No ship - Requested - Big bro!

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No ship
Requested by: @UnknownUserQwQ
Warning: Cussing, Big brother Dream, Death
3rd Person

Dream ran over to where Tommy and Tubbo were, hearing about their fight. He got in between them, but didn't let either of them leave.

"Apologise to each other."

Dream demanded, surprising the two. Tommy started screaming things like 'Why should I apologise?!', 'He started it', ect. Dream puts a finger to his lips, shutting him up again.


He repeated, purposely leaving spaces between the letters. Tommy looked at Tubbo, who was just standing there. Tubbo looks back at him, both visibly annoyed.

"I'm sorry Tommy/Tubbo."

They said in unison, making them burst out laughing. Dream smiles, backing away a bit, but not fully leaving. Tommy and Tubbo looked at each other again, both having some...look that Dream couldn't read. They ended up hugging, both smiling.

Dream crosses his arms, nodding slightly. He stands up, seeing as he had sat down, and walks over to them, ruffling their hair.

"Good boys. Now, who put you up to fight?"

Dream asked, looking at both of them. He knew for a fact neither of them had the guts to start a fight with the other on their own free will, so he was going to find out who it was. Tommy and Tubbo look at each other, then Dream. Tommy spoke first, stating it was Techno who put him up to this. Then Tubbo spoke, saying it was Wilbur.

"Alright, well. How about you two go do something together? I have some business to attend to.."

Dream spoke, Tommy and Tubbo nodding and running off, although, they were going to follow him. Dream started walking in the direction of Techno's house, deciding to pay him a little visit first. He ended up getting bored and using multiple ender pearls.

Dream got there quickly, smiling as he looked around. He looked at the bee farm, and he caught a slight glimpse of the Turtles. He almost considered breaking one of those but he decided against it, he could personally use them later.

The dirty blonde male knocks on the pinkette's door, it quickly being opened. Techno smiled softly, going outside to talk to him. Dream returned the smile, keeping up his friendly appearance. Tommy and Tubbo were confused as to why he was being so friendly, when just before he seemed pissed.

Techno wrapped an arm around Dream's waist, going to kiss him. The blonde stopped him however, reaching behind him to take off the mask. Although. The two 16 year olds could see what he was actually getting, it was a tiny blade, but, small sharp things can go a long way.

Dream wrapped an arm around Techno's neck, asking him to take off the mask for him, to which the pinkette did, though, not before Dream pressed the blade against the back of Techno's neck, surprisingly enough actually drawing blood and going deep.

Techno's eyes widened in pain, and he let go of Dream, reaching for the back of his neck. He ended up turning around to try and make it easier. Tommy and Tubbo's eyes also widened, one, because Dream actually took off his mask, and two, because of the extremely bloody mess known as Techno's neck.

The pinkette fell to the ground, Dream pushing an arrow through his side just to make sure he did bleed out, hopefully to death. If he didn't bleed to death, The blonde would just have to go back. He started leaving, having picked up his mask.

He didn't bother to put it on though, just walking with the mask in his hands. He started running, knowing where Wilbur would be. Wilbur had, yes, turned into Ghostbur, but they were able to resurrect him, so, he was again, Wilbur. He seemed to reside in the community house a lot, so that's where Dream went.

Tommy and Tubbo kept following, honestly terrified just by what the blonde had already done. They got to the community house, and Dream went straight to Wilbur, not even thinking for a second before sitting on his lap. Wilbur was caught of guard, yes, but still smiled, wrapping his arms around the other.

Dream smiled, looking into his eyes, which were wandering across his face, examining it. Dream waited a few moments before bringing Wilbur's face to his neck, holding it there. At first, Wilbur didn't see any problem with it, that only changed when he couldn't breathe, at all.

Wilbur pats his back, trying to tell him to let go, though Dream just chuckled, keeping him there. Wilbur ended up biting his neck to try and get him to let go, though, Dream didn't react, other than getting a grip on his hair, letting out a shaky breath.

Tommy and Tubbo watched as Wilbur struggled, Tubbo covering his mouth while tears ran down his cheeks. Tommy just watched in horror, his eyes wide. George walked into the house, expecting only Wilbur, he almost instantly ran away when he saw the two however.

Dream got up after Wilbur completely stopped moving, letting him go. Wilbur fell back instantly, Dream just smiling as he started walking away, rubbing his neck gently. Tommy and Tubbo decided to confront him, jumping onto him so he couldn't escape.

"Dream! What the hell?! Why did you kill them?!"

Tommy yelled, only earning a chuckle from Dream. He shook his head, ruffling his hair.

"They have another life still- Geez."

Dream spoke, chuckling again. Tommy and Tubbo got up, helping the dirty blonde up as well, sighing. They stated how he still shouldn't kill people, even if they have a life left. Dream sighed, 'fine fine', he said simply.

The end.
Sorry if this isn't what you wanted- but I wanted to finish this-
Also, I wanted Dream to murder someone- Lmao-
Anyway, Thanks for reading!
And thanks for all the support!
Love you all!
Have a great day/afternoon/night!

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