No real ship - An Unhealthy Obsession

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TW!!! R * p e, kidnapping, stalking, fucked up Wilbur, murder, death!!! 

Dream walked down the street, tense- he felt like someone was following. He knew he was probably just being paranoid, but it was hard to just shake off. The dirty blonde shakes his head slightly, telling himself it was fine, and he was just around too many people. He kept walking, picking up the pace slightly. He just wanted to get home, cuddle Patches, and sleep. Dream soon found himself at his front door- he hadn't even realised it.

Before he hated being around so many people, now he wanted nothing more than to be surrounded by people- because at least then he'd be safe. "Fuck this shit.." He mumbled to himself, unlocking his door and then pushing it open. He closed it behind him and locked it again, walking around the house to find Patches. "C'mere girl," He called for her, kneeling down when he saw the adorable cat. The dirty blonde picked her up gently, petting her still as he did.

Dream walked to his bedroom, pushing it closed a bit with his foot. He kicked off his shoes and laid down on the bed, letting Patches go so she could get comfortable. He decided to chalk the feeling of being watched up to Patches, but despite that- he really, really didn't want to turn around. He knew there was nothing- nobody there, he would've heard them, but he didn't want to prove himself wrong in any way, shape or form.

Dream pulled the blankets up, covering both him and Patches- at least a bit. The next morning, the feeling of the eyes on him still hadn't left. This is what he got for being such a famous guy, huh. The dirty blonde sighed slightly, rubbing his eyes and standing up- making his way down stairs. When he reached the kitchen, he noticed how some things were misplaced and, most confusing of all, there was a note on the counter.

Dream froze up for a moment, before hesitantly walking to it, reading what was written on the paper.

'Hi :D I noticed you cuddling with Patches last night, cute as always :) Anyways~ Were you gonna visit Claire and Devon today? Your parents, I mean! They sent you a letter asking if you were! Here:'

'Hey Dear, Me and your father were wondering if you'd like to come over today? We miss you!
 - Your parents'

'See! Anyways, thanks for leaving that bandage out :D Now I have something to remember yesterday <3
 - Love, Me :)))'

Dream stared at the note, his breathing picking up without him noticing. So- So he was being watched.. That was fucking terrifying. How much had they seen? How long had they been watching him?.. What have they done?.. He knew they watched him now, but, what if they did.. Other things? Oh god- please say this was a stupid prank.. The dirty blonde made himself calm down, at least a bit. It had to be a prank.

He clenched his fists and walked into the kitchen, allowing his breathing to calm down properly as well. He started making breakfast- just something quick. As soon as he was done eating, he filled up Patches' food and water, giving her some pats before going off. He quickly got changed and put shoes on before going back downstairs and out the house. He made sure to lock it before he left, making his way to his parent's place.

He couldn't drive, there were spikes in front of one of the wheels a few days ago and he hadn't gotten around to replacing the tyre. He walked around the crowd of people, before picking up his pace again. Maybe his parents were the ones to put the note there, but- it doesn't seem like something they'd do.. Whatever, he should stop thinking about it. Dream flinched as he felt someone push past him- quite literally pushing him. Some people are just rude.

He hoped he wouldn't see that guy again- he generally looked like an asshole of a person.. His wish ended up coming true.. The dirty blonde stared at the screen with wide eyes, the same person who had pushed him a few hours ago was discovered dead in his apartment. Why, so many people he had 'met' ended up being found dead. His ex who was trying to get him back? He was found hanging in his apartment, but he showed signs of struggle.

His friend, who hugged him, was found in an alley with large gashes down their arms. Someone he got in a fight with, was found beaten to death. A group of girls crushing on him, all found dead in one of their rooms. At that time, on the back wall, written in blood were the words 'He's Mine'. That wasn't the only time something like that was written, though.. It always went between two different ways of writing, there was in blood, and in marker.

The police suspected they were different people.. One was very bloody, one was neat-ish. But, it never changed in one aspect. Each time, Dream had some form of contact with each victim shortly before they died. Oh god- that meant- there were two- two people were killing because of him- could that mean two people were stalking him too? Dream curled up on himself, terrified. He stayed like that until he thought of an idea, jumping up quickly.

He knew one person who could fight well- Techno. He started running as quick as he could to the pinkette's house. He left Patches behind, knowing she could run, hide, and hunt on her own if needed. As soon as he got to Techno's house, he pounded on the door as loud as he could, trying desperately not to cry at the sound of footsteps, along with the feeling of being watched once more. It wasn't from Techno, definitely not.

As soon as he heard the door open he collapsed, sobs wracking his already shaking body. "Dream, Hey hey.. What's wrong?" The pinkette questioned, kneeling down and hugging Dream. "In-Inside-" The dirty blonde spoke quickly- they needed to get inside. "Okay, okay, come on.." They both went inside, Dream locking the door behind them immediately. "What's going on?" Techno spoke up again, opening his arms and letting the dirty blonde run into them, holding him tight.

"I-I'm being w-watched by two-two f-fucking murderers! That-at's what!" He sobbed, clutching at Techno's shirt. The pinkette didn't say anything after that- well, excluding his 'I'll protect you'. They walked to his room, laying down on the bed. Dream clung onto the other, still crying quietly. "We'll call the police in the morning, okay?" "M-mhm.." And just like that, they allowed themselves to slowly drift off to sleep. If only they stayed awake for just a bit longer..

When Techno woke up the next morning, he expected Dream to still be in his arms- boy was he wrong. He woke up to an empty bed- minus himself- and a knife stabbed into the pillow right by his head. His eyes widened instantly- oh shit. There were two possibilities, one was more likely. First, Dream could've gotten up and tried to stab him, and since it missed he ran. Or.. one of the people stalking him managed to get it, tried to stab Techno, saw Dream, took him and left.

The second one was probably more likely.. The pinkette stood as quickly as he could, grabbing his phone and calling the police- while searching for anything that could've been left behind- anything that could show any clues as to where they would have taken him. He tried to think about who it could've been. And, he hated the idea but.. No alarms went off to alert someone breaking in, and the only other person with a key was Wilbur.. His brother..

He clenched his fists, opting to go to the brunette's house. They had both agreed to give each other the spare key to their houses, just in case they needed to use it. Techno unlocked the front door, walking in without caring to close the door. He saw bits of blood on the walls, making him even more suspicious of his older brother. He decided to check the basement- it was the most likely place he would hide Dream, and he watched a lot of movies.

The pinkette sighed with slight relief when he didn't see the dirty blonde- proceeding to look around the house. He stopped in front of Wil's bedroom door, hearing muffled sounds from inside. Techno hesitated for a moment before pushing the door open- nearly gagging at the sight. Dream was tied up on the bed, wrists and ankles already red and raw.

There was a cloth in his mouth, preventing him from talking. Adding onto that he had a really tight looking collar on, he was covered in bruises, bites, cuts and hickeys- what the fuck- and, on top of it all, he had fucking blood and.. another liquid on his thighs. Techno noticed how he started thrashing around when the door opened, screaming and crying- all muffled.

"Dream, Dream, It's me, it's okay, I'm getting you the fuck out," The pinkette immediately started untying the other, removing the gag next. Dream clung onto the other, sobbing silently. Techno picked him up gently, wrapping his cape around the other- he was nude, the pinkette wasn't going to humiliate him and carry him outside like that.

He quickly left the house, calling the police again as soon as he could. Even if Wilbur was his brother, this was fucked up. He spoke to them while Dream clung onto him, explaining the situation, how he found Dream, so on and so forth.

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