Skepdream - Requested - Don't hang out with him, please.

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Skepdream (Skeppy x Dream)
Requested by: @-9O21O-
3rd Person

Dream waved as his friends got in their car, tears in his eyes. They were heading off to their dream college, and Dream stayed with his friend, one of his closest friends, Skeppy. He had been with a Dream for quite a long time, almost as long as George and Sapnap.

Dream started having flashbacks to the moment they met. George, Sapnap and Dream were playing hide and seek, And Dream was one of the hiders. He went to hide behind a tree, when he saw a blue tail, and decided to check it out. He silently walked towards the tail, seeing who the owner of it was.

There was a boy who, seemed to be at least a year or two older than him, crying. Dream got worried, and put a hand on his shoulder, looking at the male who got startled by him.

"What's wrong?? What's your name?"

Dream asked, keeping his gaze on the other. The boy sniffled, tears still running down his cheeks.

"S-Skeppy... a-and my f-f-friend... B-Bad he...he was killed b-by a shark..."

The boy, Skeppy, cried. Dream hugged him, rubbing his back.

"I-it's ok!... H-he's in a better place now, Called heaven! Also m-my name's Dream.."

Dream stuttered, trying his best to comfort the other. Skeppy hugged him back, crying for a little while before relaxing.

"Th-thanks Dream... Friends?"

Skeppy spoke, earning a small giggle and nodding, smiling. Skeppy found himself smiling slightly, wiping his tears away. Dream kept hugging him, still smiling widely.


Dream stated enthusiastically, giggling again. Skeppy found himself blushing a slight bit, chuckling softly.

"Dude! Helloooo??"

Dream snapped out of his thoughts, looking at Skeppy who had been calling him. Dream rubbed the back of his neck.

"S-Sorry Skeppy,"

He apologised, earning a chuckle from Skeppy. He pushed him slightly, grinning as he spoke again, pushing him playfully again.

"Don't apologise man! It's not your fault you can't help but stare at me!"

Skeppy stated, putting his hands on his hips and chuckling again. Dream's face went red and he puffed out his cheeks, before giggling softly. It was Skeppy's turn to blush, though not as much.


Dream stuttered, looking off to the side and crossing his arms. Skeppy chuckles, shaking his head. Dream thinks before grabbing his hand, dragging him over to somebody.

"Schlatt! Hey! What's up??"

Dream yelled, jumping on the taller male. Schlatt hugged him back, smiling slightly. He looked like one of those guys who would get into fights constantly, and the bruise on his cheek didn't help Skeppy's suspicions on him.

"Hey Dream, I'm good. Who's he?"

Schlatt questioned, pointing at Skeppy. Dream let go of Schlatt, who didn't let go of him, and went to hug Skeppy again, though was pulled back.

"That's Skeppy! And Schlatt, let go of meeeeee!"

He stated, pushing Schlatt playfully. Skeppy found himself getting upset, not liking this person one bit. Dream got out of Schlatt's grip, going back to Skeppy and hugging him. Skeppy and Schlatt stared at each other for a few moments before Dream broke it up, saying that he was headed to the dorms.

Skeppy nodded, saying he'd go too. Schlatt sighed, bidding his friend farewell. Dream waved goodbye to him, giggling before running off, being followed by Skeppy. They got to the dorm, and Skeppy told Dream he wanted to talk.

"Yeah? What's up Skeppy?"

Dream questioned, tilting his head slightly as he sat on his bed. Skeppy sat next to him, sighing before bringing up his issue.

"I don't want you to hang out with him."

Skeppy stated simply. Dream was shocked by this, though didn't get upset or anything, knowing Skeppy had a hard time trusting people.

"How come?"

He asked, reaching up and patting his head. Skeppy sighed, smiling slightly before letting his expression return to the serious one.

"He's a bad influence. I've heard about the fights, his crimes, his grades. You shouldn't hang out with people like that, they'll hurt you."

Skeppy explained, to which Dream nodded, hugging Skeppy.

"If, if that makes you feel better, I'll stop hanging out with people you don't like.."

Dream said, kind of sad though, understanding. Dream cuddled up to Skeppy, to which a Skeppy smiled. He wrapped his arms around the other, laying back. He could tell Dream was tired, and he was too, though it made sense as it was pretty late now.

Dream stayed cuddled up to him, falling asleep quite quickly. Skeppy kept his arms around the other, kissing the top of his head before falling asleep himself.

The end.
I know it hasn't even been a proper day but- I'm alright for now,
Thanks for all your kind comments!
Although, I deleted the chapter because I honestly didn't want to bring anymore people down with it-
Thanks for reading this!
I hope you liked it!
I love you all! <3<3
Have a good day/afternoon/night!

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