DNB again? - Aftermath (Part 2 of 'The Reason Why He Didn't Share')

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Over the next few days, Dream stayed sleeping, exhausted from both reliving his trauma not even all of it and from his re-opened wound. Which would've hurt like fuck if he was awake. "He's in a sort of, panic induced sleep. He shut his mind down in order to escape, basically. Don't worry too much," Phil explained, looking at the pinkette who was still by Dream's side.

"But- What if he's not okay? What if he-" "Techno, go eat something," Techno huffed, but listened. He stood up and walked to the kitchen, grabbing something quickly and starting to eat it. "Te-Techno- Techno- Techno-" Dream was frantically feeling around, looking for Techno blindly.He had his eyes opened, but he couldn't see.

He wasn't blind, but, his eye- the one that was there- decided not to work. Techno ran over, disregarding his food in favour for holding one of Dream's hands, stroking his cheek. "Sh sh sh, I'm here, I'm here.." Dream held onto his shirt as soon as he found it, sitting up so he could hug Techno properly.

"Hey, don't push yourself," Techno mumbled, running a hand through dirty blonde hair as tears soaked his shirt. "You're okay, you're okay.." "Oh god, Techno.. I-I-" "Nightmare?.." "Y-Yeah- I- I'm so scared that- that they'll t-take me back-" "As long as I'm here, that won't happen."

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