Technodream - Requested - What happens when you hurt an admin.

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Dream tensed when he heard footsteps enter the room, filling him with dread, which wasn't new. He knew it was one of the guards, and he could tell they were upset. God, that was going to make the beating so much worse... He was used to the guards coming in every day or two, beating him up at least until they could tell Dream was in mass amounts of pain, but they rarely got upset enough to act on it- with him at least.

Dream backed up into the corner, gulping as he looked up, seeing how mad the guard really was. Was this because he threw his clock in the lava? Because he refused to eat? Because he kept needing to be respawned due to running into the lava? Because he tried to climb up the respawn thing? Or maybe because he broke his lectern? It could've been anything...

He didn't have time to try and figure out what it was, as his hair was grabbed harshly and his face met the floor. His head was pulled back via his hair, and then his face would be forced into the ground repeatedly, occasionally being kicked when lifted again. Dream knew better than to struggle, but that didn't stop his slight whimpers of pain.

 He could feel the blood running from his nose from how much it had been hit already, as well as the small cuts caused by the not entirely smooth ground. Suddenly, his head was forced back against the wall, really quickly and painfully. That most definitely wasn't the end of it, not by a long shot. He kept being hit, kicked, etc. All until the guard was satisfied with the bruised and bloody mess known as Dream.

From then on, everyone found out, and that means EVERYONE, found out. And just about all of them, minus Techno, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Drista, began to beat him whenever they visited, never even considering helping him. Even Bad, under the influence of the egg, would hurt him. He grew terrified of everyone and anyone, even the ones who didn't hit him.

The guards came in more often, and he was visited more often as well, but that, of course, wasn't a good thing.. Whenever Techn, Tubbo, Drista, or Ranboo would visit, they'd tell him how they were going to get him out, and they'd comfort him. Drista would pull him into hugs, kiss his forehead, as would Tubbo, reminding him that they were still his siblings, and they loved him.

Ranboo would hold his hand, cuddle up to his side, and remind him in any and every way that the enderman hybrid was still his son. And Techno would wrap his arms around his waist, he'd kiss him until they both lost their breath, he'd cuddle him, and he'd do anything to show that he still loved him, and Dream would, after getting through the fear of them all, return the actions, acting slightly different with each person.

With Drista, he'd sing a song that he wrote for her when they were younger, with Tubbo, he'd read a story that he used to love, with Ranboo, he'd treat him like his little Ran again. And with Techno, he'd return every action with his own, he'd allow himself to cry in his arms, he'd open up, which was something they kept between each other, and they both did it. Techno would admit to his fear of failure, sometimes he'd have a nightmare and start panicking, and Dream would comfort him. 

Sometimes Dream would break down crying or have a panic attack, and Techno would hush him, pressing kisses into his skin, cuddling him, telling him everything would be okay, and that he'd get out soon. And it wasn't a lie. After a few weeks, they got Dream out of the prison, The four had found a way out.

Though, they didn't get so lucky after they got outside of the prison... The sound of two arrows firing rang through the air, and Dream cried out in pain, causing the others to look at him, and then Drista. Dream's eyes looked to all of them, and then Drista, his eyes widening as he dropped to the floor.

The dirty blonde male had an arrow directly through his thigh, while Drista.. Drista had an arrow directly through her head, and she was completely silent and limp on the floor. Dream crawled over to her, lifting her and laying her head in his lap, shaking her slightly. When he figured out she had no pulse, she wasn't breathing, and she had no heartbeat, he froze.

It took a little while for him to completely register it, and even after he did, he stayed still and silent. He didn't react to anybody calling for him, he didn't react in anyway. The one who shot Drista tried to shoot him again, but just before the arrow could make contact with his neck, something forced it to break in half, falling to the floor.

Everyone in the SMP could feel a change, and they remembered something they had long forgotten for oh so long. The reason this place was named the 'Dream SMP' was that it was made by Dream, Dream was the one who controlled it all, he could get rid of someone in an instant, if he wished to, 

The ground shook beneath them, and the sky filled with dark clouds. Dream slowly stood up, holding Drista in his arms, princess style. He turned to look at everyone around, his eyes filled with true anger for the first time, ever. Dream glared at them all, minus the ones of his family, before looking at the ones he loved, Techno understanding and grabbing Ranboo's hand, as well as Tubbo's, walking to Dream.

The dirty blonde clenched his fists and looked back at the ones who caused his sister's death, glaring once again. And then, for the absolute first time, the roars of multiple dragons sounded behind him, the creatures becoming visible in the distance. It was known that there were Dragons of some kind in each server, in each world, creatures who were so powerful, creatures who could easily destroy a server like Hypiixel in just one swoop.

Only the admins of the server knew where they stayed, but that didn't mean they belonged to the admins, it was a relationship based on trust, which had to be gained. More mystical creatures appeared, all coming to a landing behind the 4 who stood apart from the rest. Dream carried Drista over to one of the larger dragons, placing her on its back, and resting a hand on the side of its head, thanking it for all it had done for them already.

The dragon bowed its head slightly before taking off, making sure Drista stayed on its back the entire flight. Dream walked to one of the other dragons, whispering something to it, before calling the other three over, Tubbo and Ranboo being told to get on the one next to its back, and Techno and Dream climbing onto the other's back. 
"Level this place straight to bedrock, leave not one survivor." Dream spoke, staring at everyone standing on the ground, before petting the dragon he was on's head. The two dragons who had people on them took off, flying away, while the creatures left behind let out their cries, as if letting the world know this place would be no more, before attacking and leveling the place known as L'manburg, and all the area around it, to bedrock, everyone around being killed in the process.

The end.

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