No specific ship - Deal?

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Dream clenched his fists as he watched one of the people from backstage start walking out, he could see it from the corner of his eye. He briefly spotted something silver and shiny in their hand, though he paid almost no mind. What bothered him, was that he didn't recognise this person.

Within the same seconds of seeing them, they had a knife to his throat- Dream didn't even flinch. "I apologise everyone, I assure you this won't take long," Dream smiled at his audience softly. They were just in the middle of practising for the next part of lore they had planned. He could see them move to start fighting, but, they didn't actually start.

The reason being this person wouldn't hesitate to cut his neck open at the feeling of a threat. "I came to negotiate, Dream," "Oh?" Dream raised an eyebrow, even if they couldn't see it. The person leaned in to whisper into the younger's ear. "I apologise, but I can only do half of that, I'm not okay with actually murdering anyone,"

The dirty blonde spoke casually, keeping his gaze forwards. "Fine, then I'll have to take something else from you," They growled quietly, making Dream confused. "And what would that be?" The younger of the two briefly looked back, tensing a lot when he felt something cold slide down his back- making him shudder. Wait but- how did he feel it through his top- Oh.. That's what they meant.

Dream shook as his top slid down from his arms, his legs the same but down his legs- the knife pressing more against his neck. "H-How did you know.." Dream stammered, tears building in his eyes. "I knew you before you transitioned, simple," They hummed. Dream was forced to stand there with his arms by his sides, full body out and exposed. 

Everyone seemed worried and shocked, especially by the way he didn't have.. male parts, his chest and his lower part looked like they both belonged to a woman- it didn't mean Dream was any less of a man though. He stayed still even as the person walked away, because of the crossbow aimed directly at him.

As soon as they were gone, he dropped to his knees, hugging himself and sobbing silently. "Dream, hey.. Um, we're here for you, okay? While I can't say we didn't see both, I can say that we don't think any less of you.." He heard Wilbur beside him, followed by something being wrapped around him- Techno's cape.

 "They saw- You saw- Y-You all.." Dream managed to get out, holding himself tighter- bringing his knees to his chest. "D-Don't do that, Dream my cape isn't long enough-" Dream instantly lowered his legs again, understanding what it was he was referring to immediately. "C'mon, I'll go help you pick out some clothes," Fundy smiled softly at him, offering his hand.

Dream took it, tears starting to actually drip to the floor. "If it makes you feel better, you have fuckin amazing mommy milkers, and a dumptruck for an ass-" Quackity nudged Sapnap, silently telling him to shut the fuck up. "Not the time.." The beanie wearing man whispered to him.

Punz went with Fundy and Dream as well, so he could hold something to cover their view of Dream if he decided to strip first before getting clothes.

Don't be mad at pandas- He didn't mean to make it worse-

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