Abusive DNF - I can't take it anymore. (Part 2 of " "Destiny" " )

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- Transphobia
- Misgendering
- Isolation
- Abuse
- Deadnaming
- George is an asshole
- Abusive George
- R.pe mentions

I think that's all.
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Dream's hands shook a lot as he dropped his phone, tears flooding his eyes as he realized how badly he messed up. George knew he tried to get help now, George answered the call intended for his friend, he saw the text, what was he going to do- if he reached out to someone else, they'd probably end up believing George.

They all saw him as a kind, caring person because of how he acted around them, they never saw his darker side. The roleplay on the smp however, had caused Dream to act terrible, as he had to.. They all knew it was acting but it still could affect their view of him. Oh gods.. "I-I'm sorry George- Please.. I-I didn't mean to, It was a mistake-" Dream stammered, trying to hold back a sob.

"Don't lie to me Destiny. You better not tell anyone else, otherwise your punishment will be much worse, whore," The dirty blonde felt tears on his cheeks. "I'll be back soon, better be fucking ready to be punished by the time I'm back," Dream didn't say anything, just listening as the other hung up.

He curled up and cried, terrified of how he'd be punished this time- properly this time. He curled up on the floor, having no choice but to wait. He couldn't risk telling someone else- he was too scared to. An hour or so later, the one he was afraid of showed up, walking to him and frowning. "You remember what you did, yes?" Dream nodded, not trusting his voice what so ever.

"I asked you a fucking question, slut. I expect an answer," The dirty blonde looked up at the brunette, tears in his eyes. "I r-remember, sir.." George kicked him to the floor, pushing his foot into the others chest, making it as painful as he could without any physical injuries. "Fucking whore, now.. how should I punish you this time.." 

"How about~ We make every punishment after this a lot more painful, hm?~ Or maybe we save that for next time~" George smirked at how Dream seemed to understand what he meant.. "G-Georgie- please- Babe, baby no-not that.." Dream tried to plead, though he was stopped.

"You know, you're lucky i still take care of you, fucking ungrateful slut. I feed you, I give you a house, I give you love, I let you have friends," George listed off things that he did for Dream, knowing how bad it'd make the dirty blonde feel. "...I st-still help an-" George slapped him.

"Who practically makes all of your videos for you? Me. I'm the only reason you have fans," George grabbed a pair of handcuffs and put one half around one of Dream's wrists- the other would be to keep him in one area. "But I-" Dream tried to speak, though George just shut him up again.

"Shut up already Destiny! I'm so fucking over your whining!" Dream stayed quiet after that.George lead Dream to another room- a room Dream hated. As much as Dream hated the torture he was put through in most punishments which wouldn't end for hours, Dream hated this the most.

He was isolated completely in a fully white room, there were no windows, George even removed the fucking door handle on the inside. When he was punished like this, he wouldn't get food or water either- not any more than what he was given right after being put into the room. Sometimes George would put something over his ears so Dream couldn't hear anything.

The dirty blonde couldn't even sleep, it was always either too cold or too hot in that room. "George please- Not in here-" Dream pleaded, but it was too late anyway. "I'll get you out in a week, unless you're too loud," George stated as he put the other part of the handcuffs around a metal pole in the room. George left without another word, locking the door behind him. 

Dream sunk down to the floor, what did he get himself into.. He loved George, he really really did, but he couldn't take it anymore. Dream had been with the brunette for a year now, during the first few weeks he was so loving, so sweet, so accepting- but that all changed when Dream told him he was trans, and trusted him with his dead name.

Despite the way he seemed so supportive on streams, he really wasn't- not to Dream at least. It had originally just been a couple hits here and there when he didn't listen, and occasional deadnaming. Now, George refused to call Dream by his name unless on stream. Dream endured 11-ish months of this abuse, he couldn't deal with it anymore.

He hoped George forgot to get his- Dream's- phone and tell Sapnap that Dream was joking. Nothing notable happened for the rest of the week- not for him at least.When he was let out, he was given back his phone- but George wouldn't let him use it unless the brunette was watching him.

"I'm sure Sapnap wants a reply from you," George had said when he was let out and given his phone. Dream had quickly gone back to the messages with Sapnap and saw all the messages he missed. He started typing a reply.

 'it was a prank, Haha! i got you :) Everything is fine, we're still in Love and i don't thinking anything could Possibly go wrong!'

 Dream sent the message. He was glad George didn't pay much attention to the capitalization. If he did, Dream would be screwed.

 'Dream- Oh my fucking god you scared me! Don't do that again! Are you sure you're okay?'

Fuck, Sapnap didn't notice either from the looks of it.

 'yeah, I'm okay! i'm sorry about scaring you, i didn't Mean to do that. george would Never do anything to make me not Okay! Trust me, if he did i'd send you a message! He's Excellent as well! Lol, anyways Peace,' 

Sapnap seemed to understand that time.

 'Is he there with you? If so, say hi for me!'

 Dream sighed with relief. "Tell him I'm not." George told Dream, and he had no choice but to listen.

 'he's not sadly, he went out to get a Youtube award, he's Extremely dedicated to his work, Seriously!'

'George really is dedicated, and if you're lonely I could come over :) we could play minecraft if you wanna'

 "Tell him he can't come over, you can play minecraft though," George hummed, getting up and leaving.

 'sorry, you can't come over but we can Play minecraft! Only if you Let me burn your Items :) Can you Exit the chat and hop on now?'

'Sure thing! I'll log on now, wanna call?'

 'idk Yet, we'll figure that out when we're on the game! Even if we do decide to call, i might have to leave Soon, a bit sick yknow?'

'Alrighty! I'll see you ig then :)'

Dream got up from the couch, taking his phone with him. He went to his gaming set up, if they didn't actually play the game, George would be suspicious. He got the game up and running, making a new world and sending Sapnap the ip. He hoped Sapnap called the police before they started playing, he needed to get out of this place..

Dream put on his headphones, calling Sapnap on discord- George hadn't said anything about calling, so it'd be fine for now. "Hey Dream.." Sapnap answered the call really quick. "Hey Sap,' Dream greeted, smling slightly at his friend's voice. "I called the police while we were talking before, they're on their way," The ravenette spoke.

"Thank you Sapnap, honestly..." Dream felt like crying- but he couldn't. "Don't thank me, there's no reason to," Dream couldn't help but smile. "Do you know when they'll be here?" Dream asked, he tried to stay quiet so George couldn't hear the question. "They said 15 minutes max," Sapnap told him.

Sapnap wished he could help more, he wanted to comfort his friend in person, tell him he'd be okay, that his other friend- or was it ex-friend now?- wouldn't be able to hurt him anymore. They stopped talking about Dream's situation, they didn't mention police, time, George, nothing like that. Until Dream could hear the sirens.

"I think they're here," Dream whispered, not turning around until he was one hundred percent sure George wasn't there. "Dream, go let them in- everything will be okay now," Dream didn't say anything as he got up and took his headset off. The dirty blonde quickly and quietly made his way downstairs, opening the door for the police. "Are you Dream Clayton?" Dream nodded.

"Is George Found here?" The dirty blonde nodded again. Three policemen had already gone into the house, looking around for any dangers. "Your friend, Sapnap Pandas, reported that you were in danger because of George, is this true?" Dream nodded once again. "I found him!" One of the others shouted, bringing George over.

The brunette was restrained, in case he tried to act out against them. "You fucking bitch- I gave you everything and this is what I get in return?!" George shouted when he saw Dream, there was no way he was getting out of this either way. The dirty blonde didn't say anything, holding his arms close to himself.

"You have the right to remain silent," One of the officers said, they seemed happy with themselves because of that. After a couple seconds, Dream walked back upstairs to grab his phone. He wanted to get out of this house, at least until he felt like he could actually remove everything George would use. He called Sapnap, his hands shaking a bit.

"Dream? Are you okay???" Sapnap answered quickly. "Yeah.. th-they got him.. can you pick me up?... please?.." Dream wanted to cry. "Of course, I'll be there soon," Dream could just hear the reassuring smile on the other's face. He could hear Sapnap getting up and quickly getting ready to leave. The ravenette grabbed his keys and went to his car, neither saying anything.

"Pack your stuff Dream, if you have anything to bring, I'll be there in around 8 minutes," Sapnap hummed out as he started his car. Dream didn't say anything and walked around the house, looking for his cat. When he found her, he knelt down and started petting her. "Hey Patches.." Dream mumbled, standing up after a minute or two.

He went to his room and grabbed some clothes and his adhd medication- putting them in a bag. After that, he went to the kitchen and got Patches' food and water bowls, as well as the food he gave her.Dream heard Sapnap's car pull up to his house. He looked at his phone, seeing Sapnap had hung up a bit ago.

"C'mon Patches," Dream picked her up gently, grabbing his two bags and going out the front. Dream put Patches in the car before hugging Sapnap, holding on tight. "Let's get your stuff in the back," Sapnap hummed, taking Dream's bags. The dirty blonde got into the car. He smiled when Patches jumped into his lap, curling up and making it very clear she wasn't moving.

Dream put his seatbelt on before beginning to pat her again. "Hey Sap..." Dream looked up at Sapnap as the ravenette got into the car. "Hey Dream.. I'm here for you," Sapnap smiled softly, he wanted to make sure the other knew that. "I know... thank you," The dirty blonde smiled back. Sapnap's smile grew a bit before he put his own seatbelt on and started up the car.

"Do you wanna go visit Drista?" Sapnap looked at the other. "Can we go tomorrow..?" Sapnap nodded. "Of course, I want you to treat staying with me as, living with a roomate- obviously. You can do whatever you want, ask for anything you need, etc etc," The ravenette kept talking, he had learnt a little while ago that Dream didn't enjoy silence in the car, apparently whenever it was silent while George was driving, it meant the brunette was pissed off at him.

"Patches is really cute," The ravenette smiled. "Thanks, she really is.." Dream looked down at her, continuing to pat her. "When we get home, are you planning to go to bed or do you wanna watch movies?" Sapnap didn't want to decide for the other, he knew the brunette would. "Whatever means we can cuddle," The dirty blonde half-joked.

"Awh~ We can cuddle either way," Sapnap smiled widely, chuckling a bit. They reached Sapnap's house after a couple minutes, going inside with his two bags- one had Patches' stuff, the other had his.After they put the two bags down, Dream hugged Sapnap tight. The dirty blonde started crying, Sapnap just held him.

They stayed like that for a while, until one question slipped from Dream without him thinking. "..How will we e-explain this to the fans..?" George had a lot of fans, and they would notice him missing. They'd undoubtedly ask Dream, Sapnap and possibly Bad about it.

"We don't have to tell them unless you want to.. We can tell them he's gone somewhere, it wouldn't be a lie," Sapnap said. "..What about our friends?.." Sapnap ran his hand through Dream's hair. "Again, unless you want to tell them, we can say he wasn't the same, and he had to be taken away," Dream nodded slightly. "Ok... Thank you, Sapnap.."

A couple months later 

Dream smiled as he beat Sapnap in a fight again- watching the other's character reappear at spawn. "What do you think, chat, another round?" Dream asked, looking to the side to read the chat. His smile slowly faded away when he heard a donation being read out, it was part of something from the news.

" 'British youtuber, George Found, has been accused of abusing and r@p3ing his year long boyfriend, Dream Clayton. George Found was arrested on the 9th of August at exactly 2:49 pm. George Found has pleaded innocent, and a trial is said to be held soon.' mind explaining?'

The text-to-speech voice read out, Dream freezing up. "Sap- I don't want to- I can't-" Dream looked up at the ravenette, his breath quickening. "Dream, I'm going to need you to end the stream for me, okay? Can you do that?" Dream ended the stream, curling up in his seat. Sapnap went into Dream's room, the dirty blonde was still staying with the ravenette, obviously. "Can you breathe for me? Just follow my lead, it's okay, he won't hurt you,"

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You guys wanted this, here you go. I hope you enjoyed it :)

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