NO SHIP - Requested - Dream- !!

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No ship again, Sorry
Requested by: Dreamentine
Angsty stuff <3 Older Brother Dream!
TW: Mentions of Abuse,
3rd Person

Tommy and Tubbo had started noticing Dream acting strange, and his, odd fear of people. Whenever Somebody rose their hand to high five one of the 16 year olds, Dream would take them away. Whenever somebody rose their hand in general, he would tense and stand in front of them.

Though, they didn't question it much until something happened between him and Sapnap. Dream had just beat the other in a game, and they were congratulating each other. Sapnap rose his hand for a high five, though Dream flinched rather harshly and ran away.

Sapnap had explained it to the two, seeing as they hung around him the most. They both said they had no idea what was going on, and that was true. Sure they had heard Dream's mother yelling at him and him being, sort of emotional about it, but it was never serious. Until something else happened.

Dream had gotten back from visiting his family for the week, and Tommy and Tubbo wanted to go see him. They walked up the stairs happily, though froze in place moments after opening the door to his room. Dream had his shirt and jumper off, though was facing away.

There was a mirror in front of him and he was currently bandaging himself. They would've shrugged it off if it weren't for the fact they could see the wounds, as well as his face.

His chest and stomach had very prominent red marks that had been engraved on his skin, along side bruises and a few faint cuts. His back had proper deep, dark red gashes, all having the same pattern. He had a whole bunch of bruises around his back, and more of the red marks. Along his sides there were, what looked to be, bite marks.

His wrists had red marks around them as well, so did his neck and ankles that you could barely see. Their eyes scanned his face through the mirror, seeing his red and green eyes, a bruise over his red eye, and a cut over his green. He had a few bruises on his jaw as well.

You could also see the dried up blood from a blood nose he had, along side the fact he had bled from his mouth. The dirty blonde male didn't seem to notice them until he finished bandaging himself. He turned so he could see how his back was covered, though that's when he saw Tommy and Tubbo.

"T-Tommy! Tubbo!... h-how long have you been standing there?.."

Dream stuttered, his eyes widened in surprise. Tubbo looked down, crying quietly while Tommy also had tears in his eyes, thinking about what could've happened.

"Long enough see all of that..."

Tommy stated, trying to keep his composure. Dream stood up quickly, though fell back, crying out in pain. He tried to be as quiet as he could, though it was hard. Tommy and Tubbo both gave in at the same time, running over to him and hugging him, crying.

Dream closed his eyes tightly, gritting his teeth as he wrapped his arms around them. Dream was in pain, a lot of pain, though he tried not to make it too obvious to the other two. They both just kept crying, as Dream tried to calm them down through his pain. 

He ended up moving so they could lay down, frankly exhausted. He lays down, pulling Tommy and Tubbo down with him. He whimpered quietly, biting his bottom lip to avoid making anymore sounds of pain. Tommy and Tubbo understood that he was in pain and moved as well, so they weren't almost on top of him.

Dream curled up slightly, all three of them falling asleep. Though, Dream straight up passed out due to the pain, a tear rolling down his cheek as he did.

The end.
This isn't great, I know-
I'm sorry that it's shorter than normal as well!
But I tried!
I love you all!
I hope you enjoyed this!
Have an incredible day/afternoon/night!

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