Technodreamity? - I didn't mean it like that..

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TW: Implied anorexia? Eating disorder, self hate, self doubt.

 Dream held onto the other's shoulders tightly, letting out small whines and whimpers as kisses were pressed into his neck, along with bites. He was shaking slightly, but that was because he was sitting in a weird way. "God, you two look so pretty... Quackity, fuck- you're look so perfect, you're so thin, so pretty.." Techno mumbled from behind them, and Dream could practically feel Quackity's smile as he kept kissing.

Dream didn't mind obviously, he didn't care if he didn't get a compliment and the other didn't, Techno thought they were both beautif- "Dream, you are putting on a bit of weight- I'm kidding dear, I love you," - or not... Dream couldn't find himself listening to the last half, his world crashing down. Call it an over exaggeration, but, Dream had already been doubting himself and all the compliments he had been given.

When he already saw himself as an ugly, pathetic thing, a single insult from his beloved caused him to break. He got up, kissing them both on the cheek - he needed to make sure he acted normal- and then he left the room, silent tears threatening to fall. He ran to his own house, running in through the front door and collapsing. Dream sobbed and cried his heart out, hate swirling through his mind.

'You're too fat,'

'How could anybody love a bitch like you?'

'You know for a fact they hate you~'

'You should lose weight. Nobody wants you when you look like that.'

He ended up getting up again. closing the door before walking to his room, face planting onto the bed and passing out almost instantly. He was exhausted, just from crying. The next morning, he woke up and stood, trying to ignore the small pain in his stomach - he hadn't eaten the day before. The dirty blonde walked into the kitchen, reaching to grab an apple- before hesitating. He stared at the red fruit, trying to ignore the thoughts and voices in his head.

'Don't eat it, remember what happened when you ate an apple?'
'That's right, you gained weight,'

Is that really such a bad thing?

'It is. You need to lose weight, don't eat it.'

Dream walked out of the kitchen, without the apple. Later on, the pain got worse, and he settled on just buying a certain kind of medicine which extreme over-eaters normally took, to lessen their appetite. Dream walked to the chemist, sighing slightly to himself. When he got there, he grabbed one of pill bottles, 'Hunger Suppressants', and walked to one of the counters. The dirty blonde paid for them and then left- telling the person who asked if he read the warnings that he did - spoiler alert, he didn't.

They second he got back home, he swallowed one of the pills and put the rest on the counter, going straight to working out. He had to get thinner, he had to be as perfect for his lovers as he could. Even if it meant he couldn't hang out with them at the time. He kept a strict schedule for himself over the next few days weeks, wake up after a very short sleep, take one of the hunger suppressants, workout for the entire day - taking VERY small breaks for water - , sleep, and then repeat.

He continued this until Techno and Quackity showed up at his house, walking in as he was putting one of the pills in his mouth, swallowing quickly. "Dream..? Hey baby, we came to check on you.. What was that?" Dream instantly looked towards the monochrome voice, smiling when he sees his lovers- Techno and Quackity.

"Oh! Hi guys! That was just a hunger Suppressant, I'd been eating too much," The dirty blonde shrugs. It wasn't a lie in his mind, he had been eating too much in his opinion, even if it had only been apples - until he started this ridiculously dangerous routine. "Alright.. Well, we just wanted to check up on you love, we miss you," The pinkette smiled slightly, hugging Dream gently - Quackity as well.

He couldn't hold the gasp that escaped when he noticed how thin Dream had gotten. "Baby, are you okay?" Dream nodded quickly, and then the other, Quackity, had said he and Techno had to go- the pinkette noticed the worried look on his face. They left, both saying goodbyes and 'I love you's.

"I've heard of the hunger things, Tech... And-... I don't know everything about them but.. i don't think it's good.." The second Techno and Quackity found out about all the risks, they ran to Dream's place, seeing him passed out on the floor, drenched in sweat. He didn't have a shirt on - probably got too hot - and they could literally count each and every rip on his small body.

"Oh fuck...Techno.. I think- I think I said something to him... I think I-I'm the reason- He-He was going to grab something from the fridge once and I- I asked if he really wanted to eat, and- and-"

"Quackity, calm down, this is my fault too. God, i shouldn't of even made that joke.. Can you call the ambulance?.."

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