Corpsewastaken - Dealer Dream in Borderland

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TW: Spoilers for Alice In Borderland, Attempted r * p e, death

Dream ran around the 5th floor, trying to fight back his small smile. He had to get back to thinking like one of the participants, right. It was a live or die situation. He heard someone shout from a floor or so below him, another man he saw at the start.

"EVERYONE!! HE'S UP HERE!! OVER HERE!! HE'S OVER HERE, ON THE SECOND LEVEL!!! HE CAN'T SEE PROPERLY BECAUSE OF HIS MASK!! TELL US WHERE HE IS IF YOU SEE HIM! AND LET'S ALL LOOK FOR THE SYMBOL!!" The male yelled, obviously running as he did. Dream found himself smiling at the fact he was trying to work with everyone- first time in a while. He was impressed- very much so.

"Welp, May as well I guess," He whispered to himself, checking one more door before looking over the edge. He decided to play along- I mean, he could still die if he was caught- but that's what made it so exciting. "HE'S IN THE FOURTH LEVEL HALLWAY IN THE CENTRAL BUILDING, ANYONE THERE SHOULD GET OUT!!" He called out, quickly getting up from the spot he had ducked under. He ran along the hallway, running into somebody.

"Get out of here!" He said quickly, looking behind him only to see the person wearing the horse mask. He apologised to the lady he ran into, jumping onto the wall and jumping to the pole- climbing up quickly- successfully reaching the 6th floor. The dirty blonde stayed where he was for a few moments, before getting back to moving- it didn't take long for him to catch his breath. He was a runner after all. An announcement rung out-

"The game will be over in, 8, minutes. There are currently, 7 survivors."

Dream smiled at that- 7 left, wow. They were doing good! With any luck, they'd all survive! "Alright, so only 6 deaths, wow!" He quietly exclaimed to himself, mentally clapping. Dream took a moment before climbing down to the fourth floor, where he knew a certain group of people were. He landed on the edge, quickly speaking.

"I checked the south side of the fifth floor, and the south and east side of the sixth floor. Let's split up and find the symbol," Dream sort of panted for a moment, before slowing his breathing down to a reasonable rate. "I didn't check the first and second floors," The other male, Arisu, spoke. "Alright, I'll go check," The dirty blonde nodded slightly, getting ready to jump off.

"Hey!" Two of them yelled- he could tell they were worried he'd fall to his death. He caught onto the ledge a floor down though, quickly going down one more- to the second floor. He immediately started checking each door. Dream was extremely happy to keep going, checking and passing each and every door without fail.

"Holy shit- This is so much better than the other games!" He laughed quietly. He would have to stick around these people. Dream had a feeling the symbol was up where Arisu was checking- he saw the horse mask person shooting around it. "SOMEONE GET OVER HERE! THE SYMBOL'S UP HERE! ROOM 406!! I CANT CLEAR THE GAME ALONE!" The dirty immediately got to running and climbing- trying to make his smile go away.

After this game was over, he was definitely going to go home and cuddle with his lover- at least until he hears of another fun game he can play. There was less than one minute remaining when he finally managed to get up there. He got there just in time to get a taser in the last ten seconds. He also only just managed to keep Arisu from dying.

Dream pressed one of the two buttons that had to be pressed just as Arisu did the same- both at the last possible second. "Game cleared," Came from their phones, Dream covering his mouth to hide the massive smile. The dirty blonde looked to where the other horse mask guy was, watching as their blood painted the walls behind them. Or, her. She was crying before she died, and he felt a little bit sad, he'll admit.

As soon as he and Arisu finished talking, he made off- walking down the stairs. Dream smiled widely as he started running to his home- excited to see his lover again. When he got home, he shrugged his jacket off, along with the pants he wore over shorts- it was cold outside, okay. Dream called out for the other male while looking around for him. "Corpsey! I'm home!" He called, before feeling a pair of arms wrap around his waist.

"Hey Dream, glad to see you're back," The familiar deep voice hummed, a gentle, loving kiss being pressed to the back of his neck. "I missed you too, now, c'mon, I want cuddles," Dream giggled lightly, grabbing Corpse's hand and pulling him to their bedroom. Corpse pulled Dream close once they laid down, them both shifting to get comfortable.

They ended up laying with their legs entangled, Corpse's arms around Dream while the dirty blonde had his hands on the other's chest. Corpse had his head tucked under Dream's chin, pressing gentle kisses to his neck every few moments. "Stop~ That tickles!" It was funny how, there was so much death and destruction around, and they didn't care.

"How's your visa looking, dear?"

"I still have 10 days, everyone in my game gave up,"

"Aww, I've got 8 days,"

"That's alright, how many days did today add?"

"Oh, i forgot that! So, I technically have 13 days,"

They both spoke- wanting to know whatever they could about each other and the time they had left to just, cuddle. "Oh! I met this guy, he's actually smart-" Dream smiled, not catching how Corpse growled quietly at first. "You better not run off with him.." Corpse mumbled, pinching a bit of the skin on Dream's neck between his teeth.

"Oh heavens no! He's smart but, I'm not into guys like him. Besides~ I've got a better man right here," The dirty blonde nuzzled closer to the brunette, a small smile on his face. "Damn right, baby," Dream chuckled quietly at the pet name, letting one of his hands move from Corpse's chest, moving to his hair and gently combing through it. "I love you.." The dirty blonde whispered, his eyes threatening to close.

"I love you too," He briefly heard the other hum before falling asleep. After a day or so, Dream went out again- looking for that guy he mentioned. The dirty blonde found him looking absolutely terrible. So, as he did, he took the man in. He and Corpse had two parts of the house, one was for if they brought someone in- they couldn't trust people enough. The other was for just them.

Dream took Arisu to the part for new comers, laying him down on a makeshift bed and cooking something easy but nutritious. He started eating a bit of it by himself- he knew Corpse would make himself something. He kept an eye on Arisu the entire time- not going in the other side of the house, even to sleep. He was determined to help the guy- he wanted to team up with him, sort of. When Arisu woke up, he made the man eat and drink.

Dream didn't remember much else happening. They joined another game, nearly died, and then went to this place- 'The Beach'. He didn't get to see much of what happened- he knew there was another game, he didn't know much, really. The last thing he remembered before leaving the place was, well, something happening with Arisu- he was taken- and then he, himself, was dragged to a room and pinned down.

He blanked out for most of it- he remembered struggling and crying softly, nothing else. Not before he was saved by none other than his love. "I swear, I'm going to fucking kill each and every one of them who touched you- No, not even kill. They'll fucking wish they were dead.."


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