No actual Ship - Holy shit- Dream- Calm down.. </3

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I'm writing in discord at the moment- Less stress- Lmao- I'll post what I write over there on here for the most part,
Warnings: Panic attack/Breakdown, Slight intended sexual themes, Mentions of Abuse, Mentions of Sexual harassment and/or abuse.
3rd Person

Purpled shot up, hearing a scream from another room, he then heard cries from, seemingly, the same room. He checked the time quickly before getting up, '5:38 am'. He stands up, speed walking to the source of the noise, Dream's room?

He stared at the door for a few moments before knocking, not getting an answer. He hesitated before opening the door, and walking inside. He saw Dream, who was curled up in the corner on his bed, his mouth covered by his hands.

He was shaking and crying, shaking his head multiple times. Purpled walks over, crawling onto the bed and hugging the dirty blonde gently. This absolutely petrified the male though, his breathing quickening, along with his heart beat. Purpled, after a little while, called somebody, more specifically George. He knew George would be awake at this time, based on previous experiences, Sapnap however, liked sleeping in a lot.

"Hey Purpled, what's up?" George asked, said male taking a deep breath before explaining what was happening with Dream, and asking if he could help at all as.. George was one of his closest friends. George said he couldn't say much, but just to make sure the dirty blonde didn't hurt himself or anything, to which Purpled nodded, thanking the brunette before hanging up.

He had no idea what could possibly be going on through Dream's head- well, that was a lie. He had found out about, 1 or 2 of his traumas, due to snooping through his room and looking through a few pages of his diary. Dream sobbed quietly into his knees, multiple memories coming back to him. None were good however. They were all, just, torture to look back on, and it hurt, a lot.

A dirty blonde teenager named Dream, around 14 years of age, was walking by himself down the streets of the empty-ish city. He was suddenly pulled into an alleyway by, somebody, and was immediately pushed into a wall. This person started to attack his neck, a few other people walking towards them and assisting. They brought the boy deeper into the alley, one of them forcing him to keep his arms above his head, as much as he hated it.

Let's just say...stuff...happened...(I didn't wanna write about it TwT)

Dream shook his head violently, being overwhelmed with all the feelings he felt that day, and every time something like that happened. He hadn't ever expressed this to, well, anybody. Not even Bad, George or Sapnap.

He remembered his father continuously hitting him when he did something wrong, was late, or talked back. He remembered his mother constantly starving him when he didn't do all of the jobs and tasks he was given perfectly, and quickly.

He remembered his siblings always teasing him and making fun of him for liking guys, which, as much as they didn't mean it to, it hurt him a lot. He remembered his classmates always bullying him, making fun of him, and generally hating on him.

He remembered his own boyfriend, ex boyfriend now, always body shaming him, insulting him, hating on him, manipulating him, abusing him in more ways than one, using him, fucking him over, and just, generally making his life a living hell.

And then.. his friends. His old friends, and current friends. They never meant it, nor did they think it'd hurt him in any way, but they always joked about abusive families, and relationships in general. And, it always made Dream think of....all those times. He was afraid, afraid of anyone, and everyone finding out. It hurt him a lot, every time he thought about any of it.

Purpled hugs Dream again, running a hand through his hair. Dream eventually came back to his senses, clinging onto the younger, sobbing quietly. Purpled just held him close, letting him cry.

He, honestly, felt bad for the older. He didn't know what happened, other than that his siblings used to tease him, and that at at least one point, he was starved by his own mother.

They ended up falling asleep there together, Dream having been crying, a lot. Meanwhile, Purpled was just comforting the dirty blonde, before they fell asleep. (THIS IS NOT A SHIP, DONT EVEN THINK IT IS)

The end,
Remember, I'll always be here if you want or need to talk
Yo can vent/rant to me whenever, it's cool
Take care
Have a nice day/afternoon/night

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