. "I'll see your in engl-" Techno stopped him once again.

"Nuh-uh, You're comin with me to the nurse. I don't care what you say or if you're not hurt that badly," Techno stated simply, grabbing Dream by the wrist and walking him to the nurse's office. Dream didn't say anything else. They reached the nurse, Techno asking them to take a look at Dream.

"Where did you get all of those?" They asked, Dream didnt say anything for a couple seconds. "I was play fighting some friends, sometimes they dont know their own stre-" Dream tried to lie, but Techno stopped him. "He was being beaten up," The nurse looked between the two. "Mr Wastaken, I think you should report this to your father. You know that bullying isn't tolerated in this school," The nurse sighed.

"He wouldn't care anyway.." Dream mumbled quietly, looking down. "What?" Dream tensed. "Nothing, forget about it." The dirty blonde had messed up enough, he didn't have to go and screw more things up. The dirty blonde could tell that Techno knew what he said, or at least some of it.

He only knew that because the pinkette was looking at him. As soon as the nurse told them they could leave- as well as giving them a note as to why they were late, they left. "Dream. What did you mean by that?" Techno asked Dream, stopping him from walking away by grabbing his wrist. "What do you mean, Techno?.." Dream tried to act like he had no clue.

" 'He wouldn't care anyway', that's what you said. Why?" The pinkette repeated. "I didn't say that-" Techno looked him in the eyes. "...It's nothing, okay? Leave it alone," Dream huffed, pulling away from Techno and walking off. Techno sighed and walked after him- they had the same class.

When they made it to class, Dream handed the note to the teacher before sitting down in one of the only free seats, leaning back into it with a sigh. "Dream, I still want answers," Techno hummed from next to him- why couldn't he just shut up and forget about it? "Well you're not getting any," Dream responded, before listening to whatever their teacher was saying.

The bell rung eventually- it felt like way too long- and all the students got up from their seats and started leaving the room. Dream hoped that Techno would finally leave the situation alone, he didn't want to deal with any questions. But of course, the universe hated him. "Dream. Just tell me.

Either that, or tell someone else- or I will speak to your father without knowing anything," Dream tensed up a bit, what the fuck did he just say? "...Techno, stop. Just- Just stop, okay?" Dream looked at the other. The pinkette sighed softly before speaking. "I'll leave you alone for now, Dream. You know I'm just worried- I find out you're being bullied, and then you say something about your father. It's concerning," Dream didn't say anything, he just walked away.

Techno decided he'd leave it alone for the rest of the week- and then see if Dream would talk to someone about it- but god did it hurt just watching his friend rival in pain. Dream wanted to punch Techno- as much as he didn't at the same time. He wanted him to just stop worrying already. The rest of that week passed by without many notable things happening.

The group which loved to bully Dream left him alone- for that week at least, his friends were the same as always, etc etc. Dream had honestly completely forgotten about the situation with Techno, the pinkette hadn't though. At the end of the day on Monday, Techno decided to go up to the dirty blonde again.

"Dream. Seriously, you need to talk to someone about it.." If Dream was thinking rationally, he would've just ignored Techno instead of responding. "Fuck off already. Why can't you just give me some space?! Sure, I said something about him! So what?! Just fucking leave it alone!" Dream yelled, before freezing up for a second and then running off. He fucked up- for real. 

Yep, that's the end- 
I hope you guys enjoyed this, even if it was rushed and stuff. I'm gonna be real, I didn't like writing this at the end, but I wanted to give you all at least something-

I hope you all are doing well, and if I don't update for a while, well, Merry Christmas and Happy New Years-
Bye bye!

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