DNB - Negligence causes problems

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TW: Mentions of alcohol and abuse, negligence ? Possible implied eating disorder-

Dream looked up at the female, contemplating trying to talk to her- then he noticed the cigarette in one of her hands, the other holding a bottle of alcohol.. The dirty blonde quickly turned away from his mother, walking off and back to his room. He knew she wouldn't like him talking to her, and unlike when she was sober, she wouldn't just ignore him or send him off, she'd start hitting him- he wasn't in the mood for that.

Dream sat down on his bed if you could even call it that anymore and reached into one of the bags on the floor, pulling out a small bottle of gum- it was one of those bottles that they came in, they were really cheap at the moment, so he had a lot he normally had to steal them. The dirty blonde grabbed a piece, broke it in half and placed one half of the piece of gum in his mouth, chewing it slowly, trying to convince his body he was eating.

He couldn't stand the pain from being hungry, he needed a way to numb it. He put the other half back in the bottle, for later. Dream grabbed his phone out, looking through messages from friends. They had just been talking about all doing a big gather up just outside the school- so instead of everyone splitting into their usual friend groups, they all hung out, to hopefully fix relationships between some of them.

Dream sighed softly, putting his phone down next to him before curling up on his bed, letting himself fall asleep. He didn't care about the gum at the second,When the dirty blonde woke up the next morning, quickly getting ready for school - He spat his gum out into a bin before hand. Dream quickly went to the school- looking for his friend group, and, more specifically, his lover.

When he got to the gates, he saw a decently sized group and he ran over, greeting his friends while still looking for his love. Just when the dirty blonde had given up, a pair of arms had snuck around his waist, making him yelp in surprise. "Hey love," The pinkette smiled from behind him, kissing the top of Dream's head.

"Techno- you asshole!" Techno just laughed, his smile not fading until he whispered into Dream's ear. "Have you been eating? You seem too...thin and small.." Dream looked down slightly, hearing the pinkette sigh quietly- whenever Dream had something going on that the other hit on the dot, he would look down slightly- without meaning to, and that would be the answer to Techno's question.

"I'm sorry.." "It's alright, baby... I'll get you some food later, and then, after school, you can come over to mine?" Dream nodded slightly, burying his face in the pinkette's shoulder. When the bell rang, he and Techno went to their first class together- english.

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